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Everything posted by StephenHawking

  1. Just chuckled a little on my couch when I saw that last sequence of Dennis.
  2. Gotta be with you on that point. It indeed raises the AST% if we go off of the same amount of total teamshots. If the rest of the team has 40 Fg and you assist 20 it's a higher percentage than when the rest has 60 Fg and you assist 20. Thats basic math. However I'm not buying into the point that Dennis fits this argument. He would have to take way more bad shots to fit the bill. Instead I think his shot selection is pretty good but he's just not able or skilled enough to convert sometimes. Without looking into stats I'd say 80%of his shots are good takes
  3. Has to be mentioned that Dennis also played exceptional defense in the second half against CJ. And my god I freakin LOVE Cavanaugh. Always full throttle!!
  4. Awful officiating so far. Blazers allowed to strap the whole arm without getting called...
  5. I can't quite follow the argument of why Walls assist-numbers somehow enable him to be mefirst. Good shooting metrics and ball handling should make you a me-first guy. Best example: Kyrie. For now Schröder is the Hawks best combo of ballhandling skills and shooting. Thats why he takes the majority of shots. If Prince is able to continue with outputs like yesterday while being controlled handling the ball than he's on the verge of becoming the first option. You have to create your own shot on a constant basis to be a first option. Simple as that.
  6. But isn't he worsen his advanced shooting metrics by taking more shots (probably bad ones)? I'm not sure how that works out in this theory.
  7. I know about last nights performance. Nevertheless his career over the last few years suggested that he's turnover prone. I used him for example because Diesel likes him and can easily refer to his game.
  8. I also love how he figured out that somehow higher usage leads to less turnovers. If anything better ball handling skills lead to less turnovers. Give Dwight the ball on 29.5% usage and he'd average a triple double with turnovers included
  9. You lack profound knowledge if you consider Wall a worthy mefirst option over Dennis. Wall is barely 0.5% true shooting. Moreover your whole argument is flawed and a wild attempt in destroying Dennis rep'. The nonsensical comparison of nba superstars with Dennis will leave Dennis on the short end anyway. NOBODY says Dennis is as good as Harden Curry Lebron etc. So tell me what's the point in comparing them? If he'd be as efficient as those guys we would talk about a top 5 player in the game. He is not and we all know that. STILL he's a good player.
  10. Man Bembry stinks up the pot in the last 2 weeks. Not sure why we won't get Collins more involved. Becomes glaringly obvious that Prince is no first option.
  11. Yeah its really strange to give a guy a two year contract and then subsequently not letting him play anymore. We gifted enough players and franchises throughout the last years. If Bud doesn't plan with Cavanaugh (which id disagree with) from here on out then we should've never gave him that contract.
  12. Budenholzers offense isn't really anything but creating out of the PnR. The other thing we do is pass the ball around the perimeter with no off ball movement until there is 10 secs left on the clock. Then we'll let someone like baze, prince or belli shoot from a handoff. Thats literally our whole offensive sets. Second set doesn't really work that's why we are solely relying on the PnR. If Dennis plays a$$ we really have nothing left in our bag of tricks. Defensively we're just so bad at switching it's hard to look at. Our bigs need 5 seconds to close out on a PNR switch. If one guy penetrates we have it embedded that the next defender as well as the weakside big close out which usually ends in a wide open 3. There's a reason were that horrid at defending the 3. Its because our whole defense relies on gambling. Gambling through doubling or tripling the ballhandler. Gambling trough playing the passing lanes because can't stay close to the opposing player due to it unabeling us to doubling and tripling the ball handler if he penetrates.
  13. But he's only efficent driving to the basket as long as he has the rep of also being able to hit from the elbow. As soon as players figure out he can't hit em as seen in tonights game the whole magic around Dennis game is taken away. If his midranger and 3 continue to regress you'll most likely will see a drop on the layup efficiency sooner or later.
  14. Cavanaugh with the next DNP. He was one of our better players so far this season. Always gave a hundred percent effort and most likely would've been helpful tonight against the pacers on the boards. What's wrong with Budenholzer to not play that guy anymore? What did those baby blue eyes do?
  15. Shooting percentage isn't really a thing of effort, is it? He simply can't knock down wide open spot up 3's. And apparently he neither is able to knock down the occasional midranger out of the PnR anymore. Effort would show through careless passing and bad shots.
  16. And honestly I'm not sure how good of a coach Bud really is. Hes unable to adjust his schemes to any circumstances. It seems like hes blind sometimes honestly.
  17. Honestly is there an area where Dennis upped his game this season? Just curious
  18. Probably not feeling particularly motivated. Can't really blame him given the conditions, but he should be careful. Current management won't hesitate to move him for the right price. And rightfully so if he doesn't display more consistency. Going forward you need to see him develop his game, not regressing. His game is only as good as his deep midrange/3 ball shooting percentage. Right now when he's missing literally every shot outside of 4ft he's way too easy to defend. Also really alarming is how he's not been any clutch this year at all. He regressed mightily in that area.
  19. Still his jumper all season looked alarming. Especially his 3pt percentage dropping off like that is a horrible development. This game displays how easy Dennis is to defend if he can't open the game for his self via 3's and midrange
  20. Sad thing Collins is the Hawks best player by a mile.
  21. What's up with Dennis' shot throughout those last couple of games?? His J looks @ss
  22. And MY GOD. THAT ARENA IS EMPTY. SAD. Atlanta sports fans man
  23. Man Prince is on fiyah! Offense looks good. Defense isn't that bad either. Indeed they scored 50sum but they hit some tough tough looks. Wouldn't count on them to fall all game. Bembry and Baze have to play better. Dennis looks great. Looks like his team tonight. Good decisions outside of that ill advised 3. Delaney not bricking every shot is also a revelation. And lord did I miss the casual baptising by JC
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