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Everything posted by ATLHawks3

  1. I'm hoping that he could be as dominant as he was when he was with the Pirates a few years ago. I'm still devastated that one of my favorite Braves ever is gone..
  2. Jason Grilli will be our new closer. I hope he brings atleast 70% of what Kimbrel gave to us.
  3. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2421441-atlanta-hawks-sign-young-leukemia-patient-to-1-day-contract
  4. I had a nights rest to sleep over it, and I'm still pissed. Now that we've acquired so many pitching prospects, it's time for the Braves to find some really good position players in this years upcoming MLB Draft. We have picks number 14, 28, 41, & 54, which are all pretty high draft picks.
  5. Thank goodness its just a week.
  6. It's really a sad day when the Gwinnett Braves are going to be better than the Atlanta Braves.
  7. Quentin and Maybin are scrubs at this point in their careers. Wisler better be the next Maddux for me to come to terms with this trade. I feel so sorry for Freeman, because the Braves are wasting his prime years by putting a minor league team around him. I wouldn't be suprised if the Braves attendance drops more than 40%. Thank God Atlanta has the Hawks to look forward to because this city would be in shambles without them.
  8. This is a big F**k you to the fans. Braves screwed up big time.
  9. @Spud2Nique this isn't worth the wait. This team is intentionally trying to be bad.
  10. If they don't give us that lottery pick, I hope we face them in the playoffs so we can unload a can of whoop-ass on 'em.
  11. And I thought Wren was dumb. Hart has completely gutted our Major League talent, and with the prospects who we got back, this team won't reach contender status until I'm in my mid 20s (I'm 17 now). So frustrating that the front office is trying to perpetuate what was wrong with this team last year, into this year.
  12. Surely hope Dennis is alright. Hope it isn't another broken toe.
  13. What was Antić thinking on that last play?
  14. That's a bad combination right there. Yuck.
  15. With the number 1 seed clinched, we need to see how our bench plays for the rest of the regular season.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGXzlRoNtHU
  17. In the 7 years that I've been a Hawks fan, this is the first number 1 seeded team I've seen. So proud of the organization and the city. Now are new goal is towards that championship!
  18. If you're going to steal money, you might as well spend it on the Hawks.. {/sarcasm}
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