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Everything posted by Phunkabilly

  1. Does the "16 technicals = suspension" rule extend to the play-in/playoffs? Or does it reset? In other words, is it worth getting that suspension out of the way if there's a possibility the suspension could hit us in the play-in/playoffs?
  2. My apologies if this has already been posted, but here's the link to the 2-minute report: https://official.nba.com/l2m/L2MReport.html?gameId=0022201090 Some highlights (lowlights?) from the report: So if you're keeping score at home, that's 3 incorrect calls that favored the TWolves, 1 incorrect call that favored the Hawks, 1 incorrect call that probably didn't have an effect (shot clock violation), and then of course the two so-called "correct" call/non-call with the JC/KAT tussle
  3. @Gray Mule, get out your whippin' stick
  4. AJ stealing the rebound from Looney!!
  5. Literally all they had to do was have their 7'4" center stand under the basket and the rest of the team lob him passes... unbelievable
  6. Hawks gonna play a whole damn quarter before they get through the last minute of this Purdue game
  7. Haha, don't think it was her, but I noticed it too...
  8. 20 point swing there in about half a quarter, boys and girls
  9. If that's what his stroke looks like with a tight hamstring, get his ass out there!
  10. I realize this guy is a beast at the local L.A. Fitness 30+ age group league, but we really need to figure out a way to contain Cody Zeller.
  11. If Dre gets 9 assists, I will put a folding-arms Nate fathead on my bathroom wall so that I have to stare him in the eyes every time I sit on the pot.
  12. Day Day is one of the most underrated movie characters of all time!
  13. JJ is a more athletic Jokic. There, I said it. Come at me, brah.
  14. Thanks for the response, Sothron. As others have said (including yourself), I don't see how Bey is considered a positive on the defensive end, and looks to be a rather mediocre three-point shooter. But I guess if I squint real hard, I can see the rationale for being more expensive due to being a "big-ish wing". Still feels like an overpay, though.
  15. Granted, I don't know a ton about either player, but any ideas as to why Bey cost us 5 2nd rounders and Bones went for 2?? On paper, at least, they seem to have similar impact.
  16. I posted this a while ago, but as I was reading the Landry/Korver interview a while back, all I could think of is that Atkinson is the type of coach that they're looking for, so that's my prediction of who we end up with. Not saying they're right or wrong, but I believe he's the guy who has the skillset that our front office is looking for. And in response to all the concerns about a coach's "system" not fitting our player personnel, I would think any coach worth his mettle would be able to adapt his system to the personnel at hand. Is Atkinson capable of doing that? *shrug*
  17. Out of curiosity, why do you think he's a suck up brown noser? His points have always come across as well thought-out, fair and logical to me. I don't ever recall him getting irrationally too high or too low on anybody. And I could be wrong, but I think he's been doing the Braves podcast for longer than the Hawks one... I know I've been listening to his Braves podcast for longer at least, but I may have been late to the party on the Hawks podcast. I will give you the point about tripping over his words, though. It seems like his mouth can't keep up with his brain, so he ends up rushing his speech most of the time.
  18. Brad's Braves podcast is top-notch as well.
  19. You would think the players are more clueless than the fans when looking at the vote tallies.
  20. Anybody see the voting results of the all-stars? Players really think Trae is only the 12th best guard in the east??? DJ got no love either.. friggin tied with Grayson Allen on the player vote... gtfo
  21. I realize you should take GM speak with a grain of salt, but I thought it was an interesting read nonetheless. Landry and Kyle stressed multiple times that they are looking to turn the Hawks into a players-friendly culture with an emphasis on personal development and accountability, which I think aligns with their desire to flood the front office with former players. I think they're trying to set up a culture that will particularly appeal to today's young generation of players. I think this also provides a clue as to the type of coach that they're looking for. As someone else mentioned, I think it was intentional that they used the term "he's the best coach for us right now" when talking about Nate. An old-school coach definitely doesn't seem like the right fit for the culture that they're trying to build up. But as I was reading through the article, all I could think of is that Kenny Atkinson is the type of guy that they're looking for. His bread and butter is player development and holding players accountable for their own personal development. I'm sure Kyle's improvement while playing with Atkinson is going to be a big feather in Kenny's cap as well. I think he's definitely my early favorite to get the job next season.
  22. Thanks Supes and Soth! Always look forward to these threads. Soth, I believe it was you that has mentioned in the last month or so of a player that the Hawks were targeting in a trade, but you were not at liberty to talk about. Are you free to talk about them now? Is Ben or KAT that player by chance? No worries if you're still not able to talk about said player... i was just curious. I also find it interesting that two primary targets are Ben and Embiid... with the obvious bad blood between those two. Although I would assume that if JC is ultimately traded for Ben, then Embiid in the offseason would be off the table at that point.
  23. No argument from me that he got bad advice and went about it the wrong way, especially before earning his stripes. Just suggesting what may have been going through his head at the time. But like I mentioned previously, I would hope his time in NY has humbled him to the point where he realizes that nothing is going to just be "given" to him. And of course we got to remember that we're dealing with very young adults here, so sometimes we need to be reminded that we're not quite as good as we think we are before we can mature as a person . But he's still got the talent and physical attributes that a lot of us drooled over. If he can keep maturing and get his head right, he still has a chance to be an excellent NBA player. Big "if" though...
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