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Everything posted by sturt

  1. What's damn incredible when you think about it... Prince did what he did w/ practically zero time practicing, if any at all. If there were ever a year when we need to see rookies step up and demand floor time, this is it, and at least Summer League so far suggests there's some reason for hope on that front. Don't get me wrong.... I'm still hard to be persuaded that either Bembry or Prince will be rotation guys for any extent... but at least, again, it seems they might both be capable of making a case for Bud to consider it.
  2. I was just about to post this from earlier today.... http://www.nba.com/video/games/hawks/2016/07/11/1521600027-bkn-atl-sean-marks.nba/ If you FF to the 4:40 mark, you'll notice that Wes seemingly inadvertently lets slip that we have 15 players on the roster including Jarrett Jack. It was one of those, "Did I hear what I think I just heard" moments, and I thought I'd have to review later. And indeed, upon further review, it is clear that Wes has already subtracted one player from the roster in his head.
  3. Not to mention.... Dwight.
  4. Correcting myself twice in one day... but this time, not really my fault.... So much for "it would seem reasonable to assume that Splitter will give us 50 games or more".... based on what Wilcox said today, that's not necessarily as automatic as I'd assumed after all.
  5. I think I need to amend this, and for multiple reasons... 1. @Brokentree is more right than I gave credit, and my mistake is in failing to recognize that when I was previously looking at this last off-season, we were going to be limited by cap room or limited by the Room MLE max in trying to replace Scott b/c of the value he has been to the roster in comparison to what it would cost on the market to replace him, or more pragmatically at the time, the lack of any free agent available at that point who could plausibly replace him. That's not the case right now because we do have cap space that, added to his $3.3m if it disappeared from our ledger, plausibly could allow us to replace him. 2. Something that until now I totally overlooked. And it could potentially be a substantive reason not to release Mike Scott. Even if we assume the worst, ie that he is dismissed from the league, as his most recent (not to mention only) NBA team, we retain a cap exception that would allow us to sign him for the current $3.3m. Given that he's just 28, he could be a great value. Otoh, depending on who's on the market at the time he would be reinstated and what cap room teams have, there's a good chance we'd have to sign him with cap room like anyone else.
  6. Some sobering observations.... http://elitesportsny.com/2016/05/15/should-the-brooklyn-nets-keep-jarrett-jack/
  7. For what it matters what I think, I am in wait-and-see, but I take Delaney's comment that he's been signed to be the back-up PG at face value until proven otherwise--ie, I'm not saying he's going to solve/solidify our PG rotation, but I am saying that for now it appears that he's going to get an honest shot at #2. Signing a 30-something vet coming off a knee injury yesterday would seem to substantiate Delaney's claim. And btw.... fwiw... it took a season or two, but eventually a score-first PG without playmaking instincts rounded himself and/or got coached into becoming a pretty decent PG after all... we just sent him to IND where he's likely finally going to get paid something that represents his one-time AS status. Just saying, I like Delaney's chances of continuing to develop, that's all.
  8. Too many unknowns to assess where we stand, positive or negative: Which Dwight do we have.... how quickly will Dennis mature... will Baze continue to grow his offensive game... to what extent will Korver benefit from a non-surgical off-season versus suffer from another year older... how will Delaney's game translate or not... will one or both of our rookies stand out, or for that matter, will one or both get any serious playing time outside of D-league play... how long can we expect Mike Scott to be on the roster, if at all... and now, is Jack going to recover in-time, and even if he does, will another younger player beat him out for the roster spot... ?!? The only relatively sure-things we have going for us are that it would seem reasonable to assume that Splitter will give us 50 games or more, which is an improvement.... that Sap will continue to produce like Sap normally produces... and that Thabo will be a defensive force. I don't know how to get particularly excited nor depressed, really.
  9. Even with the pronunciation help, I'm still not sure I've got that last name right. Those nutty French and their accents and all.
  10. So very strange to me, and hopefully I'm not alone, that the truly big Hawks story of Sunday has gotten practically zero.... zero.... media comment/attention. I don't get it.
  11. There should be a 16th roster slot just for a player-coach. I like everything about this, except for the opportunity cost.... I really think the NBA more than the NFL or MLB is a young man's game, and I really think we're potentially going to bump off the roster someone who can truly help us in a bigger way and for a longer period of time.
  12. This isn't the appropriate place for that discussion, @bleachkit, but I for one am happy to engage the topic over in the Religion & Politics forum...
  13. http://www.netsdaily.com/2016/4/20/11451244/pass-or-play-32-year-old-jarrett-jack
  14. Lack of any definitive announcement from the front office doesn't exactly lend confidence that this is as they've intended it.
  15. @capstone21, yes, that's been the case in the past for the most part, but if Patterson is still on the roster and has regained his 3pt shot, and if Jack isn't at least 80-90% back, it will be a legit competition. And all the more so if Cotton were to continue playing this well and end up getting a contract offer. Regardless, what I like about it is that that last PG slot will be earned by someone. And the Jack signing is about as low-risk-high-reward as it comes.
  16. I would have thought that if they were confident in his availability, they would have come out today, if not yesterday, and said they were guaranteeing the contract. This wait would seem more consistent with the idea that they're working on a deal involving him. But if the deadline is midnight EST, of course, they're really really really pushing it. Then, too.... there was the thought that they would be able to get Scott to push back the deadline to sometime after Tuesday.... seemingly, that's not something Scott was willing to do. All so curious.
  17. Someone already mentioned the idea that we're witnessing a sort-of ATL homecoming with DH and Jack signings, and wondered if maybe we should consider signing Josh. So/but... seriously.... If Josh were willing to sign a 1 yr vet min contract, would you welcome that? I had to ask.
  18. Almost midnight, and no report from any source regarding the highest impact Hawks story of the day? Honestly, trying to be as fair-minded as I can, that amounts to journalistic malpractice for those in ATL sports media, AJC and otherwise, but especially those whose entire job is to cover the Hawks. That's not to suggest I'm surprised, but it is to suggest, I'm nonetheless incredulous. Embarrassing.
  19. I'm not necessarily disagreeing.... I honestly don't pretend to know either way, just as I don't pretend to know whether he was embellishing his compensation (...though I'd lean toward the likelihood that he's probably more right than wrong on that part--my guess is that there are some bonuses he's counting). Or, did something get reported that I missed?
  20. And Curry's a free agent when, you say?.... *wink*
  21. Someone should let Budcox know that, based on what Delaney said in that interview w/ the Roanoke paper.
  22. Lost me after "thinking."
  23. Last year, we took the full complement of 20 contracts to camp. I doubt this year will be any different. Jack will have competition.
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