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Everything posted by aznsensation

  1. If we go by this logic we should beat Washington. The Hawks beat Phoenix which beat Charlotte which beat Milwaukee which beat Toronto which beat New Jersey which beat Washington which will play us Sunday which will lose to the Hawks.
  2. Quote: How about Joe Johnson don't have any guts. You forgot that one. you beat me to it.
  3. Quote: 1) Woody doesn't have an offensive set in place. 2) We had no called plays after the 1st quarter. 3) We set very few screens throughout the game. We almost NEVER set double screens. 4) We don't know what an effective pick and roll looks like. 5) Law is not playing with enough aggressiveness. 6) Woody still prefers Lue over Salim (inexplicably). 7) Horford is for real. He still makes mistakes, but he knows how to go get the ball on the boards 8) Smoove continues to be immature. He complains after every no-call. 9) Smoove's shooting woes continue. 3 for 13 was the last I heard. Not good. 10) Chillz has disappeared. 11) Shelden was a wasted pick. Some very good thoughts.. JJ need to step up and lead this team also.
  4. This game just proves that Boston is better than some of us thought and their perimeter game is every bit as good as their interior game. I thought we did better against Boston when we were running a little more. Then they got us into a halfcourt and thats when we started to fade.
  5. Quote: i wont be hme in time to see the game because i got to march with my highschool at a football game. can somebody please record the game and put it on the web. Not infringement too much of NBA copyright one can only post clips and not an entire game. Do what I do, get TiVo.
  6. Quote: i hope it's on league pass. I use to have league pass and local games were always blacked out.
  7. Quote: I'll respond to the 1st post so nobody in particular thinks I'm attacking them. It amazes me how little people on this board comprehend when it comes to the CBA, matching offers, etc. considering we've been through the same damn discussions 100X. the next time somebody makes a comment about us not being able to resign all our players I'm simply going to keep linking this.... To me its not the questions of if we will be able to resign all our players, because I think we can. But question I pose is what will management do regarding signing our players.
  8. Quote: Better get your tickets for sunday (2 pm) I play basketball every Sunday. Man this is a tough one.
  9. I'll be back here right before Christmas. I never miss Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family. Whenever you want to come down...ITS ON!!!!
  10. Quote: It was just last year that this board was so gloomy. What a change the new year has brought!!! We are actually have a thoughtful debate on how to beat the Celtics instead of tearing each other throats on issues such as who to draft, how MW or Shelden sucks, etc. What a welcome change. Wassup VAFan. You coming down for any games? Normally every year I would be in Vietnam right now but due to my grandfather I had to stay behind till after Thanksgiving. I'll be back before Christmas. Let me know if you going to any games. Yeah..gotta love the optimism so far. Holla!
  11. We had Smoove on Dirk and Sheed. I take Smoove's defense over TT anytime of day.
  12. This is the time we wish he had another big body even if its Zaza to put the bruise on KG. Horford, Smoove, and Shelden are gonna have their hands full.
  13. Quote: The scary thing is that he is shooting jumpers most of the time. IF he was a post player it wouldn't be as impressive. I believe Marvin has an inside game but I think we need his perimeter game more right now.
  14. Quote: As I posted the other day, Im interested in keeping Joe, Smoove, Horford, Marvin, Acie and Chill for the long-term (in that order of preference). Agreed! These are the players we need to keep.
  15. According to espn preview of the game, they don't give us much of a chance. "They could be in good shape to remain undefeated against Atlanta (2-2), which is looking to avoid extending its road losing streak to 16 games dating to last season, when it went 12-29 away from home." It'll be interesting to see how Woodson strategize against Boston. Lets prove these espn writers wrong.
  16. Quote: Future News: "After last night's upset of the Boston Celtics by the Atlanta Hawks at the Garden, there has been a rash of minor brain hemorages by NBA experts arond the country. Stephen A. Smith (one of the few who did make it to work for his ESPN segment) began bleeding from the ears when the Hawks' upset was brought up. In desparation, ESPN put out an emergency call to Sir Charles Barkely...one of the few analysts who does not seem to be affected by this strange malady." (developing) Lets me this come true boyz!
  17. Quote: I noticed that too. It's like JJ takes time off until the 4th qtr when he puts on the cape and the suit and becomes Big Pimpin! I think it's almost Jordanesque in that it allows our other players to get into the grove of their game... I would rather see us work it in to Horf/Smoove/Shelden in the low post and then work from outside, slash after that... I'm just really liking the Utah Style of play...It's old school like Smashmouth football! Working Smooth, Horford and Shelden looks like a halfcourt type of strategy. I think it all depend on what team we play. We may need to up the tempo for Boston and Shelden don't run that well.
  18. Hawks do have cap room to match any offers from other teams. I just wonder how much will his signing affect the signing of our other players. For every basket Smoove makes, I smell cha ching!
  19. Quote: The way Marvin is playing he should really be our #2 option behind JJ. Smoove needs to stay on the block and forget about those damn jump shots. In the game against New Jersey in which we lost by 5 points (which is our biggest margin of defeat!!! Go Hawks baby) Marvin only took 6 shots but yet still came away with 13 points. Marvin is really blossoming as a go to guy and our second option. Funny how you mention the New Jersey game. MW was in foul trouble all night. Can't be a 2nd option if you can't stay on the floor. I do agree that MW at this point a better scoring option than Smoove. For tonight game though we need every bit of Smoove defensive prowess to MW jump shot. We cannot afford another JJ off-night.
  20. Its still way too early to bash Conley. During draft night I said that I would be happy with either Horford, Yi, or Conley. I believe all three will be great players in the NBA.
  21. From all the interviews I heard from him I cannot believe that he can be controversial like that.
  22. Quote: I voted Horford not only because he's a better rebounder and passer but because Big Z will have a field day against 2nd teamers. Z will add offense off the bench in a big way and his poor defense will not be as bad against opposing second teams. If Woody would pull his head out and start using Salim...man, that bench is DEEP and GREAT. Shelden didn't play much tonight because of matchups but he will be big off the bench as well. Plus, you have a great energy/hustle guy in Super Mario. How could we forget Mario.
  23. He's coming around. Definitely improving. Hope he can continue his good play and give this team that second scorer we desperately needed after JJ.
  24. Wasn't there but on tv the crowd didn't look bad...and I'm gone!
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