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Everything posted by ATLHawks3

  1. I still can't get over the PA Announcer saying that Dennis Schröder was from greece..
  2. All or you defending Pero's play should look at this.
  3. ATLHawks3


    I mean, it is true we are 0-1 without Payne, but I think his premise of this thread is kind of misguided. So, no?
  4. All-Star Break couldn't have come at a better time. These boys need this rest.
  5. Pero is making it increasingly impossible to find anything positive for me to say about him. I officially deem him as the worst player on the team.
  6. On the bright side, we're still number 1 in the East.
  7. ATLHawks3


    The Hawks just played really terribly in the 4th quarter. This loss had nothing to do with lack of chemistry.
  8. Seemed like the Hawks thought they had this game won, so didn't play as well in the second half. Luckily this loss can be a valuable lesson in that this Hawks team should never take a team for granted.
  9. Hope Silver will reward the team with the most wins in the east by selecting Kyle!
  10. I'm still in favor of us benching Pero so he can get his head together, while allowing Payne/Muscala to get some burn tonight against the Wolves.
  11. Make sure you save some for the rest!
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