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Everything posted by marco102

  1. I guess the other strawman to make is would that individual had lived longer if they didn't catch COVID.? So the complications from COVID did in fact lead to their death because there immune system wasn't strong enough to fight it off. I don't know what a COVID death is because COVID in itself causes so many other diseases in your body. For example, you catch COVID and get pneumonia and you die from pneumonia. The COVID is the reason you got the pneumonia in the first place so in my mind, that's a COVID death. Same with the swelling in your body that may cause a stroke or heart attack.
  2. You may be misconstruing these people explaining WHY people are hesitant. It's not making excuses but explaining why someone feels a certain way about the vaccine is not costing lives. Now if they are telling people not to get it because of those experiments in an entirely different story and I would agree with you.
  3. @thecampster wasn't using race to justify hesitancy. He was explaining why some communities are hesitant against a government mandated vaccine. 80 or 90 years ago is a long time, but that hesitancy may be passed down from those grand parents to the the parents to their children. No one is saying big bad whitey is to blame for vaccine hesitancy. There are communities that don't trust the government because of past actions.
  4. I'm not sure if that's true or not, but I can tell you from a close family member's personal experience, the effects of COVID on your brain is nothing like the flu. Maybe it is, but not well documented. My family member started getting panic attacks when they had COVID. Symptoms went away and now three months after they had COVID, those attacks are back and much much worse. We've had to get that individual, psychiatric help. It's not just the flu when people are having these long term effects. My boss is still having loss of smell and he had COVID in March. Do you know of someone who's had these long term effects of the flu? I do not, but I've never had the flu.
  5. It's going to be interesting to see what high profile players have to sit out these games and cost your team a chance at a championship.
  6. That's my thoughts exactly. They can track you, listen to you, and scan your body through your cell phone. Why take all the extra time/money to do it through a chip?
  7. Speaking as a black man. Those instances are horrible and I have a lot of family members who didn't get the vaccine until someone close to them died from COVID. You shouldn't get your medical advice from Tik-Tok, Facebook or Twitter. I understand the hesitancy in some, but at least talk to your family doctor and take their recommendations. As far as businesses, that is a tricky one. Businesses normally give a choice. Get vaccinated or get tested periodically in most instances I know. Everyone still has the choice to not get vaccinated, they will just have to find other employment if they don't like the additional policies. I'm fine with that. To me, forcing someone to get vaccinated is passing laws mandating vaccines or go to jail or the death penalty. Some seem to believe that the Biden administration is mandating vaccines, but the only thing the administration is mandating is for employers to require vaccinations OR testing periodically. Everyone still has their own personal choice. If being ant-vax is more important to someone than millions of dollars, then that's their personal choice to lose that money. I also don't want to vilify anti-vaxxers. I'm not sure what to do about them. The more you force it, the more resistant they become. It's just a problem that doesn't have a simple solution.
  8. I'm assuming none of these players are on the Hawks, but this article is crazy. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/nba-anti-vaxxers-covid-1231988/
  9. What religion keeps you from getting vaccinated?
  10. Travis press conference today. 1. Dre, Clint (injection), Kevin (ankle cleaned at the end of the season) and Bogi will be limited participants to start training camp. 2. Hopefully to get a deal done with Kevin. Spoke to his agent last night. If no deal, doesn't mean one won't get done next year. 3. Hope OO will be ready by the end of December.
  11. I was told that if you selected Trae Young over Luka it would get you fired. Looks like the entire Mavs organization is a mess after selecting Luka. Some of the blame can go to Luka and his reported attitude and playing style, but most is just incompetence all around.
  12. At a minimum, when you look at some of the players above 50! It's a tough exercise though and we all are biased.
  13. BSPN doesn't have Hunter in their top 100. Maybe it's because of the injuries, but you can't tell me there are 100 better players in the NBA than Hunter!
  14. I mean I see your point from a personal standpoint, but if you were a business owner and had two consenting adults dating and end up breaking up badly and then one claimed the other used their position of power to seduce the other into a relationship, you'd think differently after that $1,000,000 settlement.
  15. Great insight Camp. Just a tidbit that this video of Cam was during his predraft workout and not recent. I do remember you saying that the team was pleased with his work ethic over the summer. Sounds like all our guys are locking in and getting ready for this season.
  16. I'm not speaking for AHF, but from a corporates risk standpoint he is right on point. We have a firm policy that managers and partners can not date staff and seniors because of exactly what AHF mentioned. Sexual harassments goes both ways these days.
  17. I'm glad to see JJ putting in the work this summer too. I'm really excited to see how he develops over the next few years.
  18. You don't see me so I MAY not exist. See how that works? My argument is you can't say because someone is posting on social media that means they are putting in more work than others. @thecampster has already posted about the team liking what Cam is doing this offseason. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean they aren't working is the only point I'm making.
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