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Everything posted by plskeepbibby

  1. He's the only Caucasian American on the team. What do you expect.... LOL
  2. Hold the shot stick down longer Lol. Its not as natural as bibbys shot in the game but once you get it down it's extremely effective.
  3. Per Arthur Triche twitter account....
  4. Jay Cutler had a stained labia if i'm not mistaken...
  5. Arthur Triche (hawks PR guy) said it was more a precautionary measure...
  6. I think he meant his chances of getting a ring were better in Boston. I would tend to agree.
  7. It was his first game in a Hawks uniform. What are event talking about??? I actually think he played very well and don't think we traded for him so he could come off the bench. Hopefully Teague will get 20 minutes a game. Sone of course with the starters... Go Hawks!
  8. Thanks for the shoutout lw3. Not mad about bibby being gone. But am dissapointed about the lack of a "splash". Anyone who thinks this move gets us over the top is kidding themselves.
  9. If anyone is interested please call/text Paul @404-518-3218. They are 116 Row A Seats 1&2.
  10. The problem with Josh Smith has absolutely nothing to do with his skill set or athletic ability..... It starts and ends with what is between his ears. I go to every hawks game and sit close to the bench and its always the same piss poor, shitty attitude with Josh Smith. He constantly barks profanities at the coaching staff and continually pays absolutely no attention during time outs. He is completely immature and disrespectful to everyone on the court. A source close to the team tells me he fights with Joe and Al and absolutely takes no blame for anything at all on the basketball court. Although the Hawks problems extend past this, I seriously think this is a continuing major issue. HE NEEDS TO GO!!!! His attitude has not improved rather digressed and this is his 7th year in the league. I am sick of this guys bullsh*t antics and so are a lot of people I know and talk to at games. Atlanta will never win anything with a lot of guys on the current roster... but will never accomplish anything with the basket case Josh Smith......
  11. Don't know much about Etan Thomas but I do know this... Isn't Kurt Thomas a bum, and all he did last season in the playoffs last year is give us fits. If we get half of that out of our thomas I'm happy. Play physical and be annoying as hell that's all we want to hell with points and rebounds
  12. We will probably sell the pick in hopes of retaining Joe. Couple that with the hiring of Larry Drew and consider me completely unimpressed!!!
  13. Being a season ticket holder I will have to take the wait and see aproach. I am dissapointed we didn't get Avery but it Is actually be more important what we do player wise!!!
  14. His playoff failure matches that of Avery Johnson's seeing as he won diddily squat in his 20 years of service in Utah..... you said Avery had woody like baggage based on playoff results. I agree with the whole devin harris argument, but to completely write off a guy who is respected league wide because of his playoff miscues, for some guy who has never failed or succeeded is not very logical....... also dont come at people like that.
  15. Using that logic Jerry Sloan would be a lesser candidate then Dwyane Casey??? WTF???
  16. Maybe owner but def. Not GM
  18. I thought it was itsnotmeitstherefandthecoach.com
  19. Comparabl economically if Joe leaves we are screwed just watch. You guys really don't like the playoffs and good regular seasons do you?
  20. we hope...... His laziness and lack of effort is obsurd.... You say he tune out woody but what does that say about him as a person.... I think trading him is the best option cause I cannot think of any coach that we will possibly hire that Josh will respect and listen to.... Get his crybaby bs the hell out
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