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Everything posted by IheartVolt

  1. Not gonna happen either.. Hunter could flame out on the defensive end but he will be our new Junk Yard Dog
  2. Start Cam over whom? Start him over Huerter? That will not happen not will it happen anytime soon Huerter is highly regarded by many in this league. While I appreciate Supes enthusiasm for Cam, I think he is being equally disrespectful of Huerter and his skill set..
  3. Well English and writing was never a strong subject for me when it comes to articulating things on paper or a device screen. I will not be writing any New York Times best selling novels I assure you.
  4. Yes I understand that, but that is not the point I was trying to make. I probably did not word it out correctly.
  5. All of my post are short and to the point, or at least as best as I can present it. You will never see me put up a wall of text
  6. Do I think you are joking? Well no I think you believe what you say. Your obsessions are off the wall however. I can see already Cam is gonna make Big Al look like ground beef in the terms of enthusiasm
  7. I must help you Supes.. Where do you live bro? I will come pick you up and we can lift some heavy ass weights together. You have way too much time on your hands
  8. Advanced metrics or not, taking the time to study and break down all them numbers painfully, and using those numbers to prove your point really does not help. The kid simply has to perform and breaking down the most advanced basketball metrics is not gonna help him do that. I understand some of you enjoy looking this stuff up, but sometimes it seems a little obsessive to get a point across. It does not matter in the bigger picture. He will perform well or he just simply will not. I cannot believe I actually read all that
  9. Len gets no love around here.. I get his defense needs lots of work but he improved last year on the offense end big time. I expect him to perform well this year
  10. I have a great idea! Why not we let this young man actually play an NBA game before we try to crown him the next anything. Besides it's gonna be hard being the next Randy Moss when he is backing up Huerter
  11. Nope.. must be spell check.. It's STEPH Curry no idea how that happened.. strange.. Will fix it Unless I had a historical brain fart there... thanks for calling it out for me
  12. I tried to mail Pimp but it says his messages are disabled.. @pimp
  13. With the 5th pick in The Flaming Flamingos will be looking for a floor general to kick things off this year. We need someone with poise and the ability to shoot from anywhere on the floor as well as distribute, so without further waiting.... The Flaming Flamingos choose Mookie Blay......... Errre just a second Sorry we will be taking Steph Curry to anchor down PG with our first choice!! Will mail next in line
  14. 1) 40 to 45 wins 2) Huerter averages 17 pts a game this year 3)Alex Len exceeds all expectations on both ends of the court 4)Trae and John both continue to improve from last year 5)Cam Reddish will have limited playing time
  15. Wow I never would have guessed he was most efficient from that deep. The things you learn
  16. It's what the youth needs in reality. Our kids are much softer then previous generations and are used to everything being handed to them on a silver platter. I applaud Trae for showing these kids you work and be hungry, it's what they need, not a trophy for third place
  17. Okay where the hell is the translate button? Where the hell is the damn button?!!!!!
  18. Whoa.. I feel like I just passed through a worm hole lol..
  19. The nice surprises are the ones that us Hawks fans no nothing about. It's great to seem to be going in the proper direction for a change. Feels good huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?
  20. Look I am hoping I am wrong but I cannot help but get the feeling that Bruno is just another second rounder who will never see much playing time. Seen it on here before with guys being built up to be more then they are to never materialize. Yup just another second rounder
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