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Everything posted by IheartVolt

  1. The numbers are construed due to their less then stellar play to start the year. It does not present how well they actually played due to that month and a half of adjustment.
  2. I know that Supes, that is why I take the analytics with a great big grain of salt. We both know the rookies had horrible ratings the first month of the season last year while they adjusted. It's not the whole story
  3. Well what do you expect with two rookies on the floor at the same time? I mean fresh too the NBA.. It is very deceiving
  4. It's a damn shame that the CARMELO index or formula will not step foot onto a basketball court. I am confused with all this Pelicans hype as well. No way Holiday hangs around and Zion cannot push away from the pizza table it seems. Not to mention Ball and Ingram played with a top 3 player in the world last year, how did that fair for them? I mean I like how they ended up after the AD crap but they are being pushed way to hard and not deserving yet in my opinion. The Nuggets deserve their placement, bit all the rest can and will be argued till all these guys mature and produce results. Personally I would put the Nuggets ahead of us and that's it.
  5. You may be right. I have a real hard time seeing why so many have a problem playing with him. He seems a reasonable guy but that can be deceiving when it comes to him getting his nimbers.. Nimbers come first afterall
  6. Unfortunately his team is gonna require 3 balls on the court at the same time. Looks good on paper but have chemistry questions big time. Harden and LeBron will be ready to murder each other
  7. PG-Curry SG-Mitchell SF-Harris PF-The Baptist Coach- Coach Bud @pimp has been mailed
  8. This is a before bed pick here. With the 45th pick The Flaming Flamingo's select Philadelphia 76'er Tobias Harris. Tobias will be anchoring our SF position next to John Collins. Goodnite guys
  9. It's the damn corn syrup I's a tellz ya
  10. Lol you old farts!! I was thinking I am getting old.. better carry around some furniture polish everywhere you go incase you accidently fart in someones house. Do not wanna leave a dusty mess
  11. Actually I think him and Len are the same player. Len can do all he does on offense and defense with a much smaller pay check. The only problem is we will not lean so heavily on Len most likely
  12. The only cheese balls you can find are the Planters cheese balls. They come in a cardboard cylinder with the plastic snap on lid. It's a damn shame
  13. Preach!!! Only damn cereal that taste the same is Lucky Charms! Even Cinnamon Toast Crunch taste different. It must be the high fructose corn syrup that replaced the real sugar.. Can't leave alone what is not broken.. smdh
  14. Off topic, but anyone notice how the Reese's peanut butter cups taste different then when back in the day? I mean I used to be able to eat my body weight in those things. Now they taste different. Not as good as they were at one time. The peanut butter is different
  15. At least we know now what happened with a very recent draft pick whom was traded for weight issues. Seems Campster was a never ending supply of Whitman's and Reese's peanut butter cup.
  16. Well that's pretty funny, cause I was struggling between Bud and Siakam
  17. With the 36th selection The Flaming Flamingo's select two time coach of the year Mike Buddenferry.. Budenholzer Sorry for the short post
  18. LMAO.. Today's NBA stars are the worst dressed ever! These guys couldn't match colors with their skin tight shirts and skinny jeans to save their life! Damn I miss the 90"s when everyone could dress
  19. Don't sip on the Hateraid too much.. I have a nice bottle cognac
  20. With the 25th pick The Flaming Flamingo's select an up and coming star anchoring a very nice looking squad out in the great state of Utah. Playmaking ability and offensive prowess is what we want to pair with our superstar MVP point guard. Donovan Mitchell shall join the squad that is sure to win us alot if games. PG- Steph Curry SG- Donovan Mitchell PF- John Collins.. Looking to turn some heads every time they step on the floor.. @pimp is up next
  21. No way that happens. You are selling Len short my man. You and everyone else will be very pleased with him after this season is done
  22. It's funny. There was one All-Star I would have avoided picking at all cost and it is him. I just can't get on the bandwagon with his mom existent shooting. Hope he figures it out one day
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