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Everything posted by Alex

  1. I love me some Jeff Teague. I really think Van Exel rubs him the right way. He was always my favorite player growing up and he's always had that nasty attitude. But in a good way. I see Jeff acting similar right now and I love it.
  2. The Clippers needed this game badly and we needed it as well. We looked real good in the few minutes I saw us play. It was a pleasure to see our second unit keep fending the Clippers off for nearly 3/4 the final quarter.
  3. Alex

    Small Ball

    Small ball is our only option in my mind. Assuming we are without Al and Zaza. We try to go toe to toe with Boston and we get swept. We need to slow the pace down a lot. I am talking Wisconsin pace...as much as I loathe Bo Ryan and his antics. We must value every single possession and not turn the ball over. We need to be very particular with our fast breaks and quick scoring baskets. Any easy basket we can get, we need to take. And I do agree this is Josh Smith's time to shine! I know he played awesome last season in the playoffs, but against Boston we need him to have some career games.
  4. He is what is. A bust of a number two pick. He has done enough to stay on the roster and hasn't done enough to even come close to his salary and draft selection. There have been worse number two picks in the league, but fortunately for those teams they aren't currently on the roster. If Marvin was making half of what he does people wouldn't have a problem. The issue is with the front office and any person here would gladly take a salary they didn't deserve. I am not defending Marvin as I hated the pick, but he is only doing the natural human thing here.
  5. If we are missing Zaza and Al we are going to get swept. Zaza is our enforcer and really got into Boston's head mainly Garnett back in 08. Honestly a sweep isn't out of the question if we are missing our two best big men. I think the loss of Zaza right now is a bigger factor than Al. We had learned to play without Al almost all season. We still quite haven't figured out how to deal with the loss of Zaza. The Celtics and their fans have every right to be cocky and arrogant.
  6. A number 2 overall pick...can't wait until he is gone.
  7. We have good players and no lack of talent on this roster. Yet we are fading real fast out of the playoff picture. We are getting pounded by an old Celtics team. There are worse teams in the league, but that's because of the players they have. I don't know what the excuse is with this team, but it's aggravating to watch this team be completed wasted. Sure we might end up as the 7th or 8th seed, but what does it matter? We get swept in round one no matter what.
  8. Alex


    Well we haven't trailed by 15 yet. I guess that's a good sign.
  9. Alex

    It's Time

    Blow this s*** up. We are awful. Sure we might slip into the 7th or 8th seed, but this team is going nowhere fast. It's really sad to see all this talent and potential go to waste.
  10. Alex

    Game day!

    4-8 against teams with a winning record...
  11. Alex

    Game day!

    Hello seven seed...if we even end up making the playoffs.
  12. Alex

    joe fn johnson

    Show up for an entire playoff series and get back to me.
  13. Very bad second quarter. Got out hustled multiple times and shot very poorly.
  14. Nothing will happen. I think Sund is done making trades. The last one worked out great. : :bad:
  15. We will end up with some bum late in the second round that wont even make the team.
  16. Elliot Perry in his prime of course.
  17. And we don't have a scorer anywhere near the caliber of Nowitzki. Stevenson would fizzle out here and would be just another body that takes up space.
  18. Tainting the NBA because of a zone defense. LMFAO dude. The referees are the ones tainting it with their continued blown and absurd calls. Not too mention the lottery being fixed. The Mavericks play to their strengths and it works for them. Why would you not use something that works for your team?
  19. Very good point. He's a complimentary player with inconsistent perimeter shooting at best. He wouldn't work here.
  20. With this draft being so weak and us having such a late pick...it's not going to make a single difference who we get. That player wont be on the roster and will probably not ever make the NBA.
  21. Pretty sure Minnesota is hanging onto Rambis.
  22. It was awesome to see some good play at times with this group during the playoffs. Still at the end of the day we go home with our tails tucked between our legs at home. They made some strides throughout the playoffs that made you think that they could have turned the corner. Only to stop and make a u-turn and go the wrong direction.
  23. I am definitely on the Jeff Teague for starter bandwagon. He has more than earned it after his series.
  24. Armstrong was a thrown in the trade with Washington. This way the Hawks franchise didn't feel like it was such a bad trade. Washington ripped us off completely and they knew it...see Hilton Armstrong.
  25. He is one of the few players that should be wearing a Hawks jersey next season. I love his grit, attitude, and emotion towards the game.
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