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Everything posted by akay

  1. What do you mean? Don't you know that he's changed the game
  2. I'm just saying, I got math behind my logic, you're just talking outta emotions
  3. We won 3 and lost 6 while Trae was out this season, extrapolate that to a whole season and you get about a 27 game win season. The math disagrees with you bud
  4. As long as we learn from our mistakes, last one being the Kevin trade, that's fine. Tony is a new owner figuring out how he wants to play his role with the Hawks, he made a horrendous decision last year that's still biting us in the ass, but it seems he's learned his lesson. Glad it's sooner rather than later, I'm excited to see what our team is gonna look like next year - feels like that's when we'll have legitimate deep playoff aspirations.
  5. They really boutta ship Hunters a** outta here aren't they lol
  6. I'd rather listen to Brad who actually has sources in the Hawks than Windy blowing smoke out his butt
  7. akay

    2023 Draft Thread

    Confirmed by Shams
  8. akay

    2023 Draft Thread

    Cam's workouts and medicals must've been horrible, what a fall
  9. akay

    2023 Draft Thread

    What up with Cam dropping so far? Is he injured? Bad interview?
  10. akay

    2023 Draft Thread

    If we can get 1 of Cam or Grady at 15, this is a good night
  11. akay

    2023 Draft Thread

    Lively aint it, glad they're taking him so we can't make that mistake
  12. akay

    2023 Draft Thread

    Mavs fans sad Hendricks gone, more likely now to get a deal done?
  13. akay

    2023 Draft Thread

    I wouldn't trade AJ for #10 straight up, they're wild
  14. akay

    2023 Draft Thread

    1 of Whitemore or Hendricks is gonna be there at 10, bye Clint
  15. akay

    2023 Draft Thread

  16. akay

    2023 Draft Thread

    Anthony Black cursed to get replaced by another guard that can't shoot in a couple years
  17. akay

    2023 Draft Thread

    Let's see if Zion is going to portland
  18. akay

    2023 Draft Thread

    Skipping Scoot is gonna be MJ's last big oof
  19. akay

    2023 Draft Thread

    I hope not, I want us pickin twice
  20. akay

    2023 Draft Thread

    I think we trade Capela + Kings pick for 10 and salary
  21. Draft Draft Scoot first pls
  22. Thanks for the info, interesting stuff. Question though for mods or anyone who knows, do we have to scrub Gradey's name every time? Is there a rule against bad language/a bot that blocks it?
  23. So save money while also being ok with going into the tax? Feels like an odd dichotomy
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