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Everything posted by sturt

  1. I have a different perspective... that $3m isn't some arbitrary figure. It's the ballpark figure for the Room MLE that several teams can offer. My take is that Joe wants every penny, or nearly every penny, he is supposed to make, and that at that number, he's going to get that plus the opportunity to play in the playoffs with someone capable of making some noise.
  2. Started to think it might be some negotiating ploy, but they've only got a few thousand more than the rest to spend (per BInsiders: http://www.basketballinsiders.com/nba-team-salaries-at-a-glance ). Really the only team in the East with anything significantly more is Charlotte. But if he wants to maximize the payday, Utah could still cut him a decent check.
  3. Relax... it's all good... has his eye on a bigger prize... Bargnani.
  4. I usually go to Draft Express to look at their measurements since they catalog precisely how a player measured in college. This time, I didn't. You're right. He's about an inch taller than I'd thought... they've got him @6-6 1/2 w/o shoes.
  5. March 1 is the date you're looking for. As I understand it, you can waive or pick up a player at any time, but if he's obtained after March 1, he can't play in post-season.
  6. Good player, but he's another big 2 or small 3.
  7. McAdoo is nursing a toe injury, so he might not be on the bench tomorrow. The reason I suggest him to be the most likely choice is mainly his salary situation--he's the least paid frontcourt player on the roster.
  8. Is there any reported bad blood over his trade? That might explain why he would pick up with a team that actually can't add anything to his income (... ie, the distinct possibility that he could get to defeat his former team in the championship). Actually, depending on who GSW would cut to open up a roster slot, we could yet benefit. The natural suspicion would be McAdoo... and McAdoo wouldn't be chopped liver in the least. http://www.ridiculousupside.com/2015/7/1/8875725/nba-and-d-league-champion-james-michael-mcadoo-discusses-keys-to-success
  9. Clark isn't 190 anymore. He's filled out quite a bit over time. I'm going to guess 220. The knock on Bargnani, of course, is his incredibly stiff defense and for his size he has some of the lousiest REB numbers I've seen. But again... if offense is where Budcox wants to improve, it wouldn't surprise me to see them take interest in him.
  10. Not sure I'm excited by the notion of Bargnani, but what I meant earlier is that he seems a fit with what Budcox wants to emphasize, and particularly so given his comments on Thursday that lead naturally to the thought that whoever fills that 15th slot, they're going to be seen as an offensive boost. Looking at the d-league big men available, I'd put Earl Clark at the top of the list--again, not that I favor him necessarily, but just given the skill set it's natural to think Budcox would be looking for.
  11. BInsiders says GSW only has $876,000 to work with... and is also well over the tax threshold. What's more, they also would have to open up a roster slot.
  12. Per Basketball Insiders' spreadsheet, OKC has MLE room to pay him more than we do, but they're also over the tax threshold.
  13. When you have some players on the roster that you know are capable of playing/producing better in the second half than they did in the first half, that's different than 2-3 years ago when we were just surmising that there could be reason for hope. In that category I put: Teague, Korver and Scott. The only player that has overperformed compared to what was expected preseason is probably Bazemore. To my mind, we just need another inconsistent or til-now never-before contributor to step up. It's no mystery that if you depend on 3s like we depend on 3s, you've got to have guys hitting 3s to win. Our horses are capable. That gives us a fighting chance. One more thing... what's easily lost in the frustration for all of us, including me, is that it's 30 teams, each of whom have professional basketball players who are the best on the earth. We can't be satisfied with anything less than a championship, but we do have to remind ourselves of the sheer statistical feat that it is to even just make the conference finals--only 2/15 means an 87% chance we don't make it. We're in the mix. Some things break our way, we're more than capable.
  14. I don't really care who starts. I just think it's a huge advantage to us that we can play all 48 minutes with two of the better PGs in the Eastern Conference on the floor. I know many threw in the towel after those two losses to ORL, but I'm still a believer that, as was said by many pre-season, this team might not win as many games as last season, but it could be a stronger team overall when all is said and done... which I translate to mean, a more substantial post-season threat once we get there. Now, having lost Splitter, yes, that's huge. We all acknowledge that, I think. But then, if it does happen that we gain a Varejao who can actually stay healthy, I don't put it past us that we could, indeed, emerge as a stronger threat than we ended up being last year.
  15. hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe *catches breath* hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
  16. Another name... a Chinese league ex-NBA player who is dominating over there... is Andray Blatche. Though he evidently is in the 2nd year of a 3 year contract that does not allow him an opt-out to return to the NBA, I've read a beat writer (forgetting, but I think it might have been one for the Nets) this morning who indicated there could be enough good faith between him and his team there to allow him to moonlight after their season is done... sorta like, I suppose, how NBA teams often but not always allow their players to play for a national team in the off-season. Of course, Blatche is a loose canon sometimes. He'd effectively be our answer to Dennis Rodman if it ever came to that--albeit one who can actually shoot. And he's been starter material for his teams over here, so it's not a real surprise he's torn up their league as he has.
  17. I think JayBird's got it right, but even beyond the waiver period, I think there's naturally going to be some time necessary both for some teams and players... like Nets and Joe... to figure out what's next for them... and too, for some players like Varejao, to figure out what teams are interested and which situation overall is best. I look for this to be... like so many things, unfortunately for us impatient types (and I count myself among those)... drawn out maybe even until the March 1 deadline (if I understood the playoff roster deadline correctly).
  18. They're going to get somebody... and of those out there, I'll be pretty content if they end up with Novak. Of course, you might have read what I did, that there's some talk that Wade is trying to prompt Joe to come to MIA.
  19. Reminded this morning that Dorell Wright--a favorite 3&D player/topic round here last off-season who ultimately opted to play in China--will likely become available soon b/c the Chinese season ends this time of year. I'm really arguing with myself right now b/c for so long I've been absolutely sold on the need for a legit 3&D with legit SF size to alternate with Thabo. But of course, the loss of Splitter has me leaning toward Varejao... but then, I'm also struck by the injury history and the consequences of rolling the dice on him making it through the regular season, let alone post-season.
  20. Yeah. If POR follows through, Budcox, you have my permission.
  21. Honestly, I don't see any of the guys currently being presumed to be released as anyone that fits our system... and I don't think we sign anyone who isn't. Last month, Basketball Insiders featured a list of D-leaguers who are candidates to get a call up. http://www.basketballinsiders.com/nba-am-10-day-contract-candidates/
  22. Thought some writer today mentioned 3/1.
  23. I'd be surprised if that ends up being what Brooklyn's new GM would like... I look for their next reclamation project to begin ASAP.
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