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Everything posted by sturt

  1. I'm not nearly so ready to cut loose any player based on just two preseason games. But having said that, there could be some merit in your idea. Could be. Like we keep saying, it's hard to say w/o any inside scoop on Jack's actual status.
  2. All told, that was one heckuva performance.... not only withstanding arguably THjr's worst performance ever in ATL, but dang, Pop played their starters virtually the entire first half from what I saw... and yet, our guys largely held serve.
  3. Honest answer.... I think the system depends on players taking open shots when they get them, especially wings... that, and, after awhile, the other team notices who seems to be cold, and allow that player to have more open shots. I don't think THjr gets that many minutes, though, in a regular season game, and all the more so, after the first 8 shots or so prove unsuccessful. In an odd way, I'm glad he took as many as he did.
  4. When one guy in the starting line-up goes 1-13, it's no mystery how everyone else's +/- sucks. Let's hope that it was just first night jitters for Junior.
  5. What's up with this? Splitter and Scott both were active for the scrimmage last Saturday.
  6. The C-Viv has spoken. I have complete faith in his insight on these things. (*wink*)
  7. Stray thoughts... 1. I could be wrong, but I think Prince can claw his way into the rotation if he can show himself a defensive asset. 2. I've maintained all along that Moose can deliver a lot of what Zaza did for us, minus a couple of rebounds, but plus a couple of points... I think I'm seeing that play out. Clearly, at the least, Budcox is showcasing Moose for a trade, or at most, actually planning to use him extensively based on a suspicion that Scott won't be on the roster. 3. Edy moving without the ball. Edy with that silky touch in the post. This really could be something special to behold, and as said above, lessens the impact of any time Splitter has to miss. 4. Ryan Kelly, imo, is capable of consistently generating stretch-4 offense for us off the bench. Hard pressed to see how he wedges his way onto the 15-man short of some trade that opens up a spot, though. 5. To @AHF's question, I saw that C-Viv indicated in a tweet that Bud was holding back a few of the 20 from PT, but that those would get time on Saturday night in SA.
  8. Really dominated them in the second half. That hopefully is a reflection of how deep we truly can go more so than how pathetic their bench is.
  9. Looks like we've got ourselves a new center!?!... hehe
  10. We've got 3 weeks til tip-off with the Whizzers. Hard to draw any strong conclusions without even the first preseason game completed, or any insider info on Jack's actual status. Heck, there still could be some trade that gets hatched--there's at least 2 or 3 (Gay, Okafor) that have been rumored to be hot to trot all summer who haven't yet went anywhere. Add to that that it was said the next court date in the Mike Scott drama was likely to pop up "in the fall," and I'm content to just let it all play out and see.
  11. And Richard Solomon is like, "Wait... you had to cut meeeeeeeeeee?" And the new PG is like, "If you see Wilcox walking toward me, you'll understand why I'm running the other way."
  12. It was fun to watch, but let's not go overboard, guys and gals... it wasn't even a preseason game, but an intrasquad game. Yes, there were things to like and dislike, but all of what we saw will be a distant memory in about a week... two, max. Moose almost has to be the most vulnerable, barring some word on Scott's legal status coming out, and/or Dennis' or Sap's injury being more serious than advertised... and if either of those apply, Jack's non-guaranteed contract becomes most vulnerable, imo.
  13. Though... the thought leaps to mind that you could seriously experiment with Bembry as that 3rd PG. Why give minutes to someone who, in reality, will never actually play for you in the regular season anyhow?
  14. More seriously... I tend to agree, though I don't pretend to have the medical qualifications to know for a fact how much room there is for argument.
  15. Hey. Here's a thought. Maybe we needed to open up a roster slot to sign someone else. http://nba.nbcsports.com/2016/09/30/chris-bosh-i-guess-my-career-in-miami-is-done-my-career-is-not-done/ Maybe? (hehe)
  16. Hmm. I don't see it that way at all. Edy still has ample room for improvement, but there's no concern now that when he's on the court that he might be overmatched. I see him more than ever before as having the potential capacity to justify a roster slot in the long-term merely on defense and rebounding alone. But/and... still... he truly has a soft stroke that suggests strongly that there's some offensive game to come. As indicated in another post earlier today, it struck me as I was watching him compete against D8 today that battling it out with the big guy this year is likely to accelerate his progress like never before. And about 24 hours after having JBH's idea first introduced to me, I really think she's onto something with this idea that Jack's roster slot is quite possibly the most vulnerable right now... and it will only get worse if Bembry shows in preseason that he's a very realistic 3rd PG option.
  17. Yeah, but... he's just a camp body anyway.... do we care? I suspect there's something more to the situation, but that we're probably not going to learn what that was/is.
  18. Odd timing. He just unpacked.
  19. Agree with whoever wrote that... and yeah, I didn't mention Prince earlier, but he was around the ball a lot. We need him, imo, to be just that--a stat sheet filler. D8 got 15? Hmm. I didn't see the beginning so maybe he got more of it before I tuned in... otherwise, mighty quiet 15. Free throws... his form is so stiff. If I were a coach, I'd want him to start practicing shooting them with one hand, and emphasizing the backspin he puts on the ball as it's released... with his eyes closed. It's all about muscle memory. But of course, no one's hired me yet, so what do I know.
  20. Funny stuff, cap. Actually, I like it, tho. Kinda distinguishes him... you know, otherwise, all those big white guys look alike. (*wink*)
  21. Hmmm... "broken beyond repair?" Care to expound on that? Me, I'm not sure it's that bad, but it's granted that that's largely what stands between him and stardom.
  22. Thought Edy showed up in a big way when all was said and done. He denied at least one lob to Dwight and defended the rim well. Funny to see Dwight dwarfed on a basketball court, too. Occurred to me that Dwight's arrival, and that Edy will be regularly facing off with him in practice, really should benefit his development in a big way. Truthfully, I thought Edy got the best of Dwight last season when I saw us play in Houston. He doesn't back down in the least. Otherwise, I thought THjr and Delaney asserted themselves well, as did Moose.
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