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Everything posted by Marvin24Williams

  1. Darn you!! I thought Everyone was going to pick a SG, PG, or SF first
  2. What I expect: Teague breakout year Marvin breakout year
  3. We talkin bout' practice. Not a game, not a game, not a game, we talkin bout' practice.
  4. I chose: Dirk, Joe, Howard, and B. Diddy I chose Dirk because I would want a low post presence who we can give the ball to and ask to score for us. I chose Howard because he's an elite defender and he could make up for the poor defense from Dirk. Joe's my 2 because I like someone who can create his own shot, and have a post up game. He's also big so it's harder for smaller guards to guard him. And last, I chose Baron Davis because he can score, and his passing is elite. His defense in his prime was also very solid.
  5. Thanks for the laugh Diesel, this thread is gold
  6. Paul Pierce was a superstar. T-Mac imo was also a superstar back in the day.
  7. He didn't say much about Marvin, he must be a fan of him too
  8. Now I have to wake up every morning to this? smh
  9. I still believe in marv. He'll come back next season strong.
  10. This is simply a bad matchup for the Heat. Bulls got the defenders to shut down wade and lebron, the better rebounders in Noah, Gibson, Asik, and Booz. The Bulls really have a legit chance of beating this overrated squad in 5-6 games.
  11. Harris is getting old. Teague has a very bright future so no, i'd rather keep teague and martin.
  12. I'm goona miss your JJ bashing threads. :(
  13. Smoove. More talent, better D, better post moves, but nothing like horf when it comes to consistensy. If he can learn how to play within his own skill set, he'll be a better fit then horf going foward. However, if he's going to be the jumpshooting brickhouse builder that he's been this whole season then keep Horf.
  14. Teagues goona be good. Hes going to be in the Conley, Aaron brooks, Brandon Jennings type group.
  15. Integrate him in the offense LD, let him gain his rythm and confidence back. I'd rather see Marvin in then JC if JC isn't hitting his shots
  16. Horford doesn't know the word "man". I'd trade horf for bynum straight up.
  17. How you ask? Well, heres your answer: The man, the myth, the legend, the duck, Marvin Williams.
  18. Let's not blame this on the ref guys. I know the referees make mistakes, but they're only human. This game was up for grabs in the 4th, we were only down by a point and we were in good position to snatch this win. This game came down to will, unfortunately chicago wanted it more then us. We didn't execute our offense in the 4th nor did we make adjustments on defense. I still feel good though, I think we can take this series still. Shut down Rose, shut down the Bulls. Lets go Hawks!
  19. Refs didn't cost us the game, we just didn't execute.
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