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Everything posted by bleachkit

  1. Unicorn starting to really play good. Mavs will be a tough out in the playoffs.
  2. Bud was a shitty general manager. And he threw Danny Ferry under the bus, and he acted like a little bitch about his buyout from Schlenk. Great coach, but he's an asshole.
  3. If we dont someone needs to be fired. Making the playoffs is not a high bar in the NBA. Half the league makes the playoffs.
  4. No. We had defensive problems, shooting problems, rebounding problems, chemistry problems. We were a mess, still are in some ways. Even if he had not got suspended, we just flat out weren't playing well at all to start the year.
  5. Dallas is blowing out Memphis. What the hell?
  6. Not if he's going 1-9 from three, which turn into easy points for the opponent. Good Trae is really good, but bad Trae is really bad.
  7. I don't know if he's the right coach. But I like his personality and his thoughtfulness, I'm rooting for him to be the guy.
  8. Only complaint are those 7 turnovers and the missed dunk. But he had like 3 near steals that wont show in the box score.
  9. He ran point for the team. Do you want D. Hunter running the point?
  10. We will ever be in a hurry to win games? When do you finally flip the switch?
  11. On He's basically playing point guard out there tonight. But yea, his defense is not good.
  12. You dont care about 11 assists? lol, ok then.
  13. Trae wanted to be fully rested for the Ja rematch.
  14. Pain is inherently subjective. There's no easy way to measure it
  15. It's possible they underestimated the severity. Tall guys with feet issues is never good.
  16. Houston said he was "almost ready to return" prior to the trade. They probably knew he was done.
  17. I feel like we should be better at rebounding Trae's 3 point misses, from so much practice at doing it if nothing else. It seems like the other team usually gets the rebound on his 3 point misses.
  18. Bud is creating something of a coaching tree.
  19. Their coach is a Bud disciple. He's doing a damn good job.
  20. They have worst record locked up, so no worries on their part.
  21. Every two weeks they are re- evaluated in two weeks.
  22. There's no way to sugar coat the numbers. Trae's game has to evolve for us to become a good team. Not trying to put things on Trae, but your best player has to set the tone.
  23. When he's missing threes our defense gets killed, the data confirms that.
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