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Posts posted by RedDawg#8

  1. Im in favor of trading Smoove for a center, mainly because of despite his physical superiority, he is very limited mentally and it continues to show.

    I really like Javale McGee, esp in the last game we played them in Was

    I really like the physical attributes of DeAndre Jordan, dude is like Dwight Howard-lite at this point in his career, they would be fun going up against one another and next to Horford we would have a formidable front line.

    Those would be my top 2 centers to trade for if we could get them and a throw in player for Smooth. They both bring MORE size as well as athleticism to our center position.

  2. The Magic's defense is very underated. Their defense is the reason we were blown out this year. It wasnt like we were in a shootout and they ran away with it, they stopped us from scoring and ran away with it.

    That said, we cant be afraid to challenge Dwight, and we can not turn into a jump shooting team whenever he gets physical with our bigs because it will happen and we wont always be able to hit from the outside. We cant expect JJ and Craw to shoot out their minds this series because as history shows, whenever we need jumpshots this year, we tend not to get them. We arent very clutch shooters (not 4th quarter clutch, but 1st half we need a big 3 to keeo the score close clutch).

    My opinion: Feed the ball to Smith/Williams in the paint EVERY possesion, let them operate in the post and find the CUTTER (something we havent done much of this year). Let Horford stand in his midrange area ready for the pass. Let Bibby spread the D. Whichever players dont have the ball, they need to be driving the baseline and slicing the lane. If we cant cant manufacture easy baskets, we will fall behind fast. WE DONT NEED TO RELY ON THE OUTSIDE SHOT. Let the outside shots come to us, they will be more in rythym.

    Most importantly, get defensive stops and RUN. Even If Dwight dunks, RUN back down the court while he is pounding his chest. RUN RUN RUN Hawks. Something we havent done as much lately.

  3. Yes Joe is the only one who showed up, but he is the only player playing for a big contract this offseason too. It upset me to see our team play with no heart against a team that has no frontline. Smoove letting guys blow by him to the rim. Horford not battling for rebounds, and Marv playing with alligator arms and no balance. We missed so many easy points becuase our "Bigger, sTRONGER, Faster" frontline couldnt man up in the paint. The team needs to take a look in the mirror and figure out who they really are and bring it big time next game. If we go to 7 games, itll be a failure.

  4. Why not give him a few extended mins off the bench if Jennings gets hot again. Let Joe stay on Salmons and give the Defensive responsibility to West. I dont fear his offensive limitations against the Bucks as much as I admire his intensity. We will need that spark of energy, esp. if/when Milwaukee gets it going behind Jennings again.

  5. Ben Wallace was only 6-9

    Prince is the same height but 25 lbs lighter than Marv

    Same with Hamilton and Joe

    Our bigs are quicker but their wings are definatley quicker than ours. That is until you put in our bench versus theirs, then it flips

  6. Well true, those players are still young. But the reason I put Rondo so high is because he is almost a triple double waiting to happen each night. This season more so than the last two, he has carried the load for the Celtics so I give him credit for that. I never really liked him, but he has shown this year that he is a very good pg not just because of the big 3.

    Even with CP3, Deron, and Rose Id put him right after them because of his Defense and Assists. And honestly, Rose is going to beast but he is more of a Dwade mold player and not a pure pg, same with Stuckey.

    But yeah, when I re-think my definition of young, I realize that CP3 and Dwill arent that old even though they are more seasoned and accomplished.

  7. Teague has the skills to be a great pg. He just needs time and experience. Rondo is arguably the best young pg in the NBA and he has no jumper at all. If we decided to use Teague like a real point gaurd and stop hoping he becomes the next Bibby, I think we would be happy with the results.

    What are the main issues we have been complaining about our pg's for years:

    We need somebody who can penetrate

    We need somebody who can defend quick pgs

    We need somebody who can pass

    We need somebody to run pick and rolls

    Teague CAN do all of these. He jus isnt put in position to do so. We rely on Iso's so much that when we finally have the PG we have wanted, he cant be effective since he isnt a pure shooter.

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  8. Considering the Heat kicked our butts a few games this year, I am glad we dont have to see them. Even if Milwaukee pulls some tricks, we have fared well against them this year, and they dont have that star player that we will have to worry about the refs favoring like past years(Bos- Big 3 Mia- Wade Cle-Bron). We might actually get those benefit of doubt calls this series home or on the road.

  9. quote]Teague yes, WEST HECK NO.. he probably wouldn't make any other team in this league. Since the Hawks are too damn cheap to pay a real vet. Mario get's a roster spot..

    I agree. I created the topic immediatley after the back to back dunks by West and Teague. I was moreso referring to his hops than overall game.

  10. I know tonights game doesnt matter but WOW, back to back POWERFUL jams. Both are smaller guys who can really elevate quickly. Teague is also having a career night btw. Afterwards, Bob Rathburn even said this about Teague: "Folks, he can play the game, he just needs the minutes"


    p.s: Again, I know this game doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things

  11. DWade looks very suspect on their homepage.

    I agree with both of what you said, although I wouldnt consider Mario an X-factor. He may not see the court enough to impact the game.I love how he plays, but apparently Woody doesnt

  12. Crawford has plenty of substance. He's not just out there dribbling around for no reason, he blows by his defender pretty easily and is probably the best finisher at the rim on our team. Plus his shot is very pure. Like the ESPN announcers said, his shot looks like its going in every single time, even if it doesnt. Plus he is court savvy i.e: setting the record for most 4 pt plays in NBA HISTORY.

    Craw is flashy yes, but thats not all there is to him by far.

  13. Josh and Horf are continuing to go weak to the rim. Why are they so damn afraid of Dwight? 10 rebs in the 1st quarter??? are you serious. weak pump fakes over and over waiting for him to leave his feet? HE ISNT GOING TO JUMP Fellas, just put the ball up before he gets close enuff to stuff you. And Josh, stop passing out the paint for a jumper just because Dwight stares at you. He not going anywhere all game, your going to have to challenge him eventually. Grow a pair BOYZ and play like you care about your pride.

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