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Everything posted by Afro

  1. Biggest message board pet peeve -_- And then they have the audacity to refuse to tell you the lottery numbers. Rude.
  2. I was hoping we would avoid all the moments next year. Maybeeeee not.
  3. He didnt sleep with Lebron's mom. Looking at you Delonte
  4. I know everyone is saying he opted out because he wanted more years, but can the market be that high for him anymore? The winning teams have no money. Most teams dont have money. I dont think at this point he has many options. 10 million for a year or two from us might be as good as he gets. He might be motivated to come in here and average 24ppg and get him a big contract next year.
  5. Im in the 1% The 1% that actually likes Monta that is lol
  6. You would think with TNT in our backyard, the Media would want Atlanta to be relevant. NOPE.
  7. Millsap over Hickson is no issue to me lol. Nearly twice the price is what made me go EEKS haha
  8. I wanted Millsap from the get go. But for 5 million I wish we could have both lol.
  9. Damn Millsap has 17/8 in him. I really hope we can find a way to get him 33-35 minutes per game
  10. For that price I would have LOVED to get him here to take ZaZa's place
  11. He is twice the player Hickson is? Im not downing the choice. Ferry drafted Hickson. If he didnt want him I am sure he had good reason.
  12. Uh Oh. This is the first move of the offseason that really has made me go-EEKS. The Nuggets just got JJ for 4.5 million/a year less than what we got Millsap for.... HMMMMM
  13. I could argue that there is no such thing as a true 100% centerpiece. Yes I know Lebron, Melo, Kobe, etc, etc. But those guys never won without another star. I could argue every star is just a complimentary piece. My point is Al Horford could be our Tim Duncan. Sure we still need a Tony Parker and Manu, but one piece is already here.
  14. Nobody cared about JJ because nobody knew JJ. Whatever star we do get here needs to be branded and marketed. This city needs to KNOW our star. Like Chipper Jones. Chipper brought a TON of fans to the ballpark every night. Like in OKC. That is not a basketball town. But that whole city knows KD. We need to make sure our next guy is the "Face of the Franchise"
  15. Theyre doing a poor job. Granted basketball isnt very big in this city, but neither is hockey and the Gladiators find a way to stick around. Accessibility is a big issue. I know we have Marta but I know plenty of people that WILL NOT ride it. The Hawks need a whole new marketing campaign.
  16. This. I went to games when I lived in Midtown but there is no way I am sitting in all kinds of traffic, paying 25 bucks for a ticket, 15 for parking, for a 2 hour game. Sorry.
  17. Why do people keep saying we dont have a player to build around? Al Horford was a high lottery pick. Al Horford averages about 18/10. A LOT of teams would kill to have him on their team.
  18. He might be working on a Sign and Trade for Josh and Teague. I cant see why in the world detroit would give us anything for Josh but maybe they dont think Drummond, Smith, and Monroe can work together. Who knows. A Teague SnT makes much more sense. I would think Ferry would want to see who he would get in a trade before he starts signing a bunch of players that could prove redundant.
  19. Nick Young seems like a poor mans Lou Williams to me. I might rather have Nick for 5 million, rather than Monta for 10
  20. I think youre right. Something else is going on. I mean would it really take a lot of work to go throw contracts at Brewer, Kaman, Teague, and the likes? Not really. Something else is in play
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