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Everything posted by sturt

  1. In other words, on average KCP scores 11.8% of the time he.... Won't argue with you that, yes, it's a frequency but neither can you argue that it wasn't an average that tells you the frequency. And I can't emphasize enough, give me the guy who's done it over and over in 8 seasons instead of someone who hasn't... Cam or anyone else.
  2. Again, you keep going back to averages, my friend. I'm saying, one is clearly capable in this 2021-22 season based on how many times he's done it in the past. I don't care about a year from now. This year only. And I've only used Cam as a comparable b/c someone brought him up, and he's certainly a familiar figure we can all relate to. KCP as your third option, if you could get him (and I don't think you can), would effectively be what I don't trust LouWill is likely to be this post season.
  3. To the point I'm attempting to affirm..... KCP is a legitimate potential asset in a game offensively that can, on occasion, help you win a game. That's all I'm trying to say. Well. And. That that can be a valuable asset to have in post season.
  4. Intrestin... no, I did not. Kinda busy week, and just had the awkward experience of a colleague more or less barging into my office to complain that she doesn't like how long my e-mails are.... no, really.... that happened... can you imagine? The nerve of some people. So, anywho, I'm just happy that he was granted some legit opportunity.
  5. Then again... what if TS intends to be active with buy out options that arise... you know like... I dunno... who's expected to be available???
  6. Sure. Why not. It gives us all the invite to try to make you crack... which is its own form of fun and entertainment.
  7. Yes. Wright is better by less than... let's saaaay... a football field, imo. Yes. I've always thought it had more to-do with KCP's role on every team he's played on, more than that he's incapable... but I can't prove that really. This goes to why I say I don't perceive there's a real way for the GM to work out a deal--ie, because I'm not persuaded he should want to exchange any of our players except Dieng (possibly), TLC or Knox. I'd include LouWill as a fourth, but at this point, that would be sorta-kinda like trading your grandpa... he's part of the family, and a useful part on occasion, so it's not even worthy of conversation. I'm only interested in KCP because I'm greedy, and I want to have the strongest bench 1-15 we can get, in light of how injuries can submarine a post-season so harshly.
  8. You're looking at averages, and that's valid, of course. But I'm looking at this question as I say "go-to offensive generator"... to what extent has this player ever been able to dominate games with his offense, and in other words, be on-occasion someone who led his team to wins? I'm glad you bring up Cam, because that helps illustrate the context I'm using here... Cam has rarely had games, if ever really, when he has been the guy who led the team to a win. KCP has had that multiple times in most if not all seasons he's every played in the NBA.
  9. All well-taken. I'd like to have them both (obviously). Only thing missing in that analysis is that KCP has been known to be a legit, go-to offense generator. Delon is more of a complimentary piece. Also, I've watched a lot of KCP this past year or so, and am persuaded that his defense is on-par with Wright's.
  10. Interesting question. To my mind... Wright's the better PG/SG, and KCP is the better SG/PG, and could even take some SF minutes depending on the opponent on a given night. Wish KCP were a buyout candidate.
  11. Perhaps, but/and when I say "I don't think he can," I would have been better to say, "I don't think he can... come up with something that would be both acceptable to WAS and also a net positive for us." Wright's proving to be everything I believe the GM had hoped he eventually would. Just wouldn't make sense.
  12. I remain persuaded that KCP is someone our GM would love to add if he could. But to the point of this discussion, I don't think he can.
  13. Hope Sarah's right. Still feel the GM has to add a legit back-up vet SF, and he ought to be able to do that at a very modest cost.
  14. I'll share. They get 75%, I'll take 25%.
  15. Nah. I'm claiming Moses. He had some legit good years, even if they were the post Mount Sinai years.
  16. Will TLC, Knox, and Dieng get any minutes in the 4Q tonight? Could it mean something if they don't?
  17. Remembering last season when Rondo inexplicably sat for the game before the deadline... except, of course, it wasn't so inexplicable after all. Will be watching for weird substitution patterns tonight. Hopefully none, but dang I'm so nervous.
  18. Have to admit. It adds to, not subtracts from, my stress level. We lose tonight, the GM might not have time to trade anyone before the owner fires him... hehe.
  19. Who's going to be back-up PG? Nah. That trade just gets us back to where we were before the season began. And at a price of ~$5m more on our payroll. And plausibly needlessly so, since virtually everyone has indicated Thad may be available for practically nothing after being bought out by SAS. For those reasons, not seeing it.
  20. When we lift up that trophy in June, I'm going to be smiling extra wide that the Fickle Finger of Fate, for once, pointed up for us instead of down.
  21. Whoa. Have to say I'm a bit surprised that no one's been compelled to disagree (or agree) with Kirschner. Of the 5, I'm only seriously tempted by #2... I was championing acquiring White last off-season and more recently I've been championing acquiring That Young. It's a deal I would make if we could rewind back to the off-season, but now I feel it's too late in the season to tinker quite so much with the rotation and expect players to almost immediately gel together. I don't mind #3, but it's an overpay. I'm just not persuaded that Craig would get on the court very much. I'd give up a single 2nd, not two. And I actually like love acquiring Kenny Hustle (#4), if you happen to have been paying attention. But that's an overpay as well. I mean you really have to be convinced that Williams is quite possibly the difference between a EC Finals appearance and an NBA Finals appearance... and as much as I still hold confidence in this team, that's too high a price. Rather, what I'd offer is essentially to flip our CHO pick with OKC's PHX pick... that's the Goldilocks cost, imo.
  22. Don't think this is debunkable... but you're welcome to try, if it's important to you to do that...
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