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Everything posted by StephenHawking

  1. It's really not that difficult to understand. Most of us would prefer a simple rebuild to a tank job. But the situation we were in after last season made it impossible to rebuild. The only option left was to tank.
  2. You'r partially right. BUT, and that's what you dont want to see, wilcox buried us into mediocrity. We had no choice but to tank to get back to being relevant
  3. I feel you're really overexaggerating how we played so far this season. If you watched the games you'd have seen that in like 8 games we hung in right until the last 5 minutes when it becomes evident that were young. But many games were really really close. So we're not as bad as you make us out to be. We could easily have 6 wins or so if we'd be a little more lucky in the last two minutes Kb
  4. And the highest probability to find a superstar talent is at the top of the draft. Thats for sure. You'll now going to say xyz was picked #18 and zyx was picked #46. But if you'd take the probability of all #1 and how they worked out in comparison to all #46 and how they worked out you'd realize at the end of the day you have the highest probability at the top of the draft.
  5. It seems like you two guys have completely different imagination of how the majority thinks tanking has to be done than it is in reality. People aren't saying, "we bottom out for a year and next year we win a championship" People aren't thinking "Okc, Magic and in example the Wolves did a good job" No reality is tanking isn't only about bottoming out and drafting a franchise player. Its about the whole management around it. To make that team competitive through adding fitting pieces each year while staying as flexible as possible. All those teams you mentioned made faults at one moment in time. Wolves and Magic completely overpaying trash players. Okc not recognising talent and doing a poor job at trading. Tanking isn't fulfilled after the draft. A championship team only rises from the bottom when the gm does a exceptional well job for many years. The Hawks made an astonishing amount of faults before the Schlenk era which led to that tank job they have to do now. If the wilcox would've done a better job the tank would've been much lighter. We would've had a greater return for Sap and Horford. Would've never overpayed for Howard and Baze and so on.
  6. Man Dennis gets bodied at least 5 times per game without a foul call
  7. Dennis with an awful night so far. Seems like they have his number. Delaney looked godly out there. Overall horrible game so far. Chaotic. No flow. Many turnovers. Many fouls.
  8. Maybe 3-8. I'd give ya one W. We lost every game so far in the 4th quarter. Guess who's not on the floor to help out at that time? Also I gotta admit I would've hoped for a better deal out there but if that's what it takes to get Howard out than so be it. I'm sure Schlenk didn't pass on better deals. What would be the better situation? Having Howard Collins or having Dedmon Collins Plumlee? First situation: positives: -Howard great presence. Can effectively play bully ball against a handful of starting Cs in the league -maybe gives us 5 more wins on the season Negatives: -Would cause problems if Collins would start in his place in the 2nd half of the season - can't teach Collins anything because his game solely relies on his physical attributes Situation 2: positives: -Wouldn't cause trouble if shifted back to energizer bench role -Can be traded at any point -can teach Collins how to run the PnR and on shooting touch (form looks excellent) -instead of Howard you have Plumlee on the payroll who at least doesn't care at all whether he gets playing time or not. Negatives: -maybe won't win you the same amount of games as howard (big maybe) To cut a long story short: it's a good trade for us. Would've hoped for a better one which wasn't there.
  9. Yeah it's literally the same arguably even a worse situation as to ours last year. We overperformed to start the year. And the Howard bashing started to kick in after we started to take Ls. Lmao Hornets fans be starting the same thing after a couple of games. Isn't a good sign if you ask me. I'll just wait and see how the situation over there in Charlotte develops.
  10. Bro what was you thinking posting this thread? I'd be of your opinion if Charlotte would be like 7 or 8-3 but no they are 5-6 so far. We all know your love for Dwight. But for now there's no evidence of past-injury-Dwight being a player who makes a team better.
  11. LMAO. You talking bout his defense now when your complaint, which I was disagreeing with, was that hes a ballhog and a me first player. Dont switch your arguments so quickly. To your ballhog/me first narrative: Your wrong. He is a great playmaker so far this season. Matured into his role and understands the game way better than the years before. To your defense complaint: Youre right his defense is weak, specifically his off-ball defense. His on-ball defense is above average. So far this season he pans out to be a player youd like to see in a hawks jersey for many years.
  12. I don't really see how your Dennis narrative is fitting the past games Dennis has played in. He tries to get anyone involved atm. Only time he goes me first is the last 2 minutes or when nobody hits a shot/he can abuse his defender. I don't understand people who are still denying that Dennis is indeed one of the top point guards in the east atm. There is no room for criticising his play atm. Come back when he is playing towards your narrative because for now you don't make sense
  13. Love those Belly Nelly cuts!! Prince should take more 3's. way too many fakes. Had no confidence in his 3 so far tonight. If we win this tonight I wouldn't know how to feel. I mean it's nice to get a W and I hate the Celtix and their new addition kyrie but I don't want to see us raise in those standings...
  14. You gotta put in consideration that his shooting percentages would be even higher would he not have to take all those late clock/ quarter end shots.
  15. Gotta point out how great baze was today. Decisionmaking was great and he contained lebron well.
  16. Yeah he was playing like an all star pg through that first half. Fouls kept him a little from the floor. The thing his he often takes fouls for the team to prevent fastbreaks. Thats what bite him in the back today. Man if Collins starts converting those easy putbacks and layups he going to score about 20 pts per game
  17. I can see something like Schröder for Brogdon + Henson happening
  18. Babbitt, Ilyasova and belly nelly sure can bring us a 2nd round pick. If a Kyle is worth a late first, they will maybe worth a late second rounder
  19. I asked to whom for what. Answer it if you're 95% sure.
  20. No there's a tricky twist to it. You actually need to play the one year guys too because you want to turn them into picks down the stretch. Very difficult to find a balance there.
  21. Very pleased with the Dorsey sighting! Looked really good out there! You can see he needs confidence to play his game. Another thing that caught my eye: JC is having real trouble with dribbling the ball. He gets stripped every time he makes a dribble. I think it's mostly because he's overthinking. In the end the score doesn't look as bad as the game actually was. We really suck. And we have to embrace it. For the tank.
  22. Man Harden is in MVP mode tonight. Crazy. All those Rockets shooters clicking tonight. Man I miss Bembry he would've limited Harden. & can someone explain me why we switch Muscala on Harden every time? They don't even force us to do so.
  23. And there we have them again. Dennis starting to pile up those turnovers to come up for the first few games.
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