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Everything posted by Afro

  1. This is what grinds my gears. You wanna disrespect us? Go ahead. But 99% of the media dont even take the time to know anything about our team!!!
  2. For 15 bucks I think Im going to have to jump on that. You can watch all the games on replay too.
  3. If we could get his head on straight I wouldnt mind a guy like Terrance Williams. He can fill up the stat sheet in a short amount of time.
  4. As would Kaman, Dalembert, Brandon Wright, Jermaine Oneal, maybe Nate Robinson.
  5. How is streaming working this year? Anywhere we can watch them online?
  6. Is there any news on that front? When is our Summer League? Who will be on the roster?
  7. Biggest message board pet peeve -_- And then they have the audacity to refuse to tell you the lottery numbers. Rude.
  8. I was hoping we would avoid all the moments next year. Maybeeeee not.
  9. He didnt sleep with Lebron's mom. Looking at you Delonte
  10. I know everyone is saying he opted out because he wanted more years, but can the market be that high for him anymore? The winning teams have no money. Most teams dont have money. I dont think at this point he has many options. 10 million for a year or two from us might be as good as he gets. He might be motivated to come in here and average 24ppg and get him a big contract next year.
  11. Im in the 1% The 1% that actually likes Monta that is lol
  12. You would think with TNT in our backyard, the Media would want Atlanta to be relevant. NOPE.
  13. Millsap over Hickson is no issue to me lol. Nearly twice the price is what made me go EEKS haha
  14. I wanted Millsap from the get go. But for 5 million I wish we could have both lol.
  15. Damn Millsap has 17/8 in him. I really hope we can find a way to get him 33-35 minutes per game
  16. For that price I would have LOVED to get him here to take ZaZa's place
  17. He is twice the player Hickson is? Im not downing the choice. Ferry drafted Hickson. If he didnt want him I am sure he had good reason.
  18. Uh Oh. This is the first move of the offseason that really has made me go-EEKS. The Nuggets just got JJ for 4.5 million/a year less than what we got Millsap for.... HMMMMM
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