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Everything posted by Atlsportfanz

  1. If Atlanta comes at him with a max deal this offseason, I would expect that he would re-sign pretty quickly. If not, we may lose him after next season. Why not go to New York and partner with Lebron or Bosh?
  2. The pessimist in me sees both Bibby and Marvin leaving after this season because our ownership will want to cost expenses. And thereby making the Hawks into a sorry product that no fan will really care about. I truly hope I'm wrong but I still doubt it.
  3. For me, I wouldn't use anything above a 3rd or 4th round choice on a TE. The Falcons offense was 6th in the league with a rookie qb last season. So if we get moderate improvement out of Ryan, we'll be a top of the league offense with the pieces we currently have. Also, I don't want 4 or 5 million a year (what it would cost to get a Tony G, Winslow type) via trade locked into a position that all we really need is a old school Bubba Franks type. Someone who can catch 3rd and short or goalline balls. Obviously it depends on who falls but these would be my first round targets (assuming Dimitrioff doesn't trade down to stockpile picks): Vontae Davis, CB Clemson William Moore, S Missouri B.J. Raji, DT Boston College Clint Sintim, OLB Virginia
  4. Raptors' forward Chris Bosh called out teammate Jamario Moon for allowing Atlanta's Joe Johnson to get to the basket late in Toronto's loss on Monday. "We're up by two points," Bosh said. "Watch the film. He gives him a straight line to the basket. Joe Johnson. All Star. Whatever you want to call him, one of the best players or two-guards in the league, and you give him a straight line. You can't. That's the mental thing we are talking about. We're up by two. If he scores over you what are we going to say? If he hits the jump shot, and you contest as good as you can what are we going to say? But don't give him a straight-line drive. He's too talented for that. He's too good for that, and that's what made me upset."
  5. Sanchez is the hotter name right now over Stafford after his big bowl game but come april when things shake out, it'll be Stafford as the top qb. Unless his wonderlic scores prove him unable to discern a football from a grape fruit, his big arm and size will propel him to the top.
  6. Smoltz is still one of my favorite players but if you consider that the Braves payed 14 million for 28 innings last year. You would have to assume that Lowe is certainly worth 1 million more for hopefully 180 innings more. And the trickle down effect is that our bullpen should be able to stay fresher because you now have inning eaters like Lowe, Vazquez, Kawakama, and maybe Hudson for the second half. (I'm not ready to put JJ into that category after only one season). Now if the Braves can add an outfield bat, (I know most are clamoring for Dunn, but I think we'll probably move a couple of prospects for one. Thank you Mr. Peavy) they may actually be able to compete in the East this year. Of course, if we flounder, you may see Chipper moved by the trade deadline.
  7. screw that! I'm waiting until after the physical to celebrate! Dang Furcal!
  8. New England, in recent years, has traded for or signed several notable big names. Randy Moss, Colvin, Adelius Thomas, Rodney Harrison, and Seau. I would include Welker since he was acquired by trade but to the average person, he wasn't that notable an acquisition when they made the deal. (even though the Patriots gave up more for him than for Moss).
  9. And I couldn't disagree with you more. It has everything to do with values. What he deems "valuable" His end goal may not be professional football. He may have loftier dreams than that. Who are we to bash him for possibly wanting to do something else with his life? Also, everyone knows him to be a man of faith who believes that he has a message to share. Where would he have a bigger platform next year? In college, as a potential 2 time Heisman winner and 3 time national champion or in the NFL holding a clipboard? He's beloved in Gainesville and Florida and can use that to further HIS goals, not his agents or anyone elses. Besides, what's wrong with striving to be the greatest college football player of all time? Something that may be in his reach next year. And sadly, all of this from a Noles fan.
  10. As I recall, Joe was matched up on Nelson the first time around, and he did practically nothing. I hope we see a repeat performance. Also, Josh and Marvin need to make Lewis and Hedo shoot contested jumpers. No free looks. That's not really on them as much as it is making sure that when we switch on defense somebody picks up the other guys man. If they get open looks from 3, it's going to be a long night. I would also let Horford/ZaZa go straight up with Howard. If you double, you play right into the magic's game plan.
  11. Obviously Bibby's salary would have to come down some. I don't think anyone would consider offering 14 million. If he keeps his current pace for the rest of the year (and stays healthy), I would imagine 8.5. Then there's Marvin. He's probably looking at 7.5 to 8 as well. For all of ZaZa's flaws, on the FA market, he's likely to get a decent salary. (Heck Kwame Brown got 2 years at 4 million a year.) ZaZa makes that now, so probably bump him up to 5. Of course, the biggest consideration is whether ownership will continue to allow for such a high salary limit. If they go cheap, we may very well find ourselves in the lottery next year.
  12. I've been more and more impressed by the amount of offensive sets that I've seen lately. (That backpick that freed Josh up for the lob from Bibby was beautiful.) But every team in crunch time, the plays are virtually the same. Get the ball to your best player, hopefully in a position where he can make a play. ISOJOE, KG on the block, Mello face up on the wing, Lebron top of the Key, Duncan on the block, Nash-Amare pick and roll. It's not just a Hawks thing. As said earlier, Bibby couldn't defend many 2's. At least not the one's that like to attack the rim or play in the post. Also, Miller would not really help our floor spacing because he doesn't shoot the 3 at all! Horford, ZaZa, Josh get a lot of cheap rebounds and one on one opportunities because Marvin, Joe, and Bibby keep defenders out of the paint.
  13. Plus it was Sund who brought in Mo and Flip. Those two have been crucial to our turnaround. Last night it was Flip who made big contributions off the bench.
  14. Personally, I see this being a Josh Smith 5+ block night. He really hasn't had one yet this season. And I could see that coming tonight against the Nuggets. No real reasoning behind it, just gut feeling.
  15. Right now, for this season, I wouldn't trade Joe for Mello. Joe is just a better all around player and certainly doesn't have the sometimes volatile personality that Mello has shown. However, over the long haul, if I knew that I could lock Mello up for a long contract, I would simply based on the age discrepancy. Mello - 24 JJ - 29 And to answer your other question I would put Joe as the 3rd best sg in the league. But a tier 2 player. Kobe and Wade are tier 1's.
  16. Is it just me or is the first sentence missing a word?? Shouldn't it read, "There was a time when the Detroit Pistons were the team that could beat YOU or THEIR OPPONENTS-inside and out-with a lineup filled with all stars." Shoddy editing, Sekou or AJC.
  17. If I were Wren, there's no way I move Escobar for Malholm. You don't move a prototypical #2 hitter for a 3rd or 4th starter. Not when he's so young and could be in your lineup for the next 10 years.
  18. If we do move Kelly or Escobar, I wouldn't mind seeing us bring in Pat Burrell to play LF. He'd be a good middle of the lineup thumper who could help our lineup tremendously. Chances are though is that we keep the status quo and feature a K. Johnson/M. Diaz platoon in lf.
  19. Just to roar up the Jake Peavy fire again, it appears the Braves are getting set to sign Rafael Furcal. That would probably mean that either Escobar or K. Johnson are going to be on the move. If it's Escobar, it's probably for Peavy since he was mentioned in previous talks. If it's Kelly, maybe Kelly, Frenchy, and a pitcher to the Royals for Grienke and J. Guillen.
  20. I have a christmas party so I won't be able to watch it until late night Wednesday. But I'll DVR both ESPN and Sportsouth!!
  21. Well, first I think it still speaks volumes about our fanbase. I don't expect anything to be done about it. It's just upsetting as a HAWKS fan. However, with a different camera angle, you could have almost eliminated them from the shot. Any shot from the left of Nique or Bob's right would have taken them out of frame. The straight on shot is the easiest to shoot but it also put them in the background the entire time.
  22. I'm not sure about online (haven't tried it yet) but in association, you can certainly put your hurt players into the lineup. They are still on your bench. But once you start your season, if a player suffers an injury that forces him to miss time, you're screwed.
  23. even though I hated seeing the 2 Lebron fans sitting behind Bob and Nique every time they went to them. How lame it that to show your Hawks broadcasters at a home game with Cavs jerseys sitting behind you?
  24. I love to have the finger wagging back in the ATL!!
  25. Wizards get two guards in trade By Marc Stein ESPN.com The Washington Wizards, Memphis Grizzlies and New Orleans Hornets have agreed to a three-team trade that will bring two new guards to the Gilbert Arenas-less Wizards. The Wizards will receive New Orleans' Mike James and Memphis' Javaris Crittenton in the exchange, with the Hornets acquiring Washington's Antonio Daniels and the Grizzlies coming away with a future first-round pick. New Orleans also received a conditional second-round pick from Memphis. Arenas has yet to play for the Wizards since signing a new $111 million contract in the offseason after undergoing surgery on his left knee. A firm timetable for Arenas' comeback has not been established, but he has yet to be cleared to participate in contact drills, making a return by Jan. 1 -- as Arenas initially hoped -- seem unlikely. The pick is a conditional first-rounder that Memphis had sent to Washington in the trade to acquire Spanish guard Juan Carlos Navarro in the 2007 offseason. Navarro returned to club power FC Barcelona in his native country this season. The Wizards released guard Dee Brown to make roster room for their new players. The Grizzlies had been expected to part with at least one point guard this season after stockpiling several. Crittenton, taken 19th overall by the Los Angeles Lakers in the 2007 draft, arrived in Memphis in February as part of the Pau Gasol deal. James had fallen out of favor in New Orleans under coach Byron Scott and hadn't played in nine of the Hornets' past 10 games. Daniels, who has been a fixture on Washington's playoff teams over the past three seasons, is averaging 5.1 points, 3.6 assists and 22.4 minutes in 13 games.
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