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Everything posted by IheartVolt

  1. Yes it was not a homer pick either. I wanted to hit PF next and I honestly could not find anyone at that position I would rather have over John..
  2. Not sure why link didn't work but I will figure out
  3. The Flaming Flamingos are thinking big. We want our PF to be aggressive on the boards, the ability to drive and work inside on the offensive end of the floor, as well as being a young up and coming All-Star in this league with the ability to jump out of the gym. With our pick the Flaming Flamingo's pick John Collins to anchor our PF position. With Steph anchoring the PG position, John can continue to enjoy accurate lobs as he has become accustomed to and efficient passes as well. Pg-Curry PF-Collins
  4. Well put your fanny pack back on and get to work will ya? Oh and don't take my next pick!
  5. I like it! It's impossible to gauge the rooks tho and you are selling Len a little short
  6. You should be disqualified for snooping around my damn draft board!
  7. Well alright then.. so much for my victory dance then
  8. It's cool now.. seems clearing cache caused all kinds of weird shit to happen
  9. Yes I definitely do not see a spreadsheet. Maybe it's because I only have a mobile device to view
  10. Has it not been updated cause I am not seeing it.. I mean I can go back thru all the post but that will get taxing later. I checked his post and do not see a list
  11. Do we have a list of players taken yet? I am already lost
  12. I think things would have worked better for the guy if he was O.J. Miracle Whip personally. The guy never had a chance since so many hate mayo
  13. This works for me.. It will certainly make things move quicker
  14. That reads like I am suggesting you have never been on another board before bro, bit that's not what I was trying to articulate. Just my observation of things here is all
  15. Well I assure you that The Squawk is not the only fan board with this issue. I am pretty sure it's pretty mild compared to some of the boards I have read. It's a bit of a tight small group here and people are comfortable around one another without fear of trolling and call outs. It's actually a nice thing compared to some boards. Especially some NFL boards.
  16. Well I certainly would never claim he is an all-star center but I think he earned his chance to prove his worth over the last quarter of the season last year. It's just enthusiasm on behalf of our fellow members here man, even if it can get carried away sometimes.
  17. Cut him some slack bro. We all know how he gets when his manlove grows out of control. He means well
  18. I am about to purchase another desktop.. I am actually not a fan of laptops and notebooks
  19. Is this sarcasm? Did I misunderstand the post or something?
  20. What makes you believe he is not part of the future? So trade a potential 18pts a game for an unproven prospect? This does not make any sense at all unless their is another underlying reason for blatant disrespect of a player. Would you trade a prime Brook Lopez for an unproven Bruno? A damn second rounder? Wtf?
  21. LMAO.. You guys are killing me.. That is five words so my work here is done. I am not even gonna say anything to Supes in his thread about his new budding bro-mance that is forming
  22. Exactly! Let's be honest and call it what it was shall we? It was SHIT situation for the guy. His confidence most likely took a huge hit in that crap organization. He likes it here. He is comfortable here and can relax while improving his game. He is a very good center for today's game and fits in well with everyone here.
  23. I have been this guy's biggest defender on this board. He gets no respect here and is always overlooked. He was playing extremely well the last quarter of the season last year. I stand by my statement that he will surprise everyone this year. Book it!
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