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Everything posted by ATLscrubLove

  1. Not posting it on here again, but wow. Just wanted to tell you guys, crazy accomplishment for me.
  2. In light of this, scrub vid anyone? Lol.
  3. I was thinking about someone else for whatever reason. My fault.
  4. Here's the link for all the crybabies. Not made up, this is legitimate. http://www.foxsportsohio.com/nba/cleveland-cavaliers/story/Sources-Cavs-contact-Mike-Brown-about-jo?blockID=894847&feedID=3724
  5. Reports are that the Hawks are mentioned the most in the Phil Jackson rumors according to Fox Sports Ohio, as well as Mike Brown obviously but now Brown is gone to Cleveland so I guess Ferry will go hard for Phil. Phil said he would only consider coming back if it's a good situation, Ferry is expected to gut what is left of our highly mediocre team this summer except for Horford, Lou, Korver (assuming he would come back) Teague ( maybe ), and Devin (if he'll come back) with all of our cap space... If Phil committed to us, you would have to bet the Dwight/CP3 dream we've had for about a year now could truly become a reality.
  6. I don't even like black chicks but Chanicka is pretty hot.
  7. We have a better shot to win with our 2nd team out there, literally. Hope Smoove not only doesn't play game 2 but he is out for the remainder of the playoffs. Sorry not sorry.
  8. And if he is retained... I'll be done.
  9. That once we are eliminated from the playoffs, Smoove and Larry Drew will both ride into the sunset together and never return.
  10. This is too good. A 25 year old Bulls fan is suing Derrick for making him far and depressed by not playing for the entire season... I fell this is HomeCourt worthy. This is a must read. http://m.bleacherreport.com/articles/1610399-ingenious-fan-sues-injured-derrick-rose-for-making-him-fat-and-depressed
  11. True, pretty crappy article but any time I see anything about this summer I get excited... Even though Nolan Smith is average at best.
  12. Well now he has an option to go where he wants to. Wherever he lands, it'll be because he wants to be there.
  13. Obviously the Lakers aren't guaranteed a playoff spot yet and can very well not make it only being up 1 game with 2 left. But even if they make it they will lose in the first round. But it's not that so much that would make him leave. Now that Kobe will be out until at least mid season of next year you have to think Dwight will take the first midnight train to Georgia after the season. Maybe I'm just over analyzing things guys but our chances have to be getting better. Just seems like things are falling in our favor.
  14. http://www.oregonlive.com/blazers/index.ssf/2013/04/blazers_free-agent_nolan_smith_little_used_in_port.html
  15. To the guy that mentioned Shaun Livingston... I'm SMH at you right now. He is a royal scrub, mainly because of being injury prone.
  16. Eh idk, even with a weak draft there is usually that one guy ( or 2 ) that becomes a true stud in the league. Hardest part is finding out who they are before seeing them in NBA action.
  17. I'm just not thinking any big names will come here in the off-season for one thing, secondly I'm not trying to say trade away a bunch of asets either but we desperately need to trade up and draft Trey Burke or even Hardaway Jr ( if he declares )... Both of these guys will be studs in the NBA. There is a decent amount of talent in the draft this year, I just feel we need to go after one of the studs just like the Falcons did for Julio Jones. High risk but high reward if it all works out. Even with all of the cap we will have... I still feel the draft will be our saving grace for a star.
  18. This has happend with the Jason Collins scrub vid earlier this year when he went to the Celtics and now my scrub vid of Solomon Jones has jumped up to 2,361 views since becoming a Knick... Lol but I also wanted to take this time to say to the scrub vid fans, I know it's been a while since I've put one out but I'm going to start making them again soon. Here is the Solomon Jones vid if any that hasn't seen it would like to.
  19. After going to like 25-30 Hawks games this year I finally met Dominique, go figure that it wasn't at a Hawks game. Lenny had an autograph session as well, I got him to sign an 8x10 of him smoking on that cigar back with the confetti coming down for years past. Best coach in Hawks history hands down. Can't go wrong with a 3x Hall of Famer!
  20. I don't see you going out to almost every Hawks game supporting the team like I do. I cheer for the team, but I don not clap for Smoove at all. I actually boo when the call his name during the starting lineup.
  21. I wouldn't even switch teams, just stop watching the NBA all together. I really hope Smoove is out.
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