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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Oh man, I just looked at the boxscore. Ol' Klay hit em with an 0-fer? His name is now Kl0y. Also, nowhere near enough gloating from you so far, squd. I hope you're giving it to your neighbors today.
  2. I tuned out. Were they just sitting him to play for the 9/10 game? I saw Zion play well then do what I expect him to continue doing (get hurt). Aw, you're just tryna get on my good side. Not enough overall size?
  3. Omfg, I can't believe I walked into that. Smh
  4. Where do you think he'll be drafted?
  5. It's weird that the rebuttal to all those actual issues is "just trust me, he's gonna be fine".
  6. Trae+Murray for Racuso and 2 future 2nds? Sign. Me. Up.
  7. Stop fakin the funk. Sign Vit, build around him, profit. In that order.
  8. Yep, Gllllenn Rivers is too ... wait no, check that, he just sucks.
  9. Whatchu talking bout, willis.. I mean, hotSupes? I dont believe what? This ... I can agree with. My issue is folks that seem to think some rookie is indeed a singular solution.
  10. Stellar. You're being wasted in implementation. Sign up for my 'idea guy' seminar. Sounds like you'll fit right in.
  11. That's fair(ish). But the issue wasn't the initial decision (moving on from Buden). It was hiring the wrong guy(s) in the interim. I can't believe we're still arguing on this. Haha
  12. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get all that. As I've stated numerous times, AH, I'm an 'idea' guy. You blokes are in implementation. Just ... you know ... make it happen. Mmkay, thanks. You guys really... really need to set up a 'loser leaves town' bet. Please.
  13. You don't want this smoke. I'm 'bout that action, bawse.
  14. Literally every other NBA decision maker sees him as probably a backup - otherwise, and especially as a non-NIL recipient, he'd already be in the league. The fact that Jokic defied all odds to become what he is has skewed people's viewpoints, I think. He's the exception, not the rule. You can't bank on that happening again.
  15. This is semantics. That group had topped out and they needed to reset. It wasn't Bud that wanted to keep Horford, it was the Hawks that wanted to keep Horford. Horford wanted to play the 4 so they went out and got a 5 so he could do just that. Then he left anyway. Respectfully, you can't always spin everything to make Buden a victim. He wasnt forced out. At worst, he saw the writing on the wall and left. Continuing to watch him be exceptionally non-elite with an aging roster benefitted no one. That's the definition of diminishing returns.
  16. Thanks. The idea that Buden was a 'babe in the woods, all-in on Hawks but had it taken from him' is plainly false. HE quit on US. Period.
  17. We agree. But I could see a scenario where an organization like the Nets could squint real hard (at the dollars spent) and convince themselves it's just easier (cheaper) to let him do some exec functions after they fire Marks.
  18. I dont always agree with this viewpoint but this is true for our team currently. It makes all the pining for upcoming draftees really strange. Tim Duncan is not walking through that door ..
  19. As long as we don't panic or over-value the draft, we have a chance to be really good next season.
  20. 1. Doesn't matter if you/we DGAF about Toni's opinion. His bum-a** is still in charge. 2. None of us know that for sure. I bet a lotta folks wouldn't believe Gllllenn Rivers would consult with MIL to have them fire Adrian Griffin and hire his bum-a**, but it (allegedly) happened.
  21. Imho, it's bigger than "who the best coach would be". I find it appalling Sean Marks still has a job in the first place. He certainly has to be on a bit of a hotseat. I also can't see Buden wanting to go to a place where he'd have no say in personnel. If you're Marks, wouldn't you rather have a guy that's presumably not worried about that? Buden could survive in an organization as a coach or exec. Thus he could represent an actual and additional threat to Marks' job security. Hiring some up and comer is a survival play for Marks. A legit question could be asked in why he didn't opt for Lee. Like Atkinson, I'm starting to wonder if Lee just doesn't interview well or something.
  22. "Naw, screw all that and nevermind them facts. The problem is Trae sux and we need to build around Murray and Garri Bird!" - They
  23. I want a second opinion, doc.
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