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    Atlanta, Ga

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  1. Shutup you all sound like pregnant women. Stop being so bipolar and enjoy basketball. :sobbing: Jamal is a good player but he is not perfect nor is Joe. This team lost the lead as a whole.
  2. You are absolutely right..the heat should be back 5 or 6 games from us. Its our own fault that they are getting close. Its only the truth.
  3. Everyone doesnt ride Marta. Families going to see the game are not going to take the bus.
  4. Yeah, i dont think the snow will be the problem, its the roads. There have already been many accidents.
  5. I hope we do, but i seriously doubt it
  6. I think Joe just has a laid back demeanor, which makes his seem quiet, but his teammates say that he's actually not quiet. I really dont think Horford is quiet either.
  7. Whoa! its not that serious. :cant believe:
  8. Let me guess, you're an Eagle fan. :laughing5:
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