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Everything posted by Alex

  1. The lineup out there with is terrible. Zaza, Crawford, Teague, Marvin, and I think Al. Nobody can score out there. I don't see this team breaking 75 points tonight.
  2. Another late game lead about to be blown.
  3. Anyone else convinced we blow this lead?
  4. Any team we face in the playoffs is going to sweep us. It doesn't make a single difference who we play and where we play them.
  5. We all knew we over paid for Joe. His performance tonight was awesome, but this probably wont happen again the rest of the season. He is a 20 point scorer a night and gets paid like he scores 30. It is what it is.
  6. This is what we resorted to? I am glad Horford is getting that impact guy upfront to help him.
  7. Are you insane? There is absolutely no way that this current Hawks team is better than Miami's current squad. We took Milwaukee to a seventh game and the new and improved Miami team sweeps those clowns. We need to make a move and it honestly doesn't seem like we're going to improve at all. The ownership seemed content with keeping Joe Johnson and crossing their fingers that we could land a top notch free agent and call it an off season. Well we knocked out one of those things.
  8. Obviously this is a scary group of guys on one team in the history of the league. They're three amazing stars. The real question is if they can put their ego's aside and gel together. If this team can co-exist and get support and production from players not named James, Wade, and Bosh then we have a serious problem on our hands. Mario Chalmers is fully capable of being a good player in this league, but after that there is a bunch of question marks. Dexter Pittman could be a force inside and Da'Sean Butler could be a solid scorer coming off the bench. Only time will tell for Miami, but the end state is that Atlanta hasn't improved yet.
  9. J,O'Neal signed with Boston, so that idea is thrown out the window.
  10. I am so sick of James. Everything is about him. He is selfish and I hope he never gets a ring. I don't give a rats *ss where he goes. I will be glad when this crap is finished.
  11. San Antonio rebuilding? Parker, Duncan, and Ginobili isn't a team that is going to be rebuilding anytime soon.
  12. That's a good question, but Mike Miller sounds like the best option. Marvin's awful three point shooting gets him in trouble sometimes.
  13. So much for the craziness of the free agency period. This Bosh to Miami thing makes me bored with the off season already. I could honestly care less where James ends up.
  14. Imagine if we could swing a deal for Williams. I know it would be damn near impossible to keep Smith and acquire Williams, but wow that would be an exciting team with just those two.
  15. Yeah this is scary for sure. I wanted the free agency period to be a little more exciting. If James stays in Cleveland like I think he does, this makes the off season boring pending any trades.
  16. At least he realizes it. If Marvin's here next season or not doesn't really matter to me. Glad to see he is a man about it though. No doubt wish him the best regardless.
  17. Josh Smith is a star power forward for sure. There isn't a lot of guys around the league I'd want to have instead of him. David Lee or David West are fine players, but I would miss Josh Smith's defensive prowess. End state is I am happy with Josh Smith on this team.
  18. I love the idea of signing Shaq daddy, but Josh Smith is my favorite Hawks player and I don't want to him to go.
  19. Well this means Orlando just got a decent point for a bargain price. I hope we make something happen soon with our point guard situation.
  20. We may have overpaid? Uh yeah we most definitely overpaid for Joe Johnson's services. He isn't a top tier talent in the league. He is a damn good player, but he isn't on the level of the greats and never will be.
  21. I don't want Shawn Marion's ugly *ss shot anywhere near this team. Caron Butler is a poor man's Joe Johnson. No thanks Dallas.
  22. I am pretty sure JJ only cares about money. It doesn't matter to him if this team stays as it is. A good team, but a second round exit year in and year out.
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