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Everything posted by hylndr11

  1. Who knows what could happen really - the more I look at these teams, we just need our shots to drop, I dont know but CLE lacking depth and having starters to forced to play more minutes I see more injuries for them hitting the finals - we need our bench to step up. Its def not worth tearing everything down unless u get the value.
  2. i thought Horf wanted to play PF. ANYWAYYYY we are not losing all these games cuz of rebounding, its a product of our style, were losing cuz damn shots are not falling, No team with a bigger center that can rebound are going to stop these hot shooting ball movement teams in the playoffs
  3. of course he wants to come here hes not the player he was and is trying to drum up hype - anyway everyone knows this so he has to do it, fine give us Howard - ur not getting Horford
  4. no. its not. Yes it would put buts in the seats full of skeptical as f*** fans, ATL fans arent stupid, thats one reason why they arent the easiest to get in the seats. IF howard comes here theyll be plenty of hype and then when were .500 ppl will stop coming again.
  5. Would be pretty funny to see Dwight here - cant imagine him fitting in with what we do. but have horford at the 4 and millsap at 3 would look good at least. lol
  6. apparrently ATL is the farm system for the rest of the NBA - mmKay NY yall did that to urselves
  7. INteresting that this article mentions nothing of us still having cap space if we keep horford, as some have been mentioning, i dont know enough to believe either - but if we got 20 mil to spare and can keep AL - u try and get a good enough wing player that can give us what we had in DMC and more, I dont know which it is but this piece making it seem we blow it up or stay the same,
  8. The math isnt hard - site im looking at has us at 70 mil next year cap goes to 89.9 hopefullly etc, we give Horford his 20 or whatever its going to be thats going to suck it up, i know we can go over to sign him but how much can we spend on another player - what is your suggestion ?
  9. I dont know Im looking at all the scenarios if we sign Al we have no space to bring in the missing peace which everyone says is the small forward - we have no choice but to trade Jeff to try and get a guy. If Al goes yea we blow the whole thing up - not sure how ppl like KW is saying its not a big deal to lose Al in free agency cuz then we have space, space to sign who though - the best player that will come here is already here.
  10. Talk of Mavericks wanting horford - saw an interview on TV - Apparently they have assets, i mean uh zaza and parsons
  11. say wha - ? everything we do would weaken us for short term. We would have to use parts of that trade to get nice young big - easier said than done, not sure there is anyway we can get an improvment on Horford - just wont happen, take the loss there and develop the new younger players into what Al could not be..... thats the only thing that would happen,
  12. Give them Hardaway not Korver - to get Gordon and Dipo. Teague and hardaway for those two - they need to develop but we would at least be younger.
  13. yesssssssssss and thats why i said what i said.
  14. Magic are retard if they give us Gordon and dipo for Teague. They can haz baze - we are good a developing players those two guys onece they integrate into our system, I think that will keep Al around for sure.
  15. The reason for oladipo making sense is he attacks the rim most of the time, is one of the best at gaurding the 3pt line and is willing to take contact, he led the league in charges and is very good at taking them, having a physical presence like that will open things up again and force teams not to play us the way they used to - Dipo typicall gaurds the other teams best player because of his lateral quickness, hes is good defender - it basically lets us change things around and how we run our offense - while not as good as it was last year until it starts to gel, long term will be harder for teams to shut down.
  16. http://www.nba.com/magic/news/film-room-victor-oladipo-playing-elite-defense plenty out there on how much oladipo has improved on defense - he s not horrible by any stretch, its 2016 ppl
  17. "He's not much better for us this year either but no where nearly as bad. " I was with u on the Baze Conundrum thread but you are reading what you are writing, no
  18. got plenty of hawks stuff there, where do u guys make this shit up
  19. I think the reason he hastn tried thabo baz lineup because of the way teams are playing Kyle and how that benefits us still.
  20. Right - Why cant they win with a bigger SF or a la the article above something that gives us back the benefits of Carroll
  21. I would take tobias and hezonja in a heartbeat for teague
  22. Carroll fighting through screens and moving around the court as a thicker player would just cause them so many more problems like you said combo forward. I dont know how we get a wing with keeping the team in tact.
  23. Great post - hopefully this is true and its something we can find. Nobody is looking at it like this but it makes sense because of the way things are falling, teams are getting more open looks this year for sure,
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