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Everything posted by jy23

  1. jy23

    Old video

    my bad, this is the link
  2. jy23

    Old video

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> I still get chills when I watch this video!
  3. yeah Siler looks pretty nice. Korolev (or however you spell his name) looks like a pretty good shooter, so does Akyol. Would be nice to have a specialist like that on the bench.
  4. lol, this is hilarious
  5. I seriously doubt that we could get ANYTHING for Morris but I'm definately for signing Siler. It really couldn't hurt us at all
  6. I'n loving what I'm hearing about Teague's passing. SOUNDS GREAT!!!!!!!!!
  7. Wow, well I guess I won't be on here during games like I thought I would be. Don't really care for the negativity, but we're all entitled to our own opinion.
  8. I'm just asking but are we sure that everyone on this board is really a fan? I feel so SO much negativity from some people. If you have nothing good to say then y waste your time on the board?
  9. ok Dolfan I was with you until you started talking about Woody, lol. But anyway I understand that its been a long time since we have been anywhere near where we are right now as a team but as a fanbase we REALLY need to be a lil more patient with the team that we have now. I really think that in about 2 years we will be right there at the top of the conference and in the running for a championship year in and year out. Y do we have to make drastic roster changes to improve? Time, thats all we need.
  10. Thanks for the discount, definately going to be buying something! I'm pretty sure you don't have any but my girl has been looking for a jersey dress for the longest just to wear to the games, haven't seen any in the longest and I'm pretty sure they don't even make em anymore but just thought I'd ask
  11. R we going to be able to get video of the scrimmages?
  12. This could be a great thing for Josh, it could have more of a positive impact on him than anything he'll ever get with woody! Maybe being around those other players will actually do something for his mental approach, I don't see how in anyway this could be a bad thing. We won't really know til the season starts tho. LETS GO HAWKS!!!!!!
  13. You two really make this board entertaining!!!!! lol, but really both of you should just let it go. Neither of you will EVER see the others point of view and its kinda becoming redundant! I enjoy the slick backhanded remarks but the marv stats are really over and done with now. We know that the hawks didn't exactly stink it up when marv didn't play but we also know that in that stretch we caught a couple of breaks due to injuries, that happens in the league from time 2 time, we know that marvin doesn't put up alot of shots which may look like he's unagressive to some but we also know that our offense is pretty much just dribble dribble dribble jack up a jumper. We are not a team that moves the ball around alot and that kinda makes a difference as far as the kinda looks that marv gets. We can talk about josh being more agressive BUT AGAIN anyone who watched just a couple of our games last year can clearly see that josh got more than his fair share of wide open shots and WE ALL KNOW WHY, the only way you can dispute that FACT is if you just didn't watch any games and you're going off of stats, I personally think gameplay means a little more. I really don't feel like going thru every other argument that you two have made but i think we all get the point, its entertaining but come on guys, lol just let it go!
  14. Lol, did you really do this, I don't think I can take 2 much more of this!
  15. We now have one of the best bench scoring threats in the league coming off OUR bench!!!! When was the last time we were able to say that, can't wait for the season to start!
  16. Ummmmm..............NO! We don't need to try and get every guy who's out on the free agent market, that would make no sense for us to try and get another guard. WE NEED BIGS!!!!!!!! Point blank!
  17. yeah i don't really think the problem is that he doesn't have an improved post game the problem is that he doesn't use it enough!!!!! He wants 2 be something that he's not! Josh should be somewhere watching film on how bad his jumper looks and seeing how open people leave him out there, THERE'S A REASON FOR THIS!!!!!!!!
  18. jy23

    Matt Barnes

    How did this become a thread about replacing marvin, I mean damn! Yes barnes would be a great player to add to our bench but I do think we need to add that big first, just want to get that out of the way 2 ease all of our minds, but I would love 2 see him on our bench playing hard the entire time he's out there and frustrating guys with this swarming d! I'm getting more excited about this offseason everyday! GO HAWKS!!!!
  19. AGREED!!!! Marvin is our only starter besides joe that isn't one dimensional, if we got rid of marvin we would def be nothing but iso joe all day everyday. Hopefully woody opens the flooor up a lil more, its a long shot but hey......it could happen, and if he does we're losing the only other player on the floor who can somewhat create with the ball. I don't want to hear about most of his shots being assisted because the way our offense is ran thats the ONLY way he will get shots. Joe and bibby completely dominate the ball and marv gets it in positions where he has no choice but to put it up. Open up the offense and I think we'll see a better marvin, at least on offense.
  20. I can almost guarantee it!!!! Y are the wizards getting boosted so much for next season? Even when they were healthy they never made it out of the 1st round, and all they did this offseason was add more offense to a HORRIFIC defensive team! Don't see them being better than us this year, Miami is going to be right where they were last year,Charlotte mite win 40 games but won't be anywhere near us. Orlando is going to stay on top but it won't be by as big of a margin as it was last year. Yes they added a big name but that doesn't automatically make them better. If they're a better team it'll be because dwight howard progressed in his offensive game, it won't be because of that trade.
  21. jy23

    Brian Skinner

    I agree, thats y I have Jamal Magloire at the top of my list. Tough guy who's not afraid to get dirty and will definately bang with the other bigs in the league! Just my opinion
  22. you can't help but like players like this!
  23. Lol, I sure as heck hope that's what happens!!!!!!
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