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Everything posted by chillzatl

  1. I was at the game tonight and I fully agree. We should have won this game buy a minimum of 20pts. Lons substitutions were WACK. But I will chalk that up to it being early in the season. If he had left Theo in a bit longer and called more plays for Reef, this game would have never been close. I was sitting right in front of Reefs family and I heard them say it several times when the bulls were making a run. "why isn't reef in the game?". He went a little far with his rotations, but it's early in the season. He HAS to see what each player can bring. At this point I say bench E-mail for the rest of the season. He has contributed nothing of worth so far this year. Maybe he will find his game. But I say give those minutes to someone else. Otherwise it was a great game that got a bit to tight there at the end. Go Hawks!
  2. Back in MJ's prime, I remember reading something where he said that Glen Robinson is the only person in the league he couldn't guard. That's some pretty high praise to be getting, especially at that time in MJ's career.
  3. Props to Kudzu for getting all the stats straightened out. our leaders, standinds and schedule boxes up top there should all be accurate and updated withing an hour or so of each game (without user intervention I might add).
  4. But on the court, from pretty close to the floor, he looked like our biggest player. he's wide, long and tall. He's got the build to really hold his own in the paint. Or he looks it at least. He could be a stick out there, but he looked fairly nimble.
  5. I don't know what his stats are (H,W) But when I saw him on the court in shoot around he was bigger than anyone else on our squad and he seems fairly nimble out there. maybe it was just me, but my GF commented that he looked HUGe compared to everyone else on our team. If he's got some skillz I can see him sticking around for a while.
  6. Good win for the Hawks. Great to see us get that first win out of the way early. Takes a lot of pressure off the team. The phil was kinda empty. Suprising the way they hyped the game coming into it. But it was a good one. Hawksfreak won the spirte jam cam and got everyone in his row a free sprite. hehe. on to the game. JT had the quietest 13 assists i've ever seen. At the end of the 3rd quarter I said to myself 'man JT needs some more assists or we're going to hear more of the He's not a PG nonsense'. Shortly after they showed his stats and he had 12, I was impressed. He really turned on the scoring there in the 4th, when we needed it. Big dog is a monster! What can you say? Assists, rebounds, points. The guy is doing it all. Those who said he's a one dimesional, selfish player must have been watching a different Big Dog. We got a solid contribution from a lot of guys. Reef wasn't quite himself but he still put in a healthy line with a good fg%. Theo is a machine. The Jazz challenged him early on and he put it back in their faces. After that they weren't very eager to test him again. He's averaging over 3bpg already. Ham was also active. You can't really tell it by his stat line. But he's a good guy to have on the court. Ira also played and shot very well. Personally I think the big pat on the back goes to Hendu. He stepped it up. When he came in there wasn't a void at the PF spot. He was active, defending, hustling and getting points. He really looked like the Hendu of a few years ago. And he REALLY seems to be enjoying himself out there again. I can't say I've seen that from him in a few years. All in all a great game and good to see us as .500 so quickly! Go hawks!
  7. You've got to remember, deke is an old man in basketball years now. I'd take a young deke over a young THeo any day of the week. But things being what they are, Theo is the better player these days. That's why I think Deke isnt' teh godsend NJ thinks he is. He's simply not the same player he was a year or two ago. People are more eager to challenge him because they KNOW he's not as quick as he used to be.
  8. If I was the guy paying an athlete 12 million a year, you are damned right I wouldn't want the guy playing with a sore back. That's a [censored] of an investment to risk throwing away on one meaningless game. The rest you said isn't worth commenting on really. Reef has never been injury prone, so I don't know what you are talking about. do you? Lineups aren't injury prone, people are. And none of our injury prone players (hendu, theo) have had any problems.
  9. I've got some canadian friends who are huge hockey fans. They all seem to think the thrashers have a solid future. They say we've got a lot of good young talent that just needs to grow. Add a few more solid pieces and they'll be good. Like you, I don't follow hockey enough to know. But these guys konw hockey and aren't thrashers fans. So if they ahve something good to say I'm more inclined to believe it than someone who is a rabid thrashers fan, if there is such a thing.
  10. You've never committed enough to say "you stick buy them". You've always been the definition of the fair weather fan. But that's fine if that's how you want to be. Always expect the worst. It's a good defense if things to bad. Then you can sit back adn say "I told you so". And if things go good you can smile and say "wow, they sure showed me". It's a cheap way of hedging your bets. To me Reef missing the season opener is nothing. A stiff back is a big deal for a pro athlete. If you've ever had one you'd know that. I sit in front of computers for a living and a stiff back makes even that physically painful. I can only imagine trying to play NBA level ball under those circumstances.
  11. They both had decent teams last year that now have 2nd options. They are both going to be better. As for iverson, it's one thing seeing him pass the ball in a preseason game. It's another to see him do it when there's 1:00 left in the 4th and his team is down 5. That's the true test of trust. If Ghill is healthy and back to 70% of his old self, orlando will be tougher..outside. But they can't match up with us inside and I don't think philly can either. We have more firepower than both.
  12. hard to say where Diesel is. I haven't seen him posting anywhere else lately, so maybe he's just busy. It's possible he was upset over my reply to his attack on me regarding the "incident" we had a week or so ago and isn't coming back. Only time will tell...
  13. I'm not much of a football fan, though I'm starting to convert a little. But that was simply the most exciting game i've seen out of the falcons in years. Mike Vick is the Jordan of the NFL right now. There is nobody more exciting. Have the Falcons EVER gone into an opposing stadium, especially one with fans like the Saints have, and had SO many Falcons fans in teh seats? I don't think they were falcons fans, they were Mike Vick fans. But regardless, they made a difference. heck of a game. As for the Saints, Mcallister is a MACHINE. The guy is a freight train. The falcons defensive line was bouncing off him like flies. Great great game.
  14. I agree, that much is obvious by his batting average. You can't create something like that. But that still doesn't make him the best of all time. Which is what we've been reading for half this season and the entire post season.
  15. while I will not argue that he's one of the best power hitters in history. He's really only seperated himself from the pack over the last two years. And honestly, how much longer does anyone expect him to continue at that pace? Until last year he's never been the best at anything. he's been fairly consistant with his power numbers though. He's also a below average fielder. Lets also not forget that up until last year he was considered somewhat of a clubhouse cancer in San Francisco. Much like Sheffield when he came to the Braves, many wondered who would want him and why. He's good and one of the best power hitters of all time. But he is far from the best ever. And unless we could see a steroid test history over the last 2-3 years, I'd put an asterisk by his single season home run record (as I would do for mark big mac and sosa). He's won many awards over the years. But his stats are really only average among other "star level" players.
  16. The games i've watched have been great. Apart from SF's game 5 blow out, they've been tight, high scoring games. I've been watching them simply because I hope and pray that SF loses. I cannot take another year of hearing the barry bonds is the "greatest player of all time" garbage. I think that the reason the ratings are down is that both teams don't have very many out of town fans. But it's been great baseball.
  17. in one of their other polls, best at each position, they had Reef listed as a PF and Theo as a center.
  18. They listed JT....surpise, as a shooting guard. Big dog and theo were also listed at their positions. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/basketbal...02/preview/pvr/
  19. I thought I read somewhere that they had decided this year that teams weren't required to list players as injured to keep them on the IL?
  20. DJ was driving the car. They were making a right turn and the left front tired popped. They lost control of the car and hit a few trees. That's pretty much the end of it. He wasn't charged with anything. The reason not much was said afterwards is that it's really not much of a story to the majority of teh people out there. As there was no real investigation into what happened, there wasn't much to report on.
  21. Wasn't he the guy that flattened Hendu a few years ago? I know he's had several other altercations like that though.
  22. even if they don't pick him up straight out. There's a good chance they'll invite him into camp next season, if he's fully healed and ready to go. I think that if he's healed and working out hard, someone will have him in for workouts. At that point it's up to him.
  23. chillzatl


    early on especially though. With Theo still finding his stride, I think they'll go to Nazr quite a bit early on. I say he earned it though. He showed last season that he can play in this league and having backing up someone like Theo is going to help him even more. I think he'll get 20+mpg regardless of what Theo does. They'll find ways to get him in the game.
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