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Everything posted by sturt

  1. Earlier this season I was a fan of obtaining JaKarr Sampson as a cheap raw but well-regarded-defensively combo forward. He actually was part of the Sixers rotation for a good part of this season, too (... no, not that that's saying much, of course). Woj just reported he's getting released. Had Splitter not gotten hurt, I'd be all over this. But given that, and what everyone seems to agree is a need for offensive improvement... not as enthusiastic.
  2. It is actually going to be interesting in that Bud plays 10 guys a game pretty religiously, and the last 3 only get in if its a blow out. Mack was never one of those 10. Hinrich almost certainly will be one of those 10, and maybe even regularly so. And just as compelling... almost certainly Budcox is looking to convert Holliday's roster slot to someone who's one of the 10. Big loser today might be Lamar Patterson... his minutes--as minimal as they've been anyhow--would seem to be at most risk.
  3. Essentials, imo... 1. Loves Hinrich's defense and IQ. 2. Thinks we are lacking on offense more so than defense. 3. Thinks the deal allows us to look at buyout market. 4. Long term seemed to indicate prepared to re-up Horf.
  4. Jazz writer just tweeted Holliday is NOT part of the deal after all.
  5. http://player.radio.com/listen/station/929-the-game
  6. Wonder if we get a small trade exception out of the deal included... I mean, why not?
  7. Taking a bow and gloating just a little bit. But... keeping me humble... it was part one, creating a roster slot, for part two, obtaining a young free agent I thought might fill the combo-forward-good-defender role. And that guy was someone who hasn't resurfaced since being one of the Lakers' last training camp cuts.
  8. Search the archives... if it goes down, this could be another "I told ya so" from sturt. :D I think there's like two of those in 15 years on this board. Impressive, eh?
  9. If you add it up, a few of those pages were some of us suggesting that kicking rocks was the likely outcome. But then again, suddenly, I for one am a little wary than I was an hour ago that something ultimately could fall out of the sky after all. Didn't we have something like this on draft night where it got reported we were standing pat?
  10. I've been on the hunt for the genu-wine combo forward with a rep for good defense for awhile. Had been harboring a hope that Danny Granger might be overcoming his foot problem. He's old, but there's plenty of older. And his defensive numbers have been solid even as his offense tailed off those last 2-3 years. Inglis, from what I've seen, is Granger sized, but with bigger thighs. But his lateral quickness and ability to close-out is pretty well regarded.
  11. Yep. I think the stats bear that out, don't they?
  12. I might take a couple of nanoseconds. My thing is and has been throughout the season, we have no lock-down SF defender. Joe isn't that, obviously, either, but/and so I'd want to see some deal on the cheap that brings even just a young buck like Damien Inglis as well.
  13. Sometimes ya just have to do your own homework I suppose. Looked it up. "Career-ending" is key. Knew there was something like that.
  14. I already did, but didn't want to upset you. (hehe)
  15. Yeah... on topic, I think once you reach that number, it's considered beyond just friendly and edges into flirtatious. ;)
  16. I know, I know... the only teams that should really give a crap are the ones who are currently serious contenders and we don't (yet) qualify. But nonetheless... it's still interesting to keep in the back of your mind that if you give-up the 11th player on your roster in a trade, there's a potential to replace him if you've got the roster slot and exception with which to sign him.
  17. I'm sure this has already been discussed somewhere, so forgive my laziness to look it up... can someone remind me if we qualify under these circumstances for a replacement player(?). I seem to recall we can apply to add a 16th player to the roster... no? And I seem to recall that we are allowed to obtain someone with as much as half the injured player's salary... no?
  18. Impressive. I'm not the witty comedian I once was but there's just got to be a follow-up line referencing Manny Pacquiao in there somehow.
  19. Huge. Hard to say that the loss of a reserve guy impacts the season so much that you lower your expectations all that much for the season, but we play with such a small margin of error... we need all hands on deck. I'm suddenly more open than I was to a major trade of some kind that theoretically sets us up better for 2016-17. Still not necessarily anxious for one. But open to one.
  20. ...Just a sidebar opinion... I so much prefer individual threads that speak to distinct topics to one massive one that tries to encompass all things trade-deadline-related. Maybe that's just me, though. Back to your regularly scheduled broadcast...
  21. Notably, if you link back to NBC, they only repeat what Broussard said, as well as the NY Daily News reporter's mention of a Whiteside deal w/ MIA.
  22. Tempting fate, I know, but I've rarely been more sure of a trade that WILL NOT happen. Dwight Howard is not the kind of player you obtain if you're running a San Antonio system.
  23. Hearing today that Don Trump has come out that he wants to be traded from the RNC. Any takers here? (hehe... sorry, couldn't resist... )
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