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Everything posted by Lurker

  1. Schlenk made a mistake in evaluating the depth on his team and outside of Bembry, the wings are first year players, and while Bazemore and Prince weren't great, first year players can struggle. Reddish in particular was really thrown to the wolves like Trae was, and wasn't as close as Trae was to getting it, although there are signs lately that throwing him to the wolves is going to work in the super long haul.
  2. I'd put that pick on the market but if a good situation to trade it doesn't emerge, I'm starting to get a feeling about Tyrese Haliburton. Have for the past few times I've thought about the draft and I watched some video of him playing today, he looks nice outside of that 3 point shot that looks odd. I would however have some concern about not carrying a veteran PG, but with Young going into year 3 that should be fine...who knows. Really can't trade the pick just to trade the pick but I'd market it and see what's available.
  3. We have no idea where this is going to go, but there's a couple things true from what I've seen... I remember people being in deny deny deny mode when Young heated up. There was a point where his better play was as small of a sample size's as Reddish, although he at least did have the good college results. Here we are a year later. We have another rookie in that if the season started at "x" date, I think most would have been fine with the results. Although not all of it has been great, Reddish's last 16 from the first game after the New Year, if you could take that split and apply it on a full season, given that at least for most, expectations weren't high for the rookie season, the split honestly would be expectations met for me. It doesn't have too many minutes either. So, lets see if the sample size carries on or not, like last year Young. He came in with a very long way to go to me, and still has a long way but it's clear the work has been put in. I think there's much more to this story to tell. I think your breakout or at least telling year is probably more likely to be year 3 than next year. But its best that we hope it works. Because from the way it sounds, you have much of a FO here gambling a fair bit on the Hawks being able to grow what was a raw product in Cam Reddish into a future superstar. To make the team work with Young, you likely need a star caliber 2 way wing playing with him. Where this goes with Reddish is likely to determine a lot over the next 4 years.
  4. Start Bruno Wednesday instead of Jones and only play Damian Jones if every big man or guy that acts as one is fouled out.
  5. Jeff was a +10. He played well today, and I'd have probably played him even more.
  6. Young is having a better second half to me overall on offense.
  7. Kevin you ain't Young, don't take that shot.
  8. Boy that was a great sequence by Reddish.
  9. Its time for Damian Jones to leave this game.
  10. Brandon Goodwin is lowkey actually good. Edit: Ah, the in game jinx considering that he had a good look. Guess I can actually be a jinxer.
  11. Lurker

    Ask Supes

    I think that's exactly what happened. He was probably using what are likely in-house analytics that the public can't see to make his determination on how NBA players that he might bring in would potentially help (considering that he also has done that to make a projection on seasons). Those analytics that I'm referring to, likely overestimated the impact of the players brought in. That's definitely why you can still argue this in two ways. There's a case for improvement and progress to be made with the right offseason moves to compliment the players here, and a case to still have very real concern on if the team that's in the front office even has the ability to start building up a team because of what we saw transpire this year, even through the injuries and suspension (which is why I've referred to Schlenk=Coppy of the NBA without the ability to be busted for something like Coppy was a bit). Schlenk at least has shown so far though that he's realized the mistakes he made last summer, but we still have a much longer period of watching, even though we've seen some good news still. Next year could still use some shooting/bench scoring brought in, preferably on short term deals if possible (and we all know the names), and a veteran voice or two (Teague maybe returns plus one other). What do we see happen there...needless to say, at least for my case, if the shooting/bench scoring does come, I will be happy.
  12. Lurker

    Ask Supes

    yeah I said earlier in the thread that you lose all your leverage by having no first round picks on draft night, I'm not necessarily against not making a pick for the team 1-5, but making a trade on draft night or closer to then would be smarter, if you choose to go that way. Right now I'm actually truly not making a first round pick in this draft without maybe making a trade down and possibly acquiring a young player already in the NBA. It just doesn't excite me. Edwards might change my mind as a BPA and have him be a bench scorer a couple weeks later if he continues to dominant while he's on a team that's being held back by the hideous coaching in Tom Crean. That kid is honestly about 2-3 more performances of what he's done most recently from being able to peace out. He needs the NBA or another college to be able to get to do better because Crean is trash as a coach.
  13. Lurker

    Ask Supes

    I don't think we take Wiseman. Think we tipped our hand and said we weren't a big fan of him by acquiring two bigs. Honestly do think the move is probably going to be BPA and have the BPA play off the bench. If Reddish keeps up legitimate progress, lets see...a top 10 of this for 20-21... Young Reddish Hunter Collins Capela Backup PG - ? (potentially Teague since he talked about returning before he was traded to Atlanta) Huerter Draft Pick potentially? Free agent pickup? (Bertans/McRae/whoever else you can think of) Dedmon Plus potentially adding a veteran or two on a one year to either help if needed or be a voice, if that looks bad, you're that superhero that's holding that picture frame of Mike Budenholzer in the meme about missing someone/something and still angry that he's gone. For reference, a look at what we've had at times this year, and it's not to forget the injuries and suspension either... The opening starting lineup was Young/Reddish/Hunter/Collins/Len Guys like Bembry, Parker, and Evan Turner were playing key minutes off the bench. Len really struggled as a starter. Collins then gets suspended, and a guy that's a smaller PF then replaced him and you ended up with an ISO based lineup for a while that played horrible defense to compound it. Huerter gets injured for a major period of time and Turner proves to not be very effective, leading to wings that still needed time (at least early with Reddish and you can say that's going on with Hunter now) to be playing tons of minutes, with one of them playing a lot in a much faster based offense than what he was used to, likely tiring him out and hurting him for now overall. And you still have a Russian roulette of injuries going on now. I guess you can say it's Karma for tearing it down unnecessarily if that's in your head, but that's what's going on. To add on, Evan Turner has been not so great in the locker room as well at times. If you can get to where you're 12 deep with good depth, maybe it won't happen for sure, but I'd say there's a legit case to be made to see progress IFFFFFFFFFFF you see the right moves this time.
  14. Lurker

    Ask Supes

    There's just no need to trade both your picks now and lose all the leverage you have and I've been on the side of possibly not making a pick in 1-4. Makes a lot more sense to hold on to it, see where the draft lottery falls, and then potentially shop the pick at the draft to see who bites and for what. Honestly, what I'd probably like for the draft now is one of the following: 1. Just take who you consider the BPA and have them help bolster the bench. If they develop, then you potentially have trade bait between them or other players on the roster (depending on if the player is a PG or not). 2. Try to acquire an established young player with your pick and potentially a little more attached, but it feels like #1 is much more likely.
  15. Yeah from how it sounds it doesn't seem like there's any reason for Capela to not play outside of tanking purposes, which although the Hawks have chosen overly carefulness at times because of rebuilding, or tanking if you want to call it tanking, they haven't gone with just outright not playing a guy, at least not yet. My guess is you'll see him play after the all star break. Dedmon on the other hand could likely roll in and be in the starting lineup.
  16. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, he might have realized by using the Hawks apparent in-house and not open to the public advanced analytics that said stuff like for example, Alex Len's impact would replace Dewayne Dedmon's impact smoothly, that he thoroughly pooped the bed on last year's offseason and put himself in a position where his job is on the line in 20/21 and he's in emergent need of being able to put the team in position of being able to show legit progress. It's obvious he knows that he swung and struck out multiple times last offseason. He's talked about it and now made these moves. Good. Now maybe he should pair in-house analytics with actually using a pair of eyes in construction from here on. There's no problem with using analytics, but sometimes it should be paired with eyes as well.
  17. 15-15 to finish off with a similar record as last year. Maybe. But beyond then, enough is enough and there might be a hint of urgency, we'll see what the offseason shows.
  18. Good trade here as well. Hopefully Dedmon can find the form he had in Atlanta and at the very worst, you have more 2nd's to play with. For now Schlenk has calmed me down, but there's still much more to this story that needs telling in the offseason and to be done. I actually don't really think Harrell fits anymore, but the next move needs to be the bench.
  19. Clint Capela vs Damian Jones as the C. Whew what a difference. I honestly get worries about fit with Collins on offense but Collins has a good enough 3 point shot to play 4 out 1 in and be one of the guys spread out at times. His shot is good enough that it requires attention (or if you don't he'll shoot) and he has some ability to create his own or even pass from the high post (refreshed my memory by looking at some video and saw that) He's played with other centers that don't really shoot well (or at all) and has still been good already this year.
  20. To add on, to act like how the Miami Heat do, we'd have honestly had to even revamp from what was going on with the Bud organization. Two of their young players went freaking undrafted. Duncan Robinson started out at Williams and he's now a top shooter in the NBA. Incredible stuff, but it requires ELITE ELITE scouting. Which I don't think the Hawks had on a non-NBA level in the Bud organization.
  21. I still don’t feel like there was anything significant there to do to improve from 16/17, honestly. Hardaway Jr is still Hardaway Jr, he’s a nice volume 3 point shooter at times but doesn’t really do a whole lot else and Millsap hasn’t really been what he was in Atlanta since leaving. What should be discussed first there is Al Horford and the decision for him to walk, which he had apparently decided at the ASB. At this point you can be in the camp that feels like 16/17 wasn’t going to improve and question Schlenk at the same time though, which is where I’m at. I’ve indicated in other posts that I’m not happy with him and honestly, he’s at the point that Coppy was for me in 2017 already, where I was beginning to feel apathetic about him. Maybe the Braves were better positioned with talent that was closer to ready, but it sure felt like to me that Coppy was going to fail in making the moves to connect the dots on a helping out a team moving to competing (and also that Acuna really bailed out that rebuild by exploding). Schlenk must be on notice in the offseason, there’s no question about it. This must be it, as far as I care, there’s zero excuses after this season, if he intentionally wants to continue with drafting in the high lottery for a couple more seasons and burn a chance in FA in the offseason after, he needs to pack it up, leave the state, and go back west. So, to me, it’ll be interesting to see the offseason moves more than anything. I actually don’t think the playoffs are necessary, but you NEED to see full season progress and not another absolutely garbage November (like 35-36 wins spread out over a full year…okay with how bad the east is, that might be enough sadly, still think they need to contract the playoffs, but I’m not drowning in basketball like I am with college football).
  22. Lurker

    Ask Supes

    I think you're going to be in a bit of a minority at least at this point. Right now I couldn't care less about anybody at the top of this draft, even Wiseman has his fair share of questions despite him playing a grand total of 3 games. As of today I'd be pretty hot on trading out when you get to the draft. The deal will need to make sense, but I still would rather go that way.
  23. Lurker

    Ask Supes

    I'd honestly have to think long and hard about trading our pick. This draft is just very lackluster. I may flip a few more times but as of now I'd say trade it if a deal for a good young player that isn't crazy emerges. I'd also consider trading Collins as well. Get the feeling that you won't be able to mix him and Trae. Hopefully he improves some, but you might have to treat Trae's defense like the younger Isaiah Thomas' and surround him with multiple 2-way players. Can see that idea really working, especially if Reddish ends up being the guy the Hawks obviously project.
  24. Young's been playing like how he did at Oklahoma all season...honestly didn't even think this far was possible (don't think many did) but he's shown that it is and really did it for half of last year too, now preferably for me down the road he's averaging 24 and 10. And I type this up and two not so great plays lol...although the heat check 3 isn't awful.
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