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Posts posted by NekiEcko

  1. 23 minutes ago, Diesel said:

    You guys just don't get it. 

    This was a salary DUMP.  That is all.   They are not going to use all of the TPE and put them back in the LT...

    If anything more salaries will be dropped. 

    How are we supposed to extend OO and DJM and Bey?

    Maybe we get some relief with the timing of Bogi's contract.   But with JJ and AJ to come the long game says that we will be moving more salary either this year or next. 

    I expect we will trade for a cheap contract.  If not a Rookie or First Year, then somebody who has 1 more year on their deal making under 7.3 Million. 

     Orlando traded for Jarace Walker.  You ought to hope that a first and 2 2nds can get us Franz M. 



    This is not a salary Dump at all, it is a prelude to another move (a bigger move).


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  2. 1 minute ago, thecampster said:

    One point of speculation nobody has mentioned (that I saw) was does this open up time for OO at the 4 and Bruno as the backup 5?

    But here is the question about that, if you do something like that, would it applied that Capella will be staying here ( For me I think him and Hunter is about to go soon)

  3. 4 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    He has limited handles? Yep

    He has limited moves outside of straight line drives? Yep

    He definitely has defensive impact especially on the wing

    He has limited rebounding for a wing? Yep

    He's decent on offense to me most of the time, that's your opinion of the corpse's shit. 

    Shit, you forgot to mention he's a poor passer with limited vision. 

    And yes, it's still Trae's fault. It's been Trae's fault and unless he changes, it will CONTINUE to be Trae's fault. 


    Shit decision-making skills while dominating time of possession on the ball and dribbling the air out of the ball. 

    Horrendous shot selection - Josh Smith levels of shitty

    Horrible time managing skills, for someone who loves Steve Nash, I don't think he watched any Nash outside of highlights because Nash's best trait was his time management with the ball. That's the one area where he shits on the Point Gawd, CP3. Nash had a perfect feel for when to pass, shoot, execute the play, create magic, etc. He just had the best feel for the game. Joker is close but he's not Nash at that. Instead, Trae is just like Marbury. Just doing shit for stats and if it would give him a stat. He doesn't do shit to win, he does shit to produce on paper. It's f***ing idiotic. 

    Movement off the ball is asstastic. I think it was you that tried to say, he just need another handler. We got Murray, it's more disastrous than even I thought it would be. 

    He's a streaky-ass shooter which to be fair, most of our guys are including Dre. 

    He is constantly is trying to get bailed out by refs doing idiotic bogus shit that just irks players, coaches, and fanbases. 

    Defensively, he's the WOAT. nothing much more needs to be said than that. 

    And he's massively overpaid. 

    So yes, he's the f***ing problem. 

    Yeah I think you need to cover your eyes for a while since Trae is face of this franchise and he might be those things atleast he try, I think Hunter might be better off with another team right now.  

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  4. 1 minute ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    The Huerter trade last year put us on this position. This is why I said they didn't need to make the trade when they did. Could have had him to start the season, particularly since we needed him Bogi injured, and make a mid season trade if needed.

    Now we are in a situation where teams will offer up trash not value for those players.  Geez, This team can not get a break to save our lives.

  5. 3 minutes ago, bleachkit said:

    We wanted to get back real value, Mavs wanted a salary dump. That's the issue Fields is going to face trying to trade Capela/JC/Hunter.

    Plus thanks to all of these media types talking about that mandate, teams is going to lowball offers for all of them.   

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  6. 8 minutes ago, kg01 said:

    I mean, we can't live 2024 today.  Gotta just get through Thursday.  

    Nothing wrong with taking a guy to develop.  Could facilitate fixing some of the down the line issues that are keeping you up at night. 

    Nope it is not the down the line issues, we just got too many issues right now to develop another young talent.  I have faith but its waning a lot now.

    We are probably going to do Cash thing on the 2nd round.  Can I go to bed?

  7. 3 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    There really wasn't any good options for the frontcourt at 15. 

    Then trade the pick, if they does not want to be in LT, then they just trade the pick.  There is no more playing time for the kid unless you trade somebody and we got bigger issues to deal with besides that logjam.  This pick gets a D+ from me

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