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Everything posted by jy23

  1. I'd take Magloire anyday! He should definately be on the top of the list for the hawks in my opinion. He plays hard and gives us that enforcer type player that we need. I don't know about anybody else but everytime we played the heat Magloire just got to me, I hated when he was in the game but I would love to have him on our side!
  2. I wasn't saying that we should have won that series, I never thought that we would but my point was that if they are basing their thoughts on where we are as a team on what happened against cleveland then they're OFF!!! We're a better team than what we showed in that series and being hurt and wore out because of a coach who will only play an 8 man rotation has SOMETHING to do with that.
  3. I think Al may be the best of the 3 in the future, only time will tell but thats my take. I think he's more comfortable with doing the dirty work than any of those guys are and thats the kinda thing we need here, he won't grow another 2 inches but he still plays with so much heart. He has major confidence and I think that he really WANTS to be a great player and I hope that he improves his offense to go along with his improved defense.
  4. So much of the team was hurt during that seriesand we were dead tired! If thats what they're going on then ok, go right ahead!
  5. We gets NO respect but its cool, thats expected. I'm just shocked at who they put above us, the Wizards and the Pistons!!!!!! REALLY???????????
  6. I've been loving this offseason so far but if this is true then I really REALLY can't wait for the season
  7. couldn't have said it better, I like the thought of that lineup just don't like it all the time!
  8. I also agree, those other teams added BIG NAMES but that doesn't mean that they're any better. We're doing exactly what we need to do to improve our team, if......IF we add that big that we all want I think this we be a very good offseason. Stop complaining!!!!!!!!
  9. Still don't think that makes them better, it adds a big name but don't think it makes them better. They lose their closer and best scorer in gordon, they lose a good young athlete in thomas, and they lose a good veteran pg who knows that team well and prevented them from having to much of a dropoff when they went with the second unit in hinrich. They replace all of that with boozer, who is a good player but I dont think he makesup for all of that!
  10. And what if marvin has a breakout year, that makes it that much harder to sign him next year. I'm not saying that that is guaranteed to happen but you never know, he's signing for just about the league average and I'll say he deserves that. Go ahead and lock him up and just take all the what ifs out of it. He fits the team well and comes at a cheap price, I don't see the problem with this.
  11. jy23

    Big-Ben anyone?!

    I agree, I said in another post that ben never had any kind of skill set and he strictly played off of emotion and athleticism which he has neither of now! Rasho would be an upgrade over anything that we have on the roster now but I'm still hoping that we take a look at other options before we fo down that road! I agree that Gooden would be a better option than wilcox but I don't think drew is looking to come to atlanta. He just comes off as one of those players chasing a ring to me now, but if we could get him then I'm all for it!
  12. ok...............................................anywho!!!!!!!!
  13. I don't believe that for 2 seconds!!!!!
  14. jy23

    Big-Ben anyone?!

    And there's better out there than RASHO!!!!! Like I said I'll take him if we don't get anything else but I'm just not overjoyed with the thought of RASHO!!!!! Wilcox is a much better option than rasho and I'm just staying optimistic until the cup is completely empty. Rasho does give us a big body but he's not the big body on the top of MY list, is it ok for me to have an opinion on the big that I think we should have sir?
  15. Signing Marvin to a deal for this amount may prove to be our best move of the offseason. For some reason I really have a feeling that he's goiong to have a really good year. Now let's get that big that we are al hoping for and we're ready to go!
  16. jy23

    Big-Ben anyone?!

    yes rasho has a ring but how much did he really contribute in the winning of that ring? He does have the ability to hit the 15 footer and that really shocked me when i saw that this year but I'm still not buying him as the answer to our big problem. Id take him over Ben but I wouldn't take either if i had the choice!
  17. lol yall are stupid! But I would love for Wilcox to come here but I don't agree with resigning Flip
  18. jy23

    Big-Ben anyone?!

    I don't want either, they're both bums! Ben is not that player that everyone keeps talking about who was such a great post defender, hasn't been that way for some time now. He doesn't do much of anything well now and his size hampers him even more. He never had any kind of skill set and he played off of pure emotion and athleticism which he has neither of now. And Rasho, really? RASHO??????????? I don't agree with the premise of just adding any bum big to the team but it seems like lots of people in here really don't care who we add as long as we add someone
  19. that sounds good to me, don't really think anyone is going to give us any player of substance for a european who has never played in the NBA and is pushing it in the age department. Money seems like our best option rite now!
  20. When it comes down to it its not about player versus player because I think we can all agree that Joe is better than Marvin but what really matters is whats best for the team. I'm not a big marvin fan but I can't say that moving him and putting Joe at the 3 helps this team WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Couldn't agree more! Woody scares the heck out of me!!!!!!
  22. I'm not quite ready to say we'll win it all but I think we just need a year or 2 and we'll be ok! We're definately on our way and I'm loving it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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