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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. I think we'll miss him quite a bit and it will show during those next couple of games.
  2. Let's hope that the OL will give him enough protection, so that his career won't be cut short because of too many concussions during his first couple of years in the league.
  3. Happy Birthday Gray. :blow out candles:
  4. I wouldn't mind a deal that nets us Scola and Battier for Smith, if we're to sign and trade Josh.
  5. If he's indeed traded, then Houston would be nice, with a guy like Luis Scola possibly coming back to Atlanta. Though, i don't know how such a sign and trade could look like, with those BYC rules.
  6. Hmmm....Smith, Kleiza and some picks for Smooth? I like Kleiza, cause he's a tough dude that can play both forward spots and score inside & out. Smith, on the other hand, is someone i'd rather not have on the team and i'd be reluctant to give him a longer contract. BTW: Too bad we probably couldn't work out a sign and trade with the Rockets, because of Smooth's BYC status. I'd really like us to get our hands on Luis Scola, if we're to trade Smooth.
  7. A lottery team. Maybe we can then get another solid player in next years draft, to put next to Al & JJ, if JJ doesn't asks to be traded.... Honestly, i don't see any sign and trade that would help accomplish anything else than another lottery year, with some hopes of a good draft afterwards. BTW: If we do sign and trade Smooth, we should look to release Woody and try to hire Bob Hill as our head coach. He's been able to coach the Spurs into a #1 pick(Duncan) and the Sonics into a #2 pick(Durant). :rolleyes:
  8. We'd have to throw in about $8 - $10 mil in other contracts, to get Odom for Smith in a sign & trade. So that's not going to happen as well. B) As far as Bynum goes. I think it's a bit risky to trade for him right now, but if we couldn't work out a deal with Smooth and the Lakers would offer him in a sign & trade, than i'd be all over that. Though, i don't see them trading Bynum, right now.
  9. Very nice and way better then the old forums.
  10. Like it's been said before, you just don't get fair value in a sign & trade. The problem is that the other team knows, that you can't work out a deal with your player and that they lowball you because of that. Another thing is that you can only take on half the money of what that outgoing player makes during his first season, due to that BYC rule. That's why most of the time a young, promising player on a rookie contract and/or picks is the best thing you could hope for in those kind of scenarios. All things considered, the ASG and Sund better work out something with Smooth, or else we're in for yet another lottery season and might even anger JJ enough, so that he asks to be traded.
  11. I think neither of those guys should get more then a training camp invitation on an unguaranteed contract. Hunter is undersized to play the 4 spot, but might be able to contribut some(about 5 minutes a game). Oyedeji would hardly play more then Hunter and i'd rather go and sign guys like Earl Barron or David Harrison instead of him. Jackson has teased a lot of folks, but was never able to translate his game, which was great at Oregon, into this league. So instead of going for those guys(who should be the very least option of an NBA team), we should rather look what we can get for the rest of the MLE and the LLE. Guys like Kwame, Brian Skinner, Randolph Morris, Jamal Magloire or even Adonal Foyle come to mind.
  12. I really like it. He should provide some defense on the wing, while also spreading the floor with his jumpshot. I hope Sund/ASG are now using the rest of the MLE to try and sign Kwame Brown, like others have mentioned as well. That won't make us title contenders, but would help solidify our front court, which is pretty thin right now.
  13. Quote: Would you prefer Vujacic at $5 million plus per season or Maurice Evans at $3 million per season? I'd prefer Evans at $3 million per season. I think teams, especially if it's not the Lakers, would regret paying Vujacic that kind of money.
  14. Quote: I'd rather have Smith and sign Randolph Morris to the LLE if he would take it. Morris could be usefull as well, but there's just something about Smith that tells me he wouldn't be all that great of an addition. Also, reports said that Brown worked out for us and that he looked very good. BTW: Another guy i think we should take a look at, to replace Chillz, is Kirk Snyder. I think he could be a very good back 2/3, that probably wouldn't cost all that much.
  15. Yeah, i've also heard that it was Chillz + #11 for Calderon. And honestly, i'm quite happy about that not happening, cause A) Calderon had to be paid this summer and i'm not sure if ASG would've done that and B) i wouldn't wanna be the team that pays him all that money he's being paid right now. Don't get me wrong, Calderon is a good point guard, but i just don't think he's worth all that money.
  16. Smith can be a knucklehead and there's a reason why teams don't go after him. He's got a bad rep after being in the doghouse of two of his coaches, while the Bulls even threw him away for next to nothing, after they received him from New Orleans. Though, if he's hot, he'd be able to spread the floor with his three point shooting. Still, i'd rather go after a guy like Maurice Evans, who'll be cheaper and might enable us to sign a big like Kwame Brown as well.
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