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Everything posted by MVP23

  1. We will win or lose this series based on how Jeff Teague plays. Collins did his job on Howard. Now its Teagues turn. I understand this guy has gotten almost no playing time through these playoffs so far, but good players are ready when their name is called. We don't need Teague to put up 30 a night. We just need him to play heavy mins, and keep Derrick Rose from getting easy baskets. The gameplan is simple. Stay on these shooters. Korver is a stand still shooter unlike Reddick. That should be east, but it won't be if Derrick Rose is blowing past Teague. ITs actually funny. We dumped Bibby because he couldn't defend, and didn't want to play Teague, but now we have no choice. This may be Teagues last chance btw. How long until we cut him lose? He can prove himself....for good, or for bad.
  2. LArry Drew would probably put 4 guys on the floor rather than playing Teague
  3. Come on, I didn't vote in the polls, but I called this since day I. I even outlined the freaking gameplan..
  4. Pretty simple. Stay on the shooters like we did in the Magic series. If Kirk can't go, stick Teague on D Rose. HE WILL GET HIS POINTS. There isn't much we can do about that, but I would rather him go off for 30 a game and keep the shooters at bay, then have him go off for 30 a game and have the shooters lighting us up. In all honestly, we should win this series. The Bulls aren't that good imo. In Larry Drew we trust..
  5. So I called the Bomani Jones show basically explaining how Kirk Hinrich owned Derrick Rose in that game that we came back from 20 down, and how we had a shot at beating the Bulls, and making the finals and he basically agreed, then proceeded to dog the Atlanta Hawks, along with the next 10 callers, and the majority of people calling where from ATLANTA. Pretty sad.
  6. Saying the title can jinx us could jinx us
  7. lol JK. We're going to beat these fools by at least 15 points. Typical Hawks didn't show up in game 5, and they shot well. IT won't happen again. The gameplan works, and we should win by at least 15 points.
  8. We are a good bounce back time. We will win game 6.
  9. MY hopes weren't that high tonight, and these were one of those perfect storms where we sucked and they played awesome. We will win Game 6 there is no doubt it my mind.
  10. The chant would probably be half *ss anyway..if it happens at all.
  11. Didn't this guy say we wouldn't make the playoffs again after the Boston series? Then said we wouldn't improve after the 09 season. Then again in 2010. The media always writes us off. I'm used to it..
  12. Its just sad though. ASG found a guy they could pay the absolute mim, and he is still a better coach than Woody
  13. You serious? You have to close out a series, you don't play around. The next time I want this team to play in Atlanta is game 3 against the Bulls. We can chant next year.
  14. I've come to the realization that this team was simply bored during the regular season. The good teams do it every year. The Spurs and Lakers apparently still are. You basically learn how can and can't coach in the playoffs. Woody couldn't coach. He was destroyed by mediocre guys like Eric Sp and the Buck coach (can't think of his name). Even MIKE BROWN OWNED Woody. We hired Drew to win in the playoffs, and here we are....winning, duh. (Ok, I hate the "winning" thing too). It was LAST YEAR when I was telling people not to double Dwight. Bad coach Mike Woodson doubles Dwight, and we get killed. The very next year, good coach Doc Rivers plays him straight up, and the Celtics go to the finals. This year, I say again, do not double Dwight. Good coach Larry Drew plays Dwight straight up, the Hawks are one game away from moving on to the second round. I have no idea what the gameplan would be against the Bulls though, don't ask me, but I believe in Larry Drew. He has OWNED SVG in this series, completely owned him. I called for LDs head multiple times during the regular season......my bad. This guy can coach.
  15. For 3,4 years we've been hearing how if only we got a true Center, Horf could slide to the 4 and be unstoppable. Horf has the body of a center. He has some nice post moves, and can stretch it out with that 15 footer that I love. He is tough. He BELONGS in the paint, not 20 feet from the basket guarding guys like Chris Bosh. I understand not wanting Horf to play Dwight, but other than Dwight, who can't Horf defend? I can't think of any Center in the league Horf can't go toe to toe with. We have to call a spade a spade at this point. Al Horford is a center.
  16. LMFAO!!!!! I've watched the replay about 100 times, and all ZAZA said was what, what, what. To play the race card in defense in your idiotic player is low, really low, even for Magic fans..
  17. That would be pretty cool actually, but ASG wouldn't spend the more necessary to print 20,000 of those shirts..
  18. I'm still not sure if LD tells Smoove to stop shooting and he does it anyway, or if LD lets him shoot if he is open. Either way, this s*** was to stop. We would be up 3-0 if he would stay in the damn paint. He doesn't belong father than 15 feet away from the basket. He wants to be a Point Forward, and its killing us. If we make it past Orlando the Bulls will eat us up with his jacking threes like he is Ray Allen. I would rather see Powell and Zaza on the floor than a three jacking Josh Smith. He embarrassed himself, Larry Drew and this team last night. Enough to enough. Larry Drew needs to grow a pair and put him in his place, or else its going to cost us. Maybe not in this round, but the next one for sure.
  19. I would not mind at all if Josh Smith DNPs on Sunday. Once again he has made Larry Drew, this team, and himself look like a fool on national tv. He is uncoachable at this point. I'm almost done with him That being said, awesome finish to this game. I thought Jameer fouled Craw, but no call. I thought the shot was going to clank off the rim, thank god for the backboard. What a game..
  20. And I would have it no other way!!!! We can basically close these fools out on Sunday. I told you they aren't better than us. LEGGO!!!!!!!
  21. I live almost 500 miles away :(, but it would be epic if Hawk fans could get those posters on national TV.
  22. We played horrendous for the majority of the game, the refs called the game with an agenda, and LD was completely outcoached, and yet we still manged to hang in there on the road in a must win game for them. The thing about the NBA playoffs is that its hard for the weaker team to ever win a 7 game series. They may win one or two, but to win 4 is almost impossible. We're clearly better than them, and I expect us to take this game, and come away from it a lot confident. Personally, I can not wait until Friday.. At least we're not the Knicks guys.
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