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Everything posted by Lurker

  1. In the end, that was a half where it looked like two young teams that had spent the night partying beforehand and not worrying about a game.
  2. Based on that inbounds'...it's not just Young. But this would be a game, if Teague/Goodwin were to get going, where I'd firmly plant Young's butt on the bench. I swear, in some ways, he truly is like Harden where his bad can be completely unbearable.
  3. This team honestly has about the rest of this half before I probably turn this time. Should've been taking advantage of some of the crap I saw earlier from Memphis. I broke my glasses so I don't have the time to be messing with them if this isn't gonna work out.
  4. Hunter's only a 2 in super big lineups, unless you're in a fantasy world where you think his driving and post up skills are better than what they really are, which they really aren't. They're somewhere in the middle of really good and not great for a guy that's supposed to mainly get his shots off assists. Besides, I think most of his post ups come against real smalls. I don't think it's a very serious thing right now (and when you're not THE guy, it doesn't matter too much, because you'll see a case like the Wizards trying to "hide" Thomas on him). His main offense now is straight line drives and spot ups. He has some ability to dribble drive that's better than I maybe would've thought, but it's still not great. I'm not finding it on the NBA stats website, but I think his unassisted FG percentage would be very meh for doing it.
  5. Hunter is crushing now. Appears he might have gotten used to the B2Bs.
  6. Boy there's been multiple airball open 3's...one finally went down before the timeout...and I'm not surprised one was taken because it seems like there was 3 airball open 3's. Great block by Huerter btw.
  7. Reddish is balling out of control this quarter.
  8. I actually agree with Supes, Collins is a better 5 overall defensively than 4 outside of boarding unless the 5 that's in the game can take you off the dribble. Boarding is only one small part defensively to playing defense. 4's take Collins off the dribble regularly...he is better at the 5 all around outside of boarding and boarding isn't the only thing you worry about on defense. Reality is, Collins might be a bench player on a winning team as he's a misfit player in lineups.
  9. I fully expect NOP to pay the full max for him. That's why he's out of the picture as far as I care.
  10. I meant northcyde's boi could've played 30 minutes and it would've been an L. Magic were going on runs with him in too, he had the 2nd worst +/- of the notable players that got playing time. Only thing you could've actually argued was playing him more for development and conceding wins...because honestly Bruno ain't good right now.
  11. He could have played 30 minutes and the Hawks would've still lost, that's what I mean. #BrunoFernandoisntgood
  12. We lose this game if your boi played close to 30 minutes. I found it striking how the Magic were going on runs with him in anyhow. This stretch here is going to pad his +/- but it's really garbage time.
  13. You may think it's an excuse, but it's the reason they hold Bruno back, and are likely to continue to for the rest of the season, and probably most of next season too.
  14. Actually, Chris K has said the Hawks organization doesn't want to play Bruno a lot because they think he's extremely raw, even rawer than what Reddish was, and think overexposing him would ruin his confidence. Classic case of a g-leaguer right now and not NBA-er if you were more prepared, the Hawks weren't.
  15. Gonna see our favorite for stretches! Vince Carter at PF! Sadly, there's reason to simply because he's a better positional guy.
  16. Ingram has steadily gotten better regardless of whether he's been on pro winning teams or not (which he hasn't been so far, but still). I'm not interested though, and the odds of him being a possibility aren't great. New Orleans might be wrong on their feel, but they plan to max him and love his fit with Zion. Better idea would be to look to try to develop Reddish. I could see him being a secondary playmaker. I'd rather look to steal Malik Beasley. Since Brandon Ingram is out and Davis Bertans is probably out, the guy to steal out there would be Beasley. But that might be hard.
  17. Maybe Malik Beasley to bring in some better athleticism at SG? Might be a tough get, but I'm not feeling Kevin.
  18. I'm not sure there's any reason to consider Kevin Huerter part of "The Core" anymore.
  19. Nobody on the team can guard Embiid as it is.
  20. So I suppose Lloyd thinks he can cash in the remaining fouls available by Reddish for money.
  21. Hunter's been great this quarter too...
  22. Maybe that'll be so if the refs stop blowing whistles. Might as well start Cam in the 2nd half though because the rate it's going, Cam's gonna foul out quickly anyway.
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