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Everything posted by akay

  1. For real, if coaches are "getting killed" by Trae, they gotta be doing something wrong. It's like I've heard - No happy marriage ends in divorce, so if our team was good and happy, coaches wouldn't have to go right?
  2. Ya but the knicks are always cheeks and Kobe was broken, he's the GOAT at handling personalities and getting players to buy into their roles which is exactly what our team needs
  3. Is this the prayer Trae has been asking for?
  4. It's wild you can have objectively, one of the best basketball coaches in the world coaching your team, and he's renowned for his defense, and the team still has a disaster class video on defense show up with defensive minded players What on earth was Nate doing???
  5. Accountability is interesting, I wonder who would have the authority and communication style to get people on the same page. Wish Phil Jackson was 15 years younger and open to coaching
  6. This is what makes life fun, never know when sh*t gonna pop for better or worse
  7. WOW!!!! Did not see this coming right now lol
  8. So the rest of his post made sense and you agree Trae should've been in over Demar and Jrue right?
  9. But you see, Jimmy is an Alpha Dawg who knows what he wants/needs, Trae is a toxic drama queen who can only make wrong decisions.
  10. I think we don't really know what happened, and to label ANY of our players toxic, there should overwhelming undeniable evidence before you start throwing labels around
  11. In a vacuum it's not a good thing, but with things like pride in play, I'm happy Trae says him/Atlanta aren't replacement after thoughts instead of getting the respect they deserve
  12. "Toxic Attitude" Can you please explain what part of Trae's personality is toxic? All the dude does is hoop and hang out with his fam/dogs
  13. I totally disagree about this, it's a big F*** you to Trae and Atlanta him being left off the starters/initial injury reserve. Could he swallow his pride and accept the pity reserve? I guess, but it feels like there's a right way and wrong way to be in the all star game depending on your talent level. Dejounte getting an injury replacement - cool, he's up and coming and not really much better than those ahead of him. Trae though is in the upper echelon of players in the league, and the disrespect is too much to handle. Trae wouldn't be Trae without this chip on his shoulder, and if we're worried about his accolades at the end of his career, I don't think it matters. Trae needs to bring 1 championship to ATL to solidify his legacy, these all star selections don't mean anything to me. Would it be cool to see an ATL jersey in the all star game? Sure, if there was respect given to it. Perhaps I'm still too young and growing, but personally cannot stand this type of disrespect and am happy Trae kept control of this situation. If he's fine sacrificing his personal accolades, why would I care? I am of the opinion of, be SO GOOD they can't ignore you and have to acknowledge your greatness, and if he wasn't a shoe in at his current level, just means keep grinding keep going and keep getting better. All star game is a joke now too, peaked after Kobe's (rip) death, and now it's a glorified layup line. TLDR: Trae right, screw the pity replacement accolades Until recently is half the season, he started out trash, but acting like the last 3 months haven't been good is disingenuous
  14. Ok, let's say Iversons game translates flawlessly and he gets better looks at the rim cause of modern spacing and his TS goes up significantly - How do you overcome the difference in playmaking abilities between Trae and AI? Trae's bread and butter is spamming the PnR and finding good looks out of that, but he's shown when plays break down he can still find a quality shot for himself or his teammates.
  15. Can you explain how AI's non spammy offense can overcome the difference in their efficiency and playmaking abilities? Trae shooting better from every part of the floor compared to AI + is waaaaaay better in the playmaking department. They're both small guards on defense so the difference on that end can't be that much in AI's favor, but I never saw AI play so can't say for myself.
  16. Imma have to respond so that lurkers don't buy the nonsense people be saying
  17. How can you say he peaked last year when he's at 29/10 on 60% TS for the last 25 games WITH the best defense he's played in his life. It's a benign question not based on reality
  18. But he's already better than all of them, and is in conversations with Isiah Thomas and Steve Nash, why would he out of nowhere drop to Brandon Jennings level? Just doesn't make sense
  19. And a healthy and mentally there Ben Simmons IS a HoF level impact player, but stuff happens and your career can be thrown off trajectory. Nothing has happened with Trae yet that would let me think he's boutta fall off / has peaked
  20. Odd seeing as how he's already mentioned alongside HoF players every time he breaks a new record or continues to play at a higher level than all the guys you've listed. What year is Traes career supposed to fizzle out?
  21. This non-red theme is killing my eyes x.x, it is nice and crispy with its functionality though. Thanks for the info
  22. Feel like Bones could have gotten more than a couple of 2nds
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