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Everything posted by marco102

  1. Yes, I'd hate to have to give that type of money to Tatum.
  2. All about the fit! We gawk at these numbers, but with the way the salary cap is rising, it's going to be like any other max/super max. Boston is going to be in trouble if they can't get the most out Brown and Tatum in the next year or two though.
  3. This really is wild. If someone hadn't mentioned Trae gets players better shots, we wouldn't have this weird debate that coaches have no impact on where players are getting their looks from. Literally against Boston Quin told Jalen and John they had to shoot the three point shot to open up spacing. Jalen was a great example of letting it fly. He hit some big ones and missed a lot, but it's about the process of not hesitating when you have an open look.
  4. You should do this with true shooting percentages too.
  5. Pushed back to September if it's going to happen per the "insiders" earlier in the thread.
  6. But you're against KAT's salary, but can rationalize this foolishness?
  7. The insiders said the Wolves wanted Saddiq Bey so you don't have to include any of the youngins in there. We are essentially taking on a super max for a non super max player. There's value in that. If the Wolves covet bey, you send him and filler and Capela out with a first round pick. That cap savings is worth a ton.
  8. Never thought I'd see KAT fan fiction.
  9. Not my money. The Cap is being smooth, but it's still going to go up more than it has before.
  10. Team KAT. I'm more about roster fit. KAT will not hurt our defensive ranking from last year and I think Quinn would get some improvement there. With the offense we will have we'd only have to be top 15 defensively to make a run. Just getting Siakim will cause roster construction problems which I can not over look. I prefer KAT. This!
  11. Could be, but the roster still makes more sense trading for him than either Brown or Siakam. You can't really argue that point.
  12. You don't realize it, but you are talking yourself into why KAT makes sense.
  13. Backups have to play a role to win a championship. You didn't see how the backup players just helped Denver win a championship? A deep squad with all NBA talent (s) generally win championships. I think we'll have that. Generally, no big three wins it all their first year together too. I think we can possibly make it to a finals the first year with KAT if things fall right, but again, I think the young guys have to step up OO, AJ, JJ.
  14. You still got concerns about the $70 million in center with a salary cap that's projected to increase a ton in the next few years? Just because I told Jaybird, I haven't read the details of the CBA doesn't mean I don't know about the consequences of the new CBA. I like to read things myself to understand them, but I've read tweets about the changes in the new CBA. Hope that doesn't come off as snarky cause I'm not trying to be.
  15. Maybe not the first year, but with AJ and JJ's maturity yes!
  16. I haven't read it but I'm aware of the consequences of going into the 2nd Apron. If you continue to draft well, there are no limitations on what you can do with your roster. So to my knowledge, there's no language in there that stops you from paying players you draft https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/nba-cba-101-everything-to-know-about-new-agreement-from-salary-cap-to-free-agency-and-beyond/ So that should alleviate any concerns you have about paying the centers $70 million dollars. Again, if Tony doesn't want to pay to win a championship, that's on him!
  17. Yup and it ain't our money so we shouldn't worry about it as long as we are keeping our young players with potential.
  18. We can on the defense. If you trade for JB, I'm pretty sure one of them, if not both, will not be on the roster anyway. I think one of the insiders have stated that JJ and AJ would not be included in the KAT trade. Another reason I support KAT over JB trade. It keeps continuity while allowing young players to improve in their roles. I'd rather stand pat than trade for JB. Is he that much better than Murray who'll be about $10 million cheaper? You can't say the same with KAT. There's no one on the Hawks team with his skillset at the big man spot.
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