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Everything posted by hazer

  1. I had a left-handed guitarist friend who looked just like him too (he knew it and milked it) and scored proficiently as well
  2. Saw Nirvana live at The Omni 11/29/93 only a few months before his suicide.
  3. I was into both in the 90s: Nirvana AND Pac
  4. In all fairness, pure coincidence that I also annoyed my friends for years using the “eggz” in place of “exc” in texts and was actually surprised to see The Cagey-Wan doing the same here on HS. Had already posted many times before even noticing the mimic. Same for the WTF Mullet Guy, based on the singer of my fave guilty pleasure band Blink 182 from one of their vids. Been cracking up friends (and annoying the Wifer) with all 3 versions of that gif (regular, Homer Simpson, and Matrix) for over a decade. Dopplesquawkerz…….or ARE we
  5. It was quite the challenge finding a non-offensive Gilbert Grape gif
  6. Eeeyyyyyyyyy, don’t you mean “eggzactamundo”?
  7. Last and the next few years will be looked back upon as Nate’s Opus
  8. Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa, what’chall doin’ Bostank?
  9. Bird and I are on the same page, she knows I’d call a freak incident such as that a “push”
  10. Agreed, he attempts to remain a little TOO neutral for my tastes. Which is mainly why I included potential “Assistant Team USA Coach” Nate and “Team USA PG” Trae in the conversation. With Grant at the helm, chances of Nate and Trae being a part of that squad increase. As will their convos with Superstars.
  11. A future of Trae, Cam, Dre, JJ, and OO is a very exciting lineup.
  12. Technically it only means Coop is just a step ahead of Delon Wright
  13. I have a hunch this is going to either be an easy stunning win or down-in-flames colossal loss, no in between. Coop will either live up to my expectations and shred everyone on his way to #2, or flop out.
  14. Most like to bet sure things, I like to keep it interesting by going out on a limb. Otherwise where’s the eggcitement?
  15. I tried, straight up. Prospective takers tried to condition the bet to death. Straight up, I’ll still make that bet. Injuries, trades, falling out favor, all normal factors which normally happen during a normal season. Straight up: Coop is #2 by ASG
  16. All of this. And especially about the “Hawks Model.” I was preaching this a few years ago, might just go digging thru the archives and bump
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