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Everything posted by gopack10

  1. If you look on the site, this is a piece that is a precursor to trade pieces that they are doing. I posted the Dwight Howard piece on here the other day. This piece isn't meant to suggest trades, only to show trade value. And if you want to give PH credit then go right ahead as they are a good source of info, but B/R basically takes things from other sites and puts them into a piece. There is ZERO to that involving any sort of writing or journalism. But PH posts these same types of fluff pieces in the form of videos and podcasts that really go over these same things. All sites do it because of what we are doing here. Talking about it.
  2. Be careful, someone might accuse you of just trying to plug your site......KIDDING But in all seriousness, moving Al is the only way I think that this team is able to improve the roster overall. Someone mentioned a Korver/Kanter deal above and I just don't think the Thunder would even sniff that with how valuable he is to their team. I think we'd be better of going after Adams if we wanted to work out a deal with the Thunder.
  3. The Blazers are one of the best rebounding teams in the league so we could be in for another long night in terms of rebounding the basketball. With Teague's ankles limiting him, I could see Lillard go for 40 tonight but I still think the Hawks win since the Blazers don't have much of a bench or any real post scoring...yet.
  4. Sort of what I'm afraid the Hawks will do. Let Teague play out this season and when his value declines even more (if he's not healthy) then try and trade him and get less than we could today. It is clear this team isn't a Championship contender at the moment so some sort of move needs to happen.
  5. Seeing that Horford max number just reminds me of Joe Johnson's contract. I don't know that I could pay him that much annually since he'll be 30 coming into next season. Unless, of course, he signs a Paul Millsap type of deal which is shorter in terms of years. But I doubt that happens since Millsap's reasoning was the hike in cap for this year and next so he could try and cash in again. Doubtful that Horford takes a one year deal at his age and then tries again the following year, but I can always ddream. Splitter's money will come off after next year as I don't think he was ever meant to be a long-term solution, just a stop gap for a few seasons. Jeff Teague will be a huge decision if Dennis keeps developing. He'll only be 29 when his contract is up and would be easier to give a bigger deal to than Al as he is more of a game changer.
  6. You are correct about the situations being different. It would take a lot to explain but basically we can sign Horford above and beyond the cap no matter what we do with Baze, but it still doesn't change the fact that we would be over the cap in the end. The cap is supposed to sky rocket next season and again the season after. Korver's deal is actually lower next year, albeit not by much, and the contracts of Mack and Scott are not guaranteed as they are both team options. We will have money to spend this offseason even after resigning Horford and Baze if my calculations are correct with the projected cap.
  7. The last time I shared an article on here it was very controversial (Joe Johnson buyout). Hopefully this one is something we can all agree on. http://soaringdownsouth.com/2016/01/10/kent-bazemore-shining-bright-in-contract-year/ While I won't go as far to say that I think Baze is better than DMC (when healthy) on the defensive side of the ball, I will say that I have been very impressed with what he's been able to do this year with a larger role. With he and Al both headed to free agency this summer, I hope that we don't have to choose between the two. But I'd have to go with Baze at this point based on age and potential $ that will be thrown at each of them. I don't want either to go but it might be another Millsap vs. DMC type of thing since we only own Baze's early bird rights which puts us in the same situation as DMC where we would have to eat into cap space to sign him. Hopefully new ownership and a higher cap will allow us to keep both while still improving the roster in the offseason.
  8. My comment still holds water. And if you think the Nets care about what happens to a pick that isn't theirs to begin with then you are crazy. Boston getting a #2 vs. #3 pick means nothing to them in the grand scheme of things because no one is going to catch Philly for that #1 spot (and yes I know that this all hinges on lottery balls). Especially if it means hindering the development of their own young players. And I'm not the one ignoring parts of posts. You and your buddy seem to ignore any reference I make to the money savings, regardless of how much as well as the young player development. Giving RHJ the 30 minutes a night that Joe would eat would be huge for his development. For some reason you are stuck on simply the draft picks. I get that they don't have a first rounder but they could still have their second rounder based on what the Clippers do so the higher the better for them. Not to mention they could use that pick to jump back into the first round with a team that doesn't want the guaranteed salary associated with that first rounder.
  9. But there is ZERO incentive to keeping him. A little incentive outweighs zero incentive and I think you all are undervaluing the positives as it is.
  10. At no point did I use the word tanking. I'm simply stating positives for buying him out, since you didn't seem to have any. But keep ignoring any other point I made while trying to twist my words around to make yourself sound better. I'm still waiting to hear how it would be a positive for the Nets to keep him. Give me one and you argument would have some validity because from where I'm sitting, the Nets keeping him gives them absolutely zero, where as buying him out saves them money, allows for young player development/minutes and gives them higher draft picks, albeit a second rounder. And JJ's comments from five years ago about money don't hold water now. He's over $100M richer now and is older/wiser. So just stop with that nonesense as we all know players chase Championships when they are older and take less money to do so. David West anyone?
  11. Oh, I don't know. Maybe to save money as we both agree they would regardless of LT savings. Or to allow their young guys to play since they aren't going to make the playoffs. Or to make sure they are as close to the top of the second round as possible if they continue to lose games, and losing JJ would definitely ensure that. Long and short of it is that he provides zero to that franchise at this point. As soon as Jarrett Jack went down it was the end of their faint glimmer of hope to make the playoffs. Saving money, allowing rookie development, specifically Rondae Hollis-Jefferson (when he returns), and improving draft position in the second round (since they don't have a first rounder) all seem like wins to me. Thus, a buyout would be beneficial to the Nets if they decide to go that way. I honestly don't know why it amazes you that they are rumored to potentially buy him out if they can't move him. It happens all the time. And in this case, whether you are in love with the benefit to buying him out or not, it is a positive for the Nets franchise. And plenty of players will accept buyouts to try and win a title so I'm not sure why that is so far-fetched for you to believe. The money he'd be giving up, when considering what he would stand to gain, is minimal when it is all said and done. Ask Charles Barkley or Dan Marino if they would have given back a little money when they played for a Title.
  12. Joe has been rumored to be on the move for a while now through a buyout or via trade, with buyout being the most likely scenario. And that $1.7M he would have to give up would be more than worth it for him to sign with a contender. For a guy who has made over $160M in his career, a shot a winning a title would be worth the money he'd give up. Especially since he will get some of it back with whatever team he signs with so it wouldn't even be a full $1.7M lost. Not to mention the playoff share that would come with being on a playoff team. He would come cheap to any team that picked him up so there are no worries there and what he would provide to this team is definitely worth the risk. No question about that. But playing with Lebron might be too much to ignore.
  13. Just read this piece from Soaring Down South on Joe Johnson potentially coming back to Atlanta if he's bought out from the Nets. I think it would be a good move for the Hawks as we need that depth but I doubt we could pry him away from Cleveland and OKC. Thoughts? http://soaringdownsouth.com/2016/01/08/if-bought-out-should-hawks-pursue-joe-johnson/
  14. Soaring Down South had this piece today on Lamar Patterson. Sounds like a really level headed kid. I really hope he continues to see minutes on the wing for us behind Baze, Korver and Thabo. He seems like the best fit overall. http://soaringdownsouth.com/2015/12/08/soaring-south-interview-lamar-patterson-finding-way-rookie-season/
  15. I'm an avid reader of Soaring Down South as well as Peachtree Hoops and I think SDS hits the nail on the head with the Hawks team this season. http://soaringdownsouth.com/2015/11/29/atlanta-hawks-a-season-consistently-inconsistent/ Inconsistency has been our biggest issue. Injuries both in the offseason (Korver & Thabo) along with injuries this season (Teague, Bazemore & Splitter) have caused rotational issues as the team just hasn't been able to get going on the court with any sort of consistency. Thoughts?
  16. I know it is early but this Hawks team looks better than last year's team. I didn't think it was possible with the loss of DC but after tonight's game, I think we have a legit shot at getting back to the East Finals this year. http://soaringdownsouth.com/2015/11/07/atlanta-hawks-lucky-7-hawks-take-wizards-bazemores-career-night/ Baze looked legit tonight and like a guy who has slid right in for DC. Justin Holiday is going to be a 12-15 minute per game contributor as well when it is all said and done. And we even won this one without Splitter, allowing Moose and Scott to get more minutes. What do you guys think? I just can't stop thinking about Charles Barkley on TNT the other night saying we wouldn't win 40 games.
  17. One of the local writers that I follow posted a two part series on the Hawks free agency options. The first is more about our own guys, Carroll, Millsap, etc but the second is more of some targets for us from other teams. Free Agent Focus: Atlanta Hawks Pt. 1 Free Agent Focus: Atlanta Hawks Pt. 2 Honestly, the idea that we bring back both Millsap and Carroll is something that I don't want to entertain. I just don't see Millsap being worth the money he's going to want, especially in two years. His numbers were down across the board last year I think that will continue. I like the idea of going after Aldridge and Green but I really like the idea of bringing in a Bass or Boozer type of guy to take over for Antić/Brand. Instant upgrade IMO.
  18. Why would this team want to spend big dollars on guys like Green and Matthews? If we resign Carroll then you don't really have room on the wing for either of those two guys. And both will likely get somewhere between $8-10M per season so that would be a waste considering we are already set at guard and wing for the near future.
  19. Some of these deals being mentioned are better suited for NBA Live 2016 or NBA 2K16. This isn't a video game fellas. No way Philly let's Noel go for McLemore. So let's just stop it right there. And Millsap being included in ANY deal to Sacramento is just insane. Remember guys, HE WOULD HAVE TO AGREE to a deal like that. Why would he want to when the Kings would be giving up their best player in the deal? The Kings weren't a playoff team with Cousins, what would make Millsap think they would be without him? I don't think Schröder should be untouchable but you'd have to give me a solid rotational player and a first round pick or you'd have to generate some three team trade where we get back a starter.
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