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Everything posted by aali34

  1. Yup and someone noticed.
  2. You know I never thought about it... But does Dre look 6'10 to yall?
  3. Damn. Not even a goodbye to the fans? Kinda iffy.
  4. Nah. That spot has been his since he got drafted. Dre's built like few others, health is the only concern with him. TLC should have never been a starter over Cam though.
  5. Aint heard anybody saying goodbye to this guy. Show yalls appreciation!
  6. That's true. But Clint can't really cover ground or protect Trae on D the way OO can. It's a sticky situation to be in. OO gives up size and rebounding but improves our transition and perimeter defense. Travis has his hands full on the best way to handle this roster construction.
  7. Yeah if Cam is gone, than I'm eyeing Gallo and Bogi since they have been iffy all year. Clint as well, but he can't be traded yet. Here is the order of guys remaining in my opinion from lowest impact to highest. Dre. not included cause he was out. Lou - Unplayable and a ball stopper Dieng - Smart player with a variety of skills, but doesn't fit. Inconsistent. TLC - Ugh garbage. I hate him. Gallo - Unable to contribute on offense like last season and putrid on defense. Delon - Good defense and plays well when aggressive, but doesn't provide what is needed of him. Unfit for his role. Bogi - Inconsistent and tasked to do too much than he can handle. Kevin - Inconsistent and not aggressive enough. Clint - Regressed from DPOY level last season. Touch is doodoo, but still an impact player. No longer superhuman OO - I love him. High impact with room to grow. JC - Great all around and floor raiser. Still has holes in areas, but usually reliable. Trae - Superstar, has weaknesses but usually reliable. Clint, Bogi, Gallo are probably all gone next season. JC and Kev gotta watch their backs. Both guys' intangibles and character are their saving grace. They impact winning but have a limited ceiling compared to others. Dre and OO are impact players who have high potential on both sides of the court. The highest value players outside Trae. Possible All-NBA defense. They're gone only for a superstar. When you look at the team, a shakeup might be inevitable. Not enough impact play from key vets who you would expect it from.
  8. I trust Travis. The inner machinations of his mind are not understood upon initial observation or some b.s. I don't like it but we'll see.
  9. We are still young. But all those guys are impact players that didn't get the leniency Cam does. Only OO is really afforded that now. Cam is very provocative and polarizing. But he's so damn sexy when he plays you look the other way sometimes because of his high end potential. The other guys aren't like that. When you trade the face of your development phase, it kinda indicates that you're serious about winning
  10. Cam's presence is what afforded this team alot of patience and excuses in the name of a "young team developing". My assessments are gonna be more critical now that the guy needing of patience and development is now gone.
  11. The reality is that Cam has huge potential, but hasn't had positive on court impact to the level of Kevin, Dre, John, or OO. I wish it wasn't the case and still think he's gonna be a star. It's gonna be an interesting season.
  12. This feels like the worst timeline that could have happened following a historic playoff run.
  13. I don't know how I feel about Ben. He is a huge difference maker, but he's softer than jelly and got a worse jumper than me. If he is the guy, were gonna be walking on eggshells after any poor performance.
  14. Has to be it. Gonna be hard to convince anybody that Lou and TLC need more touches/shots than them. Especially coming off his covid run.
  15. This looks like the Lonzo Ball situation. He couldn't cut it for a team with championship aspirations and was moved from his drafted team. Couple seasons later he's a major contributor to a playoff team. Cam's third team is gonna love him. Sayonara my sweet.
  16. They made their choice, now they gotta commit to it. Deandre needs 15 shots MINIMUM. Also Gallo gotta go next.
  17. The team failed Cam. He's basically the sacrificial lamb for a wasted season. Coach prioritized TLC, Gallo, and Lou Will over him. We kept TLC over Solo lmao. His voice in the locker room has more impact than TLC's career.
  18. This tells me nobody aside from Trae is safe. I'm gonna demand accountability from everyone on this team. Coaches/Players/GM Sad day
  19. I wonder how the locker room feels. The players essentially sold out Cam with their poor performance.
  20. I'll say this. Trading Cam has evaporated the remaining patience I had for this franchise. Any ups and downs could be attributed to "growth" and "development". Trading away high end potential for a difference maker and a protected pick is a head scratcher, but IDK. I'm not a gm. I will be more vocal about displeasure from here on out
  21. Damn. I'm heartbroken. Not a fan of the return either.
  22. Maybe this collection of players just don't work well together.
  23. Can't believe I'm saying it. TLC looking kinda good.
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