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Everything posted by JETSET

  1. My pick is ready to go as soon as ATLHawks3 shows up.
  2. When healthy, this guy is still a top 10-15 player in this league. He is two years removed from dragging a mess to 54 wins and the 2nd round. He may have the most complete offensive game in the league today with an arsenal ranging from midrange pullups to bullyball underneath and raining 3's from the heavens. His defensive problems can be mitigated with lower offensive usage and a better supporting cast. He was one of the best performers on Team USA in 2012 which shows that he doesn't need to be force fed the ball to be highly productive and he can be a great team player when surrounded by equal talent. While just turning 31 years old, he mostly plays below the rim and his game should age well. I expect Melo to have at least 4-5 years of solid play left in him. With the 37th pick, the team yet to be named selects: Carmelo Anthony @ATLHawks3 you are up next and a PM has been sent
  3. I was wondering if you already having Blake would keep you away from Draymond
  4. Yeah they are dropping like flies this around. I was hoping for Ibaka and then moved on to Hayward and then to Teague and now who knows.
  5. Probably so. It's just a slooooooow day at work.
  6. I disagree. J.R. got hot one game and was hitting some very tough 3's. No one is stopping J.R. from knocking down 3's when he gets hot like that. He only had one good drive past Korver in all of game 1.
  7. I think a SF is a far greater need. You have 96 minutes of playing time at PF/C in each game. Horford and Millsap will use 65-70 of those minutes. Splitter will get 20-25. This only leaves 10-15 minutes and Muscala can handle those with some of Scott/Tavares mixed in. The East is loaded with elite talent at SF and we are going to need defenders in the playoffs. Lebron/George/Melo will destroy Korver and Hardaway Jr. if they end up getting major minutes at SF. We already saw what happened when we tried to defend George with Korver in the first 2 games of the 13/14 series vs the Pacers.
  8. I would much rather allow Muscala to develop than give his playing time to some recycled player that is on his last legs.
  9. Lebron about to turn Deandre in to a stretch 5.
  10. It was only a bone break and he didn't suffer any ligament damage. Bones generally heal stronger when broken so I dont think this injury will cause his game to decline. I expect paul to be back to his usual self this season.
  11. Him and kawhi are neck and neck for best wing defenders and best wings 25 and under. Really loving the start of my team since I think sf and C are the two most important positions and I feel like I have a top 2 under 25 years old player at each position.
  12. Well this one's simple. I think this guy is a top 15 pick if he doesn't suffer an unfortunate injury while playing for Team USA last summer. He can do it all. With his 6'9" frame, he can defend positions 1-4 while being able to play the 2-4 on offense. He led the nba in defensive rating for the prior two years before sitting out last year. On offense, he can score from every area of the court and he can also create for others. He can also play the 4 if I choose to play small ball. Paul George @Spud2Nique you are on the clock
  13. We have to improve defensively on the wings. That lineup won't cut it in the playoffs. We need another body or two.
  14. Loooove this move. Especially if we could sign him while keeping Mack/Scott. That's one deeeep squad.
  15. i guess it's safe to say that @ATLHawks3 won't be drafting Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx.
  16. JETSET

    Mike Scott

    He may have never fully recovered from the injury that held him out of the lineup for most of March. He was 11/51 (21.5%) from 3 in April and the playoffs. He was a more respectable 59/167 (35.3%) from 3 before the injury. It was really a night and day difference for Scott at the beginning and end of the year. Pre all-star break he was 53/133 from 3 or 39.8% Post all-star break he was 17/85 from 3 or 20% Pre all-star Scott is a huge asset to this team. Post all-star Scott needs to be traded for depth at SF.
  17. My bad. I was on mobile and under the influence of some rumple last night. Still not sure how I messed up who was next that bad.
  18. Im on mobile will update. He's the best center in the league and he is only 25. With the right surroundings, he can be a MVP candidate. The real DMC Damarcus Cousins edit: @ATLHawks3 you are up
  19. It looks like Arthur Andersen did the "witnessing"
  20. I hope we have another loooong winning streak that allows us to rest the starters and trot out those 5 as a starting unit for one game.
  21. I saw some tweets the other day where Bud said he wants his own D-league squad.
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