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Everything posted by shakes

  1. Bogi's shooting may be down, but he still leads the entire NBA in "take" fouls! The guy is a master at the take foul. Need a 2 on 4 broken up cause you just don't feel like playing defense? Call BOGI! Need a 2 on 2 broken up in the backcourt cause you just ate and don't feel like running back on defense? Call BOGI!
  2. Reddish 0-2 last night so no one here take a shot. Looks like we gotta make it through the rest of the day sober.
  3. I wouldn't trade the jock strap I've worn for the past 25 years straight up for The Cuck.
  4. Cmon, need some clarification here. Are you saying that @Spud2nique got legit real life married or are you saying that his character in the career mode of NBA2K got hitched? Cause only one of those i would believe.
  5. only the biggest hawks homer this side of @Spud2nique would ever think that we could land a star for @marco102 Cmon, at least try to be realistic.
  6. See what I'm talking about Trae? That post right there gotta be worth a 6 pack of ankle highs!
  7. Washington is the very definition of mediocre. Wouldn't give up anything positive for him. Also, what is his contract status? I wouldn't take him at all if he needs a new contract.
  8. This is as must win as must win gets. Lose this game and I say trade everyone on the team except Trae, Dre and OO. For the week we must go 3-0 after last week's disastrous 1-3. That means we have to win on the road in Boston. No use sugar coating it, it has to be done. If they can't beat teams above them in the standings on the road then what's the point?
  9. yea that really pissed me off too. Even if it was just a couple games, sure looks like we are going to need every win possible when its all said and done.
  10. Where's my swag Trae???? What about me?? I need socks and I get picked on all the time! Cmon Trae, that one guy is wearing Nike's in the first picture. I threw out all my Nike's the day you signed with Adidas!
  11. Cam scored a basket last night. Everyone here do a shot!
  12. Would a deal like this just be to make Trae happy? I don't know for sure, but I would imagine Trae and Culver are buddies. Culver is from Lubbock and went to Texas Tech. Trae spent a good part of his childhood in Lubbock and for a good part of his life assumed he would follow his dad to Texas Tech (used to tell his dad he was gonna break all his TT records). I would imagine that Trae and Culver have known each other since they were little kids.
  13. Cmon, that's ridiculous thing to post. For one, it only accounts for who is out on that exact date. And it doesn't account for the level of player. So it's quite disingenuous to say we top that list when 3 of the 5 players listed are guys who aren't even in the rotation. Be better Diesel. Now please post a legit list of injuires for all teams so we can see just how accurate your claim that we were the most injured team as well?
  14. Considering I had the pride of the Campbell Camels on my college basketball fantasy team a few years ago you better believe I can point Chris Clemons out in a lineup. Pro tip: he's the short guy. All you're doing is pointing out the games where Covid hit us hard, but you're not doing the same thing for the other teams in the league. and injuries are the same deal. Other teams have had them just as bad if not worse. Just look at Chicago. Best record in the East and they haven't even had their starting PF the entire season. Plus they got destroyed by Covid and they have had other injuries as well to key all star players. The only advantage they had over us is they had a couple games postponed whereas the league made us play when we had just as many guys out. So posting the box scores from a few Hawks games doesn't disprove anything I said unless you are going to show me how all those other teams I listed weren't really affected by Covid as much as ESPN is saying they were.
  15. ESPN Insider article from January 4. Not sure when our Covid outbreak ended, but as of that date we were #8 in terms of most value lost behind Cleveland, Philly, Milwaukee, Minny, Chicago , Charlotte and Brooklyn. No one lost more to Covid than Cleveland yet you don't hear their fans crying COVID COVID COVID from every rooftop in town like our fans.
  16. naw, that's homer posting at its finest. There were 7 or 8 teams that were hit by Covid just as hard as us. And there are plenty of other teams that have been hit by injuries worse that us. Next you're gonna claim that we get hurt more by bad refs than any other team.
  17. Why not LaMelo? He's the best player on the only team in the top 10 without a representative. PLus he is an exciting fan favorite. Can't see how they could take anyone other than Lamelo.
  18. Considering no one dislikes Bogi and Huerter more than me I don't know why I'm fighting you on this lol. Alright, you convinced me. Let's do the deal and bring in Hart. He makes less and he can't make us any worse.
  19. GTech hasn't recovered since being upset by LSU in the first round of the 1987 NCAA tourney with a 16 year old Shakes in attendance. Afterwards I said hi to Tommy Hammonds in the parking lot while he was doing an interview.
  20. ha, you could've added me to that list and said that Hart outrebounds all of us. You didn't actually dispute anything I said. I never said he wasn't a good defender, just that he's not a great defender and IMO not a good enough shooter to make up the difference. He's a bench guy at best.
  21. hey if we're gonna start trading for players from our shitty basketball schools I got a couple DePaul guys I wouldn't mind grabbing. Bogi for Max Strus? Followed up by 2 2nd round picks for Paul Reed?
  22. Hart sucks. He's a bench rotation guy at best. He tries on D, but isn't a great defender. He doesn't shoot well enough to make up the difference.
  23. I don't see it. I don't see him as aggressive at all. He aggressively stands around and watches better than anyone, but that's about it.
  24. I know I've only been posting here a couple months, but i thought it was pretty obvious from my posts that I never look at data. Heck, I don't even know where the internet stores it's data. I'm all eye test all the time baby!
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