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Everything posted by aali34

  1. Having TLC share the floor makes it difficult. Should have started Cam smh. I would love to see what their day to day gameplan is.
  2. I ain't watching the rest of this. Goodnight yall.
  3. Might as well trade Cam if they're only gonna give him 4 shots and less minutes than TLC.
  4. TLC mucks up our offense so much. He limits Trae since he can't take pressure off of him. Bad decision to start him.
  5. Lebron hasn't attacked JC one on one that much. Kinda interesting.
  6. Unlikely, since he had similar issues with LSU. Not to mention up to this point Embiid has been very accommodating for him, even stretching out to the three so the pairing can work.
  7. This Cam and Grant talk sounds eerily similar to when some people were comparing JC and Tobias Harris... Don't think anyone would wanna revisit that conversation now lol.
  8. Cam is the 5th best free throw shooter in the NBA currently shooting 90%. He's set a solid foundation for his game this season and just gotta continue to build on it. Three point shot is consistent. Shows that on balance Cam is the best Cam. All he gotta do now is get his fg% up by building strength and fine tuning his inside game and we got an all star. Tighten up his defense and build on his passing flashes and we might have a superstar.
  9. Is it me or does Buddy look like Lil Baby?
  10. Maybe they need Kev to lead the second unit offense?
  11. Looks like they are prioritizing defense by having TLC over Kev. Does that make Cam the locked in starter now?
  12. Me after reading all these rumors about Cam, Dre, and JC
  13. Okongwu licking his lips watching Capela. He'd probably average 18 a game with those looks
  14. Damn Capela gotta just pass out of non dunk opportunities. He's gotta realize he can't do anything else.
  15. This is too ugly. I'm tapping out. Deuces yall.
  16. Cams lane navigation is so much better. He would have drawn a charge last year.
  17. Cam taking shots off the curl is new. Hope it sticks.
  18. Cam gotta fight harder over those screens. Good offensive showing so far though.
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