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Everything posted by plskeepbibby

  1. We should have been booing Josh for not caring about his s*** game in these playoffs. All his laziness and extreme lack of effort!!!!
  2. This city and it's fans suck........ I could not agree more man... Sorry if the truth hurts it is what it is
  3. Denying that this city's fans dont suck is a problem that i cannot help you with............. we are as fairweathered as it gets
  4. After a day to take this whole thing in, I have decided that Joe Johnson is completely correct about this city in a whole. This city does not care about any of its sports teams, well maybe Georgia football, but thats about it. People in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia go to sporting events to cheer on teams that they love no matter how bad or good they are. Atlanta sports fans go to games and treat them like an event, How else do explain the fact that the crowd generally does not show up until halftime. Watch next season the building looks empty but somehow by the 2nd half more people have filed in. This cities sports fans SUCK!!!!! I am one of them so I can criticize as much as anyone else. Booing your team off the floor is absolutely obsurd!!!!! I know I compare Atlanta to Philadelphia, but booing your team off the floor is a very "philadelphia" mind set, and if you are content with the fact that your are acting like a Philadelphian. And if that's the way you want to be looked at then by all means go right ahead, but I beleive this city is better than that. So please just dont show up tommorow, stay home and boo at your television. It's a damn shame because this team has been so good and I would rather be playoff good than just outside of the playoffs and just outside of the lottery. Being mediocre in the NBA is far worse than being mediocre in any other professional or collegiate sport. You can never turn around a mediocre team which means we would have to revert back to 13 wins so you can watch a plastic ball bounce around to determine your fate. I LIKE PLAYOFF BASKETBALL, and if you don't then go root for the formentioned Philadelphia 76ers. I think that this team needs a new direction. Woody will be replaced at the end of this season and I firmly beleive that this team can be maximized by a different leader. I think half the reason Joe dribbles the air out of the ball is because Woodson knows nothing about offense. Be careful what you wish for Atlanta, booing our team off the floor, and we complain that players dont want to play in Atlanta, well you have yourselves to blame. You only show up in the playoffs anyway, and then you come and root for the likes of LeBron and Kobe. It's a complete joke that we are visitors in our own building when Cleveland and LA are in town. As a fan I am disgusted with this city and their fairweather fans, I can only imagine how it would feel if I was a player. Hats off to you Joe for calling it like you see it.... Hope you are in a Hawks uniform next season. I will forever love this team win lose or show!!!!
  5. Would post link but I'm doing it from my phone. At least he acknowledged he was wrong( or someone made him realize that), I will give him credit for acting like a man and apologizing. Regardless of what happens this summer he is no longer public enemy #1 in my eyes.
  6. we have lacked effort the whole playoffs and the boos are a culmination of the last series and this one, and the all around lack of effort. its pathetic that this is the case but it is what it is...
  7. Joe said "we dont care if the fans show up" there is no way to take that lightly. he deserves all the boos he will get on Monday, go defend this jerk on Knickssquawk next season. His is an a**hole and that is it. The fans should have been the last thing on his damn mind after the *ss beating he took tonight.
  8. Disagree totally we should ship the other 12 out of town
  9. For all the negative that is out there tonight. I still love this team and hope nothing but good for the future of this franchise. Sure hope we make the right moves( new coach, no Joe) cause I like the playoffs and I don't want it to be another 4 years til we sniff them again.
  10. Bynum no thanks. He's an injury waiting to happen !! Oh wait injuries have been happening. No Thanks!!!!
  11. Joe is a quite leader who leads by example...... What a piss poor time for him to stand up say something...
  12. What a complete joke. This guy can kiss the entire city of atlantas *ss..... Go choke else whereypu overpaid non leader bum!!!!
  13. He openly said that it was about the guys in the locker room and he didn't care if the fans showed up per Micheal Cunningham ajc...... Go choke in the playoffs in new york or Chicago and see how those fans treat you Joe.....
  14. Got seats for both game 3 and game 4 section 314 row E. Call me @ 404-518-3218 if interested.
  15. I never made a trade Josh smith thread first off. And thank you for furthering my point.... As smoove goes this team goes. The problem I have is that this is his 6th yeAr in the league and he still does not understand that. Just as easily as we won 12 more games we could have been a higher seed or even swept Milwaukee If not for his childish antics. Josh Smith is not championship material and we will never win with him steering this ship. The wheels started falling off when his immature lazy antics started. As far as mike woodson goes I completely agree with you on lack of development. I do think that woody has coached well this series though.
  16. Josh smith turned the ball over (6X's) at key times tonight. He still doesn't understand that he should never dribble up the floor EVER!!! The biotin line is that I understand that atheletes get lazy at times but this is the f-ing playoffs. You should do nothing but hustle for 48 minutes!!!!! It's down right pathetic and completely inexcusable. He did the same thing at times in the Milwaukee series!!!! Josh has done a lot of good things this year and we have all given the credit that was due!! I dont think Josh will ever get it but I hope he does. I guess I will s*** in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up first. I think I know which one will, and so does the rest of this board!!!
  17. Are you joking right now????? The kid still doesn't understand he can't dribble down the court... And I guess you are calling hubie brown an mike tirico haters of Josh smith... Neither of those guys have a dog in the fight and they can call out his bs....
  18. After the first 3 minutes of the 3rd quarter, please someone, I would like to hear your best defense for joshs laziness and stupidity!!!!! It's ok I'll wait......
  19. Replacing woody with Doug Collins would be an EPIC FAIL!!! You think Josh Smith would listen to him haha.
  20. And how about these just don't quit out there. That's the most frustratng thing to me they have flat out quit twice now in the playoffs.
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