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Everything posted by IHeartAtlanta

  1. I Want Us To Trade Up Into Late Into The First Round And Draft Travis Lesie...Dude Would Go Perfectly With "The Highlight Factory"
  2. Main reason Dwight would want to play here is because he is best friends with smoove...
  3. IMO... We just need to add pieces...we have our MLE and we need to use Marvin and Kirk as trade pieces...I think this team is a legit center away now that Teague has arrived to be true contenders...Go Hawks
  4. Marvin Williams Has Been Missing This Series.... Non Factor What so Ever and I Usually Have His Back... He Needs To Step Up
  5. And Its Not Like we Just Gave In...We Fought Hard
  6. Lmao "It Was Prolly The Bulls Fans Saying Noooo"
  7. We Played Horrible and was still only down 6 with under 5 min to ga against the team with the best record in the NBA... We Took Homecourt From A Team That Won 18 More Games Than us In The Regular Season....WERE IN GOOD SHAPE!!!!!!
  8. The Media Would Trip If We Met In The Finals...lmao
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IC4sr0pTmuo
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-5Y21tQnqA lol :laugh:
  11. If Were Doing Good I Refuse To Tweet And Boast About It... Untill the game is over and we won...
  12. Sky Hawk had a new suit too... And it's about time that dude smelled like garbage...lol
  13. Great idea...lol I just tweeted the idea to Author Trishe..(our PR guy)
  14. Yea me and the dude next to me had one of those huge failed high fives...lmao
  15. I got to go with jamals... He did his 2K Signature shake and bake and hit then game clinching 3... But Joes was great because we were playing the celtics and no one gave us a chance...
  16. Aint Seen The Highlight Factory Like This Since The Boston Series!!! Which Dagger Was More "Epic"?
  17. Horford & Smoove Own Noah & Boozer in almost everything except +/- and thats because the game we got blown out....
  18. Stern In Return Bought The Refs Season Passes To Disney Land....
  19. Now you know was kindof lame.. Shock the world is my favorite but I think there going with it's happening...
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGXXVy9Y8-4
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