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Everything posted by aznsensation

  1. Having #3 and #11 improve us to be in the playoff. Washington and New Jersey didn't do much to help themselves.
  2. I remember one Portland game I was so f**king pissed. That may have been one of the game you were talking about.
  3. I was listening to Mike and Mike in the morning the other day and some retired ref (can't remember who it was) was bashing the NBA auditing systems. He was saying like there was a bunch of red flags on a lot of refs and still hired them. He name this one auditor the hired that his only experience was refering some college football. He said that the good ol boy systems is alive and well in the NBA. Seems to me, they got some serious issues beyond just this bad apple.
  4. You me both. Lets hope this time around JJ will last all year and be a monster on a mission.
  5. Look like we're adding a lot more shooters to this year's team. Kobe, Kidd, Miller, Redd, Redick. Last year I remember we needed shooters so badly. Hinrich and Johnson are good but I think with the addition of Kidd pure shooters will get the ball more and lots of open shots. What do you think of our chances?
  6. I think he wants to take Stern's job...lolz
  7. That was some interesting thoughts by you guys. Hey Diesel, AZN as in Asian.
  8. Did anyone see the USA scrimmage Sunday night blue against white? Durant scored like a bunch of points. He look like he fit in quite nicely. He made some monster dunk, ran the floor and shot the ball extremely well. This guy is gonna be one helluva player. If only we had landed the 1st or 2nd pick.
  9. I thought all along BK couldn't screw this up drafting Yi, Conley or Horford. Each bring something different to the table. We were very lucky to have the 3rd pick. I think Horford will be even better than I originally thought.
  10. I'm anxious to see what is going to come down from after the courts. The league will probably go back to all the games and review the calls carefully. I wonder if he ever involve any Hawks game.
  11. Your right AFH. Ownerships are still affected by Belkin and Bernie did admit they are a little hindered.
  12. I definitely feel better and I think so far has exceeded my expectation. He's improve as he got more games under his belt. Should be a starter before end of this coming season.
  13. Bernie did say that Belkin has a lot of veto power for someone who only has 30% shares but that doesn't mean it hinders any maneuvering by the Hawks. He also mention that the Stoudamire rumor was just that so it was never even on the plate for Belkin to veto. They also talked about having 7 point guards. Bernie said that Woodson like Lue for his clutch shooting and leadership. Salim needed to learn the point and improve defense if he wants more playing time. They like his instant offense and perimeter shooting off the bench. The rest was just blah blah blah about Hossa and the Thrashers.
  14. If Ravio can work on his quickness and strength I don't see why team like the Hawks can't use him. Shooting skills like that is a premium in this league.
  15. I like Law to start the season but I think coach will go with Speedy. Law need to start so he can gain some valuable playing time with his teamates. Speed will probably play because they need a good start. Woodson is on the hotseat so he's not going to players time to develop.
  16. That was sweet. It got me riled up. Can't wait for the season to start. But like every year I miss half the game due to my work schedule in Asia in the winter time.
  17. I had the game TIVO today. I couldn't wait all day to get home and watch the game. Law and Horford reestablish my feeling that they will be OK in the pros. Ravio was on fire but I think he is a little weak and many times couldn't muscle his way out of a double team. SW had a lot of cleanup points and shot pretty good from the side. Our guys control the paint as they should since no one on the Spurs team was over 6'8.
  18. Horford's game look so much like a PF. He either played with SJ or SW at the same time so what position was he? At times Horford couldn't do anything against that Ukraine guy. Listening to the game last week I kept hearing how Law had the ball stripped and how he kept missing shots. But after watching the game, I felt really good about him. He will OK. Like the rest of you guys I like to see Ravio play more. As soon as he got into the game he drain a long jumper. I can't remember if it was a 3pt or not. Now I'm anxious to see the next game.
  19. I think you hit it on the nose coachx. If we add a few more shooters, we should be able to do lot better than last time.
  20. I'm shopping for a jersey too. I like J. Smith, Childress, Law IV and Horford but I'm thinking of buying Johnson. I think of all the Hawk's player, he is the most recognized. Plus he's on the USA squad.
  21. Oden and Durant's stats weren't impressive but if Law and Horford can put up some decent numbers it will make me feel better about things. Even though these are SL games who wouldn't worry if our guys perform badly.
  22. I guess I'll reserve some judgement until I see the games. Stats can sometimes not tell the whole story.
  23. The only purpose was that he was the best player available.
  24. If we don't overuse him and if a few guys and take just a little bit of pressure off double team, I definitely think he will duplicate last year numbers or better. With last year stats I can't see how we would leave off the AS game.
  25. I open up another thread trying to find out if I can watch the Hawks game live. Look like NBA tv are showing these games starting on the 18th. Wish I could find a way to watch it live though.
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