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Everything posted by Jody23

  1. Not saying the Spurs rumor isn't legit, but it smells like the Hawks trying to leverage a better deal elsewhere.
  2. Yeah, I don't see the Lakers moving AD.
  3. Frustrating loss with terrible calls/no-calls as usual. However, you've got to make your free throws and not refuse to make the extra pass. On to the next one !!!
  4. I agree, but we'll see. I never understimate Ownership's motivations.
  5. I wonder if the Hawks would try to get the Knicks to take on Capela or Hunter also?
  6. Considering ownership's lust for avoiding the tax, I'm guessing it will be the Knicks in a potential Murray deal. Wouldn't Evan Fournier's expiring deal help with avoiding the tax next season?
  7. The Hawks officially announced Murray signed his extension on July 9th. So, I think Jan. 9 would be the earliest for trade eligibility.
  8. The focus and effort were almost completely nonexistent tonight.
  9. Sigh. Just didn't have it this evening. Didn't seem like the Hawks were allowed to match the physical play. And I wonder if the potential trade reports had any effect. I know they saw it and they are human. On to the next one !!!
  10. While true to an extent, it's been notably worse during this last stretch of games.
  11. A big part of the late game problems imo is they completely stop playing defense. Guys are trying to win with offense, hit the big knock out punch shot. And while they're unsuccessfully doing that, teams are racking up points because guys a mentally checking out defensively.
  12. They have to clean up the late game execution. My goodness! Got the win, though. On to the next one !!!
  13. Reputable reporters who cover the league, such as Brad Rowland and Michael Scotto, have said the teams have talked recently.
  14. I wish the Hawks would stop talking to the Raptors.
  15. With JJ being 22, looking at his numbers, and the good ole eye test, I wouldn't move him even if he weren't on his rookie contract. He's got some more untapped upside.
  16. I 100% believe the Raptors asked for Jalen Johnson. The Hawks would be dumber than dumb to trade him for Siakim. I could understand moving some of the other young players or maybe even OO (which I think is what would happen since they traded Precious), but you hard pass on anything concerning Jalen. Things haven't been going well, but it ain't bad enough to move JJ.
  17. Tried to give this one away smh. A win, to be certain. On to the next one !!!
  18. All of this which is why I'm truly boggled at this idea of trading Trae to make Murray the point guard. No offense to him, but Murray just can't run an offense. The fact that the Hawks' offense is elite with three non-passers, slow processors, and shaky ball-handlers in the starting lineup is remarkable and speaks to the load Trae is carrying.
  19. Saw some late and missed passes tonight that were really frustrating. Some guys just don't process plays quickly or well at all. And honestly, the Hawks only have one point guard on the roster. Other than Trae, nobody else can effectively run the offense.
  20. Lots of things that went wrong in this one. Keeping Bogi on the bench in the fourth in favor of Bey until it was too late was a horrible decision. On to the next one !!!
  21. Welcome back, Jalen. Hope that Seth Lundy will be alright. The defense was not good as usual. But overall, they just didn't have it tonight. On to the next one !!!
  22. And as far as the Raptors go, the Hawks shouldn't change their offer. Either they make the deal according to the prior construction or no deal. No need to include Bogi, Murray, JJ, or anyone else who wan't discussed before.
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