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Everything posted by DominiqueWilkins

  1. Quote: I'd rather have RJ then Kenyan. Kenyan has game but I don't think he is even worth 10 million. Jason Kidd makes Kenyan look better than he is. RJ is the only guy on the Nets who can create his own shot and he is gettting better. RJ is the man on the Nets I would want also, but there is no use in talking about him, since he isn't up for grabs. K-Mart isn't worth the max as we all know, but if we think we will get him for 10 million a year we are crazy. I said he is worthy of 10 million, but nothing more at the present time in his career. K-Mart still needs to prove alot of things, but he is a STAR power forward in this league. He is able to do many things, but can't create a shot. He wont have Kidd to throw him a Alley. I laugh at Dwight Howard being a center in this league..lol
  2. Quote: 17. Atlanta Hawks - David Harrison, C, Colorado Athletic seven footer that can run the floor. Billy Knight adds what he was looking for. Two post players that can impact the game on both ends of the floor. That is a HORRIBLE draft choice with the 17th pick. We better hope that doesn't happen.
  3. Ya the max is around 14 million per year, crazy. K-Mart is worthy of about 10.5 million per year. I can tell you one thing about the K-Mart/Alonzo fight. I doubt it will hurt the Nets trying to resign him. Alonzo only makes the team better when healthy, and K-Mart loves to play with Kidd. We all know Kidd makes the entire team better. Do the Nets really need K-Mart, is the question? Richard Jefferson is becoming a superstar, and they can use the money that would be spent on K-Mart on other needs. The Hawks don't need K-Mart that badly to pay him a MAX contract, geez I will hate to see it. I don't want Swift as a second option. I much pefer the Hawks to draft a power forward, and hope that works out.
  4. I feel sorry for any high schooler who is drafted by the Hawks, and I will express my reasons why. We don't have a stable coaching staff that can put a high schooler under their wing. We have never had a good group of coaches who did anything for any of the "chumps/bust" that we have drafted in years past. About the only guy I would trust giving me advice from the Atlanta Hawks right now, would be Dominique Wilkins himself. Dominique Wilkins tried to give Demarr Johnson advice a few years ago, and he didn't want any part of it. Dominique Wilkins needs to be a big part of the development of our draft picks, and we start with this season. I hope Boris Diaw is gaining knowledge from Dominique, and I hope Dominique has been working with Boris. Two high schoolers at one time? I laugh at that because I doubt we can even take care of one high schooler, must less 2. Dwight Howard and Josh Smith would be ideal to pick if we had two high lottery draft choices, and mostly likely Knight would do it if he had the chance. The Hawks may draft two high schoolers at some point in this draft. We may take Josh Smith or Dwight Howard with our lottery pick, and then draft a high schooler with our 17th pick. I pefer the Hawks to go with only one high schoolers, and the rest overseas/college players. I would change what I think if I knew we had a stable coaching staff behind theses young kids, but face it we don't at the moment. We also need to form a system so the overseas players we draft are more comfortable when they come over here.
  5. Depends if a certain player we are wanting is out there at that time. I would look to atleast get a second rounder back in return from the Bobcats. Quote: That's too much..no giving away future 1sts////
  6. Would make me feel like the baby bulls!! The Hawks don't even have a stable group to develop 1 high schooler, muchless 2. Quote: I can't believe you're trying to hype the idea of adding two HS players to this team. Issue was covered last week. Just say no.
  7. I would offer this: Peja: 04/05 $6,975,000 $7,600,000 $8,225,000 #6 Jason Terry for Peja Gerald Wallace or If our lottery pick ends up in the top 3 Top 3 Pick Jason Terry for Peja Gerald Wallace Bobby Jackson Quote: for PEJA? assuming we stand at pick #6... would u guys TRADE it for PEJA?
  8. I'm glad we are atleast on the same page, because all I'm reading is how Hawks fans are wanting to resign Sura. He has never proved anything much in this league other than a few years ago, and since than he has been injury prone. He was playing for a contract, and had control of a very horrible team this past season(Atlanta). I pefer the Hawks to draft Romain Sato or someone else in the second round/late second round. Quote: I was planning on posting this today, after growing weary of everyone hyping/wanting us to resign Sura. Look at his track record ~ he's getting older, has no three point shot, and has never played a full season....including for the Hawks. Remember when he missed the last game(s) with injuries? And this after he had a nice season in terms of minutes before coming here. add to that the contract he wants (3 years) to finish out his career....just say no. You'll rue the contract before March of next year...
  9. Quote: prob at HALFTIME... Yes, it's normally held during half time.
  10. I'm not putting to much faith in the mock drafts, but I do look at them. Josh Smith will defently go in the top 7 unless they find something wrong with him. I have yet to see anything on him that would make his stock decrease so fast.
  11. Sorry I hate to reply to my own post, but here is a link, and the Bobcats brought him in. http://www.nba.com/bobcats/news/draft_cent...ael_araujo.html
  12. I have watched Rafael Araujo play many times, and I realize he is a very good player. He has alot of heart, hussles, and bangs with the best of them. I perfer the Hawks to draft one of the players I listed, so we can develop them. We have alot of time and i'm willing to see the Hawks take a few chances. I think the players I listed have a better chance of becoming a better center in the league, and there size is amazing. I didn't mention guys like Pavel, and others because I don't think they will slip to our 17th pick. I'm sick of the Hawks having a center that is just below 7-foot, and it has hurt us for awhile now. We need a solid big man who is capable of doing many things, and a guy who can hold is own aganist someone like Shaq. Shaq would slap Rafael Araujo into the front row of the crowd, and would be dominated. Ya Rafael Araujo maybe a solid center in the East, but I would laugh at Rafael Araujo going up aganist Shaq or even Yao Ming. Get out from under Babcocks underarm, and take a few chances for crying out loud. Babcock went by the book, and didn't do much research. Quote: If you say that you think those other guys are better prospects. Araujo is a VERY skilled big man and perhaps will be the best big man in the draft this year as far as full fledged centers go. He loves to bang and has an arsenal of moves in the post, something those other big bodies scrubs dont have. He may not end up being the best of all the centers in this draft in the long run, but he is a seasoned veteran big bodied player who could start right away. Harrison is probably the only other center in the draft that we could potentially draft that could do that for us this year.
  13. In the Chicago Tribune the Kings aren't leaving out trading Stojakvic, because his game doesn't fit what they are looking for. If there is any truth to this, the Hawks need to jump all over this. *shocked* Chris Webber may be traded but his contract is what may hurt that from happening. We all know Chris Webber is also injury prone, and that wont help his stock. I think alot of teams would still look to aquire Chris Webber, but at a much lesser cost than the Kings are willing to give him up for. http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap.php
  14. Doubtful he would even come to the Hawks, because he likes living in the West coast, and not that the Hawks would consider him. Brent Barry is looking for a 5 million per/yr for 3 or 4 seasons. Compare that to Stephen Jackson and Bob Sura. Brent Barry does have healthy issues, and has never played a entire season. Brent Barry is a much better choice over Bob Sura, but Stephen Jackson is much younger.
  15. The latest I have read today is that the Bobcats are willing to trade down in the draft. They are wanting a "ready NBA player" and not a high schooler. They have there eyes are Livingston(high schooler), but are wanting Nelson. What would it cost the Hawks to aquire the #4 pick in the draft: I think: 17th pick future Philly first rounder Future First rounder(top 3 protected) - most likely next season.
  16. Rafael Araujo isn't the man we need to be looking at, and we need to think bigger. I don't think Rafael Araujo is going to be a solid player in the NBA. He maybe able to do alot of different things, but I hope we get a better talented big man, and I much rather add a bigger project. We have time to hope/wait for a project to pain out, and I much rather have Peja Samardziski, Peter John Ramos(doubt he will be there), Ha Seung-Jin, Jaber Rouzbahani with the 17th pick/second round.
  17. I don't like the idea of adding Nelson, if this trade happenes, and we end up with Howard/Smith. I think we go big with the 17th pick, and grab a center. Say we can go after one "big" free agent this offseason, why would you say Stephen Jackson? I think we go after Jamal Crawford, if we pick 1. Jamal Crawford can be our 2 guard, and we can draft a point guard in the second round. If Jamal proves to us he can be our starting point guard we make him that.
  18. I wont put to much stock in what you say!! The chances are VERY slim for the Hawks to end up with the 8th pick, so I will wait until wed. All I can hope for is we end up with a top 3 pick.
  19. Quote: That 8 is 8 blocks per game. Sure it's HS, but the kid got timing That doesn't do it for me. The kid is 6'10 or 6'11 for crying out loud, and is playing for a Christain school. He may went up aganist alot of talent, but when your a tower over everyone else 8 blocks a game is what he should have. I myself am tall, and his block just don't do it for me. On the other hand his rebounds do!!
  20. Your right about Harrington in alot of ways, but I think he will start at some point, and he should start. He doesn't have the athleticism to do alot of things, but he is a solid player to trade for if he fits the needs of the team. I was only saying I would perfer us to pursue someone like Harrington if we are going to pay someone that type of money. Harrington has proved he is solid, and is only wanting to start. Bender has alot of talent, but has yet to bust out, and maybe he only needs a full-time sitution. I caution when thinking about adding Bender, because his contract is around 4 more years, and it peaks 7 million plus. Bender has a bad contract considering he has yet to prove anything, other than he has talent. I am wanting to get rid of Terry, but if we are going to add Bender in return I hope we can gain a draft pick also. Something to make the deal a bit better, because as I stated above Bender contract is what turns me off. Quote: Bender's contract is not that bad. The most he will make in any season is a little over $7 million, and for what he could be, that is a bargain. Al Harrington doesn't fit what the Hawks want to do. He is a tweener that will never be a starter in the NBA. He doesn't have the length nor the athleticism that Billy Knight is looking for either.
  21. I hope Nelson doesn't last until our 17th pick, so people can't say "The Hawks should of picked him" I have actually read a few people are wanting us to pick him with our lottery pick *makes me ill*
  22. Quote: I would. Indiana wouldn't. Bender was the 5th pick in his draft. Indiana isn't going to get decreased return for him. Terry for Bender wouldn't be a bad deal for Atlanta. Bender has a nasty contract and I don't want to see the Hawks take that on. I do want Terry shipped out, but at the cost of adding someone we aren't even sure will make it? I was thinking about how we could aquire Bender last season, but I have now dropped it, because of his contract. We aren't in a postion to lock someone up for a few years, and not even know if they are going to mount to anything. Use Terry to go after Harrington.
  23. I will most likely watch the lottery, but I will have a throw up bag right next to me. I just hope it plays out for us, and we end up with a top 3 pick.
  24. Fish would be horrible and as everyone else said he is overrated. The Lakers have needed him, but there will come a time when he wont be needed. I much rather have Terry over Fisher.
  25. I know alot about the young talent they will soon be in the NBA, but I will wait to express what I think we need to do. All of us will be able to have deeper conversations about what we feel the Hawks need to do, when we know what our lottery pick is. We will have a much better outlook on the lottery, until trades start to happen.
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